Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Mrs Ford's KJV 1611 Bible printed 1837.

My wife was given this Bible by her parents sometime last year, it was handed down to them through the family. If you look at the third photo you will see a commentary on the 4th chapter of 1 Thessalonians. It is the 16th verse of this book that our pre tribulation brethren use to teach an "any moment rapture".
If we read the commentary on the 15th verse; I think we can safely conclude that this chapter is teaching the Second Advent will happen after the great tribulation!

Above is a commentary from 2 Thessalonians 2.3; this is clearly teaching that the apostasy will come first, and then the Antichrist. Is that not what the plain and simple reading of the text teaches? Not unless you believe that the Church and Israel have two separate destinies according to Dispensationalism!

On another note, what saddens me; flicking through the pages of this wonderful old copy of the 1611 KJV, is that the pages inside are like brand new. They look like they have never been turned, or even read. From what I can deduce, this Bible was only used as a diary to record dates of family births, deaths, marriages and Christenings etc; these were recorded on the inside covers where you can see for yourself the old English handwriting style and of course where the sunlight has aged the paper.

Monday, 11 March 2013

Mr B.W.Newton's Comments on Revelation 17 & 18

Revelation 17.

Babylon viewed morally, i.e. the moral system of ANTICHRISTIANISM.
Babylon has always been that in which men have combined against God, e.g.
 Genesis 11:1-9. The building of the tower of Babel.
 Joshua 7. The Babylonish garment ensnared Achan. Babylon's flattery allured Hezekiah to his city's destruction and his people's captivity, though he had been enabled to overcome it in war. Compare Isaiah 39 with Daniel 1:1,2.
 A "woman" is the symbol of a moral system. There are three "women" in Scripture representative of systems.

 1. False Christianity in Matthew 13.33; where a woman (mother church) is seen mixing leaven with meal: corrupting the Word of God with false doctrines and tradition.
 2.True Christianity in God's estimate in Revelation 12.1.
 3.The "harlot" of this chapter or "Babylonianism", a concentration of the world's seductive attractiveness centred in Babylon. This influence of worldly glory and splendour will extend over the ten Roman nations (compare v.1 with v.15) principally through commercial agencies (Zechariah 5:5-11).
 v.2. "It will also be a delusive intoxicating system which will attract the ten kingdoms-a reign of wealth that will minister to every tendency of human nature, to all the senses in display, power, taste, luxury-a delirium of pleasure throughout the civilized nations!"
 v.3. The "wilderness"; for the separate place will be the only one from which to view it rightly-outside or apart from it-for it will be the "Vine of the Earth"; and if we sip the cup of its wine, it will unfit us for a right judgment concerning it.
 It will be an infidel system, and will at first rule over Antichrist. The woman is seen "sitting on the Beast"; i.e.,controlling it! This is an earlier event in Antichrist's life than chapter 13. vv. 4,5. See Isaiah 47:8, for what Babylon will be in the sight of GOD, and what she will arrogate to herself. "That which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God."
 v.6. Persecution of those who oppose or testify against it; oppression behind the scenes of worldliness!
 v.8. This refers to a KING OF BABYLON. There was one in the past (Nebuchadnezzar). When John wrote, the Chaldean power had disappeared and there was not one ; but Antichrist will be King of Babylon when Babylon revives, and all in the ten kingdoms but the elect remnant will worship him!
 Nebuchadnezzar was the first king of Babylon;
 Antichrist will be the last.
 Nebuchadnezzar set up his image to be worshipped;
 Antichrist will do the same, so that he will reappear as the revived HEAD OF BABYLON, VIZ. "the beast that was, yet is not (when John wrote), but is yet to be".
 v.9. The "seven mountains" are what the "seven heads" are to the beast in chapter 13-all the ruling systems of the world -the sources of authority.
 vv. 10,11. A parenthetical passage, giving information as to the various modes in which power has been exercised during the world's history. These will be closed by Antichrist. See his doom in chapter 19:20.
 "The five fallen"-Nimrod's native monarchy.
Israel's theocracy. Babylon's autocracy. Persia's aristocratic monarchy. Greece's military oligarchy. "One is"-Rome's democracy. "The other not yet come"-Plutocracy or Babylonianism. "The eighth"-Antichrist.
 v.12. These ten kings are not existent yet, but they will be when Antichrist arises, for they will reign concurrently at the same hour with him (Daniel 7:8).
 v.13. This will be the final step taken by these kings. They will come to an agreement to give their armies and support to Antichrist and will elect him as their leader, thus cutting themselves off from Salvation (chapter       14:11)! "Be wise now therefore, O ye kings ", is the exhortation to such (Psalm 2:10-12).
 v.14. See Daniel 8 :11, 25. They will accompany Antichrist in his last attempt to overthrow Jerusalem, and they will with him meet with judgment from the Lord Himself Who, accompanied by the risen saints (many of whom having refused to worship Antichrist will have been killed by him), will prevail and prove His title to the Name that Antichrist will have assumed of King of Kings (chapter 19:16)!
 v.15. See v.1 and Jeremiah 51:13.
 v.16. Read "The ten horns which thou sawest and the beast" (Dr Tregelles). This is the time when Antichrist, having destroyed Babylonianism, becomes supreme. Chapter 13 follows here as to time.
 v.17. See Isaiah 55:11, 10:5,6, 23. Daniel 9:27.
[At present this Babylonian system is restrained (2 Thessalonians 2:6,7); the great restraining influences being  Ecclesiasticism and Popery; but that which is helping most towards bringing it in is the Broad Church principle of Latitudinarianism, with no distinction of creed and an ignoring of definite Truth as revealed in Scripture.]

