Soteriology is the theological speak for the doctrine of salvation. But what are we being saved from? Most would say this is a daft question, for surely that is obvious? However, are we only desiring salvation because we don't want to burn in the lake of fire forevermore or because we desire righteousness and holiness? There are those who profess Christ as Lord and Saviour who think little of sinning, they would appear to want to be saved in their sins as opposed to from their sins. Matt.1:21. Justification happens in a moment, as does glorification, but sanctification is an on-going process. Justification is something which we possess, sanctification is something which we experience, and glorification something which we anticipate. Believers know (or at least they should do) that there are essentially two people groups in the great plan of God, the righteous and the unrighteous, there are no others. The former will inherit the kingdom of God, Matt.6:33, and the latter, the everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels. Matt.25:41. There are no other final destinations apart from these two, though the Bible does talk of degrees of reward, and degrees of suffering in each*. This is a hard subject, for taken to its extreme we may be guilty of thinking that the lowest position in the kingdom of heaven is but only a shade above the highest position in hell! How can this be? There can be no want of anything, suffering, or feelings of remorse in God's eternal kingdom, neither any little bliss in the lake of fire! There will be no partying in the 'upper' reaches of the lake of fire.
Using an open fireplace as an analogy for the lake of fire, I suppose the least 'comfortable' place in there would be in the hub as it were, where the coal is burning at its most intense, and therefore the most 'comfortable' place in there would be where the flames are less intense, that is higher up in the fireplace, so in the case of hell, the upper reaches of the lake of fire would be more 'pleasurable'?
But really, heaven and hell are as far apart as heaven and hell! there is no contiguity; in Luke 16:19-31 we read that there was a great gulf fixed (v 26) and this was when the righteous and unrighteous dead were in Hades down below, that is before the Saviour's resurrection after which He led captivity captive. Eph.4:8.
The Bible says of the eternal state (after the coming millennial reign) that the former things shall not be remembered, nor come into mind. Is.65:17. It seems that we won't have the capacity to consider the eternal and wretched plight of the damned (unlike the reverse). Perhaps, at the Lord's Second Advent when His saints receive their glorified bodies in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye (1 Cor.15:52a) that a 'light bulb' moment will happen, and we will with Abraham know that the Judge of all the earth has done right. Gen.18:25. The apostle Paul said; now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. 1 Cor.13:12**. The whole panorama of the ages will become as clear as crystal, there will be no more riddles to solve as it were.
In the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, we note that the rich man called Abraham Father Abraham; whilst 'alive' he may have offered sacrifices at the temple, attended his local synagogue, performing rituals and formal duties, as many professing Christians do today, yet all the while, not being a child of God, how solemn!
*Some of the NT judgment passages that speak of differences of rewards and punishments; Matt.16:27, Luke 10:12-15, Rom.2:6, 14:12, 2 Cor.5:10, 1 Pet.1:17, Rev.2:23, 20:12-13, 22:12.
1 Cor.15:41 seems to infer that there will be differences in glory between the risen saints.
1 Cor. 3:8 suggests that rewards will be unique per individual saint, yet the Saviour said they are all unprofitable servants having done that which was our duty to do. Luke 17:10.
The subject of judgment, punishments and rewards is no easy thing to pin down, but the true humble saint will know to sit down in the lowest place. that when He that hath bidden thee cometh, He may say to thee, Friend go up higher. Luke 14:10 (RV).
**Dr John Gill's exposition on this verse is well worth a read.
We believe in the Lord Jesus Christ's personal return to this world as conquering and reigning King. His return will be post tribulational according to the Scriptures. The prevalent view of the Second Advent among the rank and file of Christianity is an 'any moment' coming of Jesus Christ, known as the pre trib rapture. This errant view is birthed out of the movement known as Dispensationalism, which is utterly unbiblical, and should be exposed as contrary to God's Word.
Thursday, 7 February 2019
Sunday, 3 February 2019
Following The Way Of Balaam.
Can a professing Christian be following the way of Balaam, rather than The Way without knowing it?
What exactly is the way of Balaam? The Bible said that he loved the wages of unrighteousness, 2 Pet.2:15. Surely, no man, would knowingly sell his soul to the devil and forfeit his eternal salvation? The Lord Jesus asked what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? Matt.16:26. Reading the context of this verse, it is clear that he would give the whole world if he could.
