To many, the book of Revelation is a big turn off. It is seen by them as mysterious, and beyond comprehension. Indeed this would be the case if it were not for the sixty five books that precede it.
Having said this, there are many interpretations on God's final Word to His people. God is not the author of confusion. The Lord said; 'My sheep hear my voice', John 10.27.
Many professing Christians are actively encouraged by their pastors not to study this book. Indeed the writer received a similar admonishment as a new believer. And this, in spite of the blessing recorded in the 3rd verse of the first chapter!? It is a book with many names, words and phrases contained within that are bandied about by the unbelieving and mocking world: Such as Armageddon, pearly gates, the number of the beast (666), the Alpha and Omega, Gog and Magog, etc. It is a book that contains the final events of the history of mankind and the old adversary the Devil, or Satan, and confirms the coming fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies regarding the messianic kingdom, the new Jerusalem, and the resurrection of the just and the unjust.
It is our privilege as believers, to possess a knowledge of how all things pertaining to this present world will end. Moreover, unbelievers, throughout the world, especially in the west have knowledge that the Revelation does indeed contain information regarding the end times. It is a bizarre situation in many ways because the Bible is the worlds best selling book and is so easily available, not only in print, but online too. And yet this information is 'veiled' it cannot be believed or acted upon unless one is 'born again'. Did not the Lord say to Nicodemus 'Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.'? John 3.3. Isaiah prophesied regarding this blindness: The Saviour recited the prophet's words (Isaiah 6.9) in the gospels (Matthew 13.14, Mark 4.12, Luke 8.10), He said that though they had eyes, ears and a brain, that they would not see, hear and understand! It is a very sobering thought that men who have been to Bible schools, Seminaries and such establishments, and have been 'trained' to teach God's Word, are guilty of doing Satan's work. The false ministers of God's Word are perhaps more guilty than all the eastern mystics and soothsayers? They indeed 'hold the truth in unrighteousness', Romans 1.18? The spirit that was in Ahab keeps men from the prophecies of the Bible: 'And the king of Israel said unto Jehoshaphat, there is yet one man, Micaiah the son of Imlah, by whom we may enquire of the LORD: but I hate him; for he doth not prophesy good concerning me, but evil.' 1 Kings 22.8.
Conversely, where the study of Bible prophecy and the Revelation is actively encouraged it is possible to study and teach it amiss. Some would use stronger language and call these men false teachers. Chapter 20, verse 5 speaks of the 'first resurrection', in fact the words in my King James Version are affirmative: 'This is the first resurrection.', emphasis mine. What then does the Bible reveal as to the first resurrection? Who are to partake in it? And when does it take place?
If plain words mean anything, first means first; so it is impossible that there can be a resurrection that precedes the first resurrection, otherwise it would not be a first resurrection? Verses 5 and 6 clearly teach that an actual resurrection is taught, that is an actual bodily resurrection. This resurrection then will include every saved person that has ever died up to this point. The Scripture also teaches that the first resurrection cannot possibly take place until after the development of Antichrist and his reign, 2 Thessalonians 2.3. This first resurrection also takes place when the Lord Jesus Christ comes again in manifest glory, Matthew 24.30.
It is surely a great mistake to believe a doctrine that teaches Revelation 20.5 should be interpreted in such a way to plainly contradict other Scriptures? What is revealed in the Revelation is Holy Spirit inspired; shining further light on the Old Testament prophets and the New Testament writings, it is in harmonious accord, it is surely not opposed to what went before?
It is the writer's firm conviction that many professing believers are indeed blinded, they cannot see because they won't see. They have been blinded by Dispensational teachers who claim to be 'rightly dividing the word of truth', 2 Timothy 2.15. The words 'rightly dividing' has in it's meaning to 'handle aright', this is what the AV is conveying! This is confirmed by the margin in the Revised Version. Many Dispensational theologians use this Scripture in order to divide time into dispensations. The reality is that there are two dispensations of time, before and after the cross, indeed this would agree with the OT prophets as they understood it to be, the present age, and the messianic kingdom age. Indeed this can be confirmed by the secular world's dating system, though there is a Satanic attack on that!
For a 'believer' to hold to an 'any moment secret' coming or 'first resurrection' (for this is what it amounts to) before the Antichrist is revealed is believing in a doctrine that Scripture plainly does not teach.
S.P.Tregelles that most notable of Bible scholars (Hebrew and Greek) speaking of the pre tribulation rapture theorists said;
They have the scripture; they borrow it's phrases, applying them to their own cherished fancies, they take truths from it, but they apply them in connections not only false in themselves, but even in direct contradiction of what the word of God distinctly states. How can any learn from Scripture, if they maintain that events shall come to pass at a different time and in a manner directly contradicting what the Scripture says? Is a man a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ because he uses His name, while denying every material truth as to His very Godhead and very manhood, and the true substitutional sacrifice of His death? What, then, in a similar manner, should be said of those who hold a first resurrection differing in time, manner and circumstances, from THE first resurrection of which the Scripture makes mention? who expect a coming of Christ (such as He Himself said should never take place) without publicity, without manifested glory, without His taking vengeance on any, without His so taking the kingdom into his own hands that thenceforth anti christian blasphemy and persecution should be impossible? Must it not be said that Scripture terms have been applied to the opposite of Scripture truths?
There is much more I could write at the present moment, but for the sake of brevity will close after these last few sentences.
Earlier I mentioned that great blessing in the beginning of Revelation; 1.3, I must therefore speak of the opposite, right at the end of Revelation; 22.18-19. I find it hard to put into words, that is, the awful curse that men would find themselves under for adding to, or taking away from 'the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life.'
We are living in prophetic times, in an age of exponential technology and knowledge that has never existed before. With the internet and other media there is a seemingly endless rise of self appointed false teachers that plainly go beyond what God's Word plainly teaches.
We are living in prophetic times, in an age of exponential technology and knowledge that has never existed before. With the internet and other media there is a seemingly endless rise of self appointed false teachers that plainly go beyond what God's Word plainly teaches.
'My brethren be not many masters, knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation.' James 3.1. Wise counsel indeed.