Revelation 18-19:10.

BABYLON, the great City and the Metropolis of Antichrist's kingdom viewed literally and Physically; i.e., in it's outward aspect; the position it will occupy among men as the great emporium of COMMERCE. It's inner workings and moral principles we find in Zechariah 5:5-11 under the emblem of an Ephah or measure denoting commerce, in which a "woman" is working secretly and evilly. That godlessness will be developed manifestly in "the land of Shinar", and this chapter 18 describes it's manifestation.
vv. 1,2 shew what it's End will be first, that we may contemplate its greatness in the light of these words. What God purposes is in His sight already done. He can speak of the future as if it were past.
 v.3. It will be a great commercial city, which Rome never was; a proof that it does not mean Rome. It will allure and intoxicate with its attractions.
 v.4. God's call to such as have "ears to hear"; conscience to feel; faith to believe what God has said of its doom while yet it is in all its attractive glory; and wisdom and grace to discern the signs and obey Christ's command to leave the place of judgment before being driven out by force, as Lot out of Sodom. "Behold I have told you before". Believers who heed not Prophecy or this caution will share in these earthly judgments, even though their souls be saved. Babylon will be during the Millennium what the "cities of the plain" are in this Dispensation-a monument of God's justice.
 v.7. To them it might be said "Your joy shall be turned into sorrow". Costliness, refinement, luxurious enjoyment will characterise Babylon. These will ensnare the godly; intoxicate the nations; and the ten kings (whose metropolis it will be) will be entangled with its splendour and luxuries. These and its sudden fall are here detailed.
 vv. 10-14. It will be the emporium of the luxuries of the earth. The list of its merchandise contains little that is useful or sinful in itself, but merely what is for man's gratification.
 v.15. The "market" of the world being destroyed, the merchants and manufacturers of these things (whose depots are there) will be ruined, having expended capital in material and labour with no prospect of sale for them then! But the destruction will occur just before the Coming of the Lord; and it is to this doubtless that Christ refers in Luke 21:34,35, when cautioning Christians whose worldly all may have been suddenly lost in Babylonian loans, Euphrates valley shares, etc.; against their hearts being "overcharged with cares of this life". He urges them not to be anxious (excited), as there will be no further need of it, for this utter destruction of Babylon will immediately precede the Coming of the Lord. In reference to this, how seasonable the injunction "Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth".
 vv.16-19. The universal cry in the leading cities of the ten kingdoms on the announcement of Babylon's fall! Jeremiah 1:9-16 and 51.27-32 shew the agents in its destruction will be nations from the East. See chapter 16:12.
 v.20. Heaven's estimate of it.
 vv.21-23. It will be consigned to everlasting oblivion.
 v.24. It's system will have honoured all evil ones in its Latitudinarianism godlessness and will therefore be responsible for all the persecutions of those systems!
 Chapter 19:1-10. The first "Hallelujah" in Heaven will be over Babylon's fall!
 vv.7-9. The subject of the book of the Revelation is not CHRISTENDOM, so there is no description of the gathering of the saints here.
From other Scriptures we may find they are raised, to to come with the Lord (17:14).


Thursday, 7 March 2013

The Sons of God.

The subject of the Nephilim is one which there are two different view points. Obviously one is true, the other false. There are many today believing doctrines that are not grounded in Scripture. These teachings, some call 'Jewish fables' others, downright lies. The Bible interprets itself and we should ever follow this principle. There is nothing wrong with the study of extra canonical writings, but we should never try to formulate Biblical doctrines from such sources. There are Bible teachers and pastors that are teaching things that are now in the realms of science fiction, they have no place for God's people, only in that cesspit known as Hollywood. How long will it be before film makers start to call on these teachers?

Reading through the 4th and 5th chapters of Genesis, we see clearly the genealogies of the Sethites and Cainites. They did not intermingle until Genesis 6.2. There was a 'fatal attraction'; the 'Son's of God' 'saw the daughters of men that they were fair'. That the lineage of the 'Son's of God' sprang from Seth, is verified by Scripture; Genesis 4.25: 'God hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel, whom Cain slew'. And what of the lineage of Cain, the worlds first murderer? Is he not 'of that wicked one'? 1 John 3.12. Which wicked one?

Undoubtedly the 'Sons of God' is clearly referring to angels in Job 1.6 and 2.1. But this does not follow that this term has the same meaning in Genesis 6.2. John 1.12 teaches; 'as many as received him, to them he gave the power to become the son's of God, even to them that believe on his name'. God undoubtedly created humankind and the angelic host, they have both been termed as 'Son's' in these respective passages.
One may ask, 'How could the intermarriage of the seed of Seth and the seed of Cain produce giants?' To which our reply would be, 'How could the  intermarriage of angels and men produce giants?' In the Bible, when angels have assumed the form of man, no superior physical stature has ever been mentioned, read Genesis 18.2 and 19.5 for example. The Lord Jesus said that angels are not 'given in marriage'; Matthew 22.30, Mark 12.25. The Lord says   that angels do not procreate, they do not have children. Is this not the contextual teaching of these two Bible verses?
The inter mixture of Sethites and Cainites however was very likely to produce a race of superior bodily constitution  These two races continued separately for long ages, and they intermarried with near kindred, so they must have degenerated greatly; and therefore the inter mixture of the two would have given rise to a stronger race.
We read that giants were after the flood when Israel intermarried with the Moabites. If inter marriage with angels was required to produce giants in the time of Noah, it must have been needed again afterwards to produce them in the time of Israel. Anak must have married an angel and his sons Ahiman, Sheshai and Talmai, who are called Nephilim, must have been semi-angels. Then, some of Anak's ancestors must have also married angels, seeing that it is said that the 'Nephilim' were sons of Anak (Numbers 13.33), but he himself was of the same race, being half an angel and half a man. With this in mind Anak's wife must have been a female angel, whereas in Noah's day the angels that descended to earth must have been male. And these created beings are asexual, if the teachings of the Lord Jesus are to be understood aright?
Throughout the 6th of Genesis we are informed that it was man's sin that was so great in the earth; that it was on account of man's sin that the deluge came. But if as many today would have us believe the old 'Jewish fables' then it was not man's sin that wrought the evil but the sin of angels. To to any right thinking person it is clear that they are the guilty parties in this transaction, if they were parties at all! If the 'Sons of God' were angels then is mankind to be judged for the sin of angels? If on the other hand the 'Sons of God' were the Sethites, the representatives of the patriarchal Church how natural is the whole scenario! The Sethites were the 'salt of the earth' (Matthew 5.13), and once the salt had lost it's savour, then was the world ripe for God's judgment?
An old time writer asked 'What sort of creatures could the offspring of men and angels be?' 'Would they be men or would they be angels?' And could they produce offspring? From my very limited knowledge of science, I understand that different genera cannot breed offspring. If when it does happen as in the case of horses and donkeys which produce mules, the offspring becomes sterile.
Where exactly would these 'half angels' stand in relation to Christ as regards salvation? Being semi man and semi demons? Could they believe on Him who took not on Him the nature of angels, but who took on Him the seed of Abraham? Hebrews 2.16. Could they be washed in His blood? Could they be condemned for rejecting Noah's message about the promised seed of the woman? What was the seed of the woman to those who did not belong to the human race?

The ramifications of this horrid doctrine end I know not where. The Saviour when speaking of the 'days of Noah' said 'they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage', so He said it will be in the days of the 'coming of the Son of man'. There is wholesale and ever increasing widespread apostasy in our age.
As believers we should warn the ungodly of the wrath to come, of the eternal burning that awaits those who reject the gospel. As Noah a preacher of righteousness proclaimed salvation to the then lost world, kept himself separate and undefiled from the world, we should do likewise.