The Bible says the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, 1 Tim.6:10, covetousness is idolatry. Col.3:5. What is idolatry? it is the worship of idols, or false gods, which is why the Lord said No man can serve two masters: for he will either hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. Matt.6:24. What a dark place to be in, a professing believer in God in Christ and yet all the while despising Him!
Money in and of itself is not evil; a very good servant, but a wicked master. It is not only the rich and famous prosperity Word Faith gospel peddlers and the American mega-churches that are guilty of the love of money, for many smaller ministries have the customary DONATE button on their homepages, and I am very sure they will receive gladly what is sent! Now, I am clueless as to how much on-line giving is going on, but is it right for any Christian to solicit financial gain? The Saviour said freely ye have received, freely give, Matt.10:8. In the context, the Lord told His disciples not to take any money with them, for the workman is worthy of his meat. (food RV). Matt.10:10. The households who received the Gospel gladly would provide His disciples with food and whatever else they needed to go on with their mission. How 'far' we have come from those days! In our day with the hierarchical denominational church structure fully dependent upon the unbiblical tithe and the 'free-will' offering bags, direct debits, legacies, and what is it all for? How many insincere ministers there are in organised religion! they enter Bible colleges and train up in the way so they think, knowing they will receive remuneration, manse, and various privileges that come with the job. On the back page of the weekly newsletter in the Baptist Union Church I used to attend was Malachi 3:10a in bold print; Bring ye the whole tithe into the storehouse, the 'storehouse' being the church! Of course when Malachi was written the tithe was an Old Testament institution, it was required of Israel to bring in tithes to the Levitical priests; When ye take of the children of Israel the tithes which I have given you from them for your inheritance, Num.18:26. The temple was still standing, and the Levites had no inheritance apart from God who required the Israelite's to provide for them. The LORD said to Aaron, I am thy part and thine inheritance among the children of Israel. And behold, I have given the children of Levi all the tenth in Israel for an inheritance, for their service which they serve, even the service of the tabernacle of the congregation. Num.18:20-21.
Now, turkeys don't vote for Christmas, and the ministers, pastors, reverends etc that are reliant upon their congregation for their upkeep are hardly going to enlighten them! It is all about give, give, give and giving today! How the Scriptures have been twisted for financial gain! I have heard some say "the workman is worthy of his wages", but the Scripture doesn't say that; rather, the workman is worthy of his meat, Matt.10:10, and from what was written earlier, we can see how that verse has been wrested from its rightful context to be given an entirely different meaning. Why should there be any need for a full time minister? Paul was a tent maker (Acts 18:3), Peter and Andrew were fishermen (Matt.4:18-20) as were James and John (Luke 5:10), Matthew was a tax collector (Matt.9:9), though not for much longer! he was no doubt the wealthiest. Not all the apostles occupations are known, but no doubt they all worked, most probably as fishermen (1 Tim.5:8, 1 Thess.4:11 etc).
The godly Anglican Bishop Ryle of Liverpool said of the whole of Matt.10;
"This chapter is one of peculiar solemnity. Here is the record of the first ordination which ever took place in the Church of Christ. The Lord Jesus chooses and sends forth the twelve apostles...We are taught in the first place, that all ministers are not necessarily good men. (italics in the original)...He includes in the list of His apostles one who was a traitor!" (Judas Iscariot).
From Expository Thoughts on Matthew.
Ryle doesn't address Matt.10:10 in particular, but the noted Bible expositor Dr John Gill does.Of the expression the workman is worthy of his meat, he writes;
"which seems to be a proverbial expression, and by which Christ intimates, that they were workmen, or labourers in his vineyard, and they, discharging their duty aright, were entitled to food and raiment, and all the necessities of life: this to have was their due; and it was but a piece of justice to give it to them, and on which they might depend. So that this whole context is so far from militating against a minister's maintenance by the people, that it most strongly establishes it; for if the apostles were not to take any money or provisions with them* to support themselves with, it clearly follows, that it was the will of Christ, that they should live by the Gospel, upon those to whom they preached, as the following words show: and though they were not to make gain of the Gospel, or preach it for filthy lucre's sake; yet they might expect a comfortable subsistence, at the charge of the people, to whom they ministered, and which was their duty to provide for them."
Now, I don't argue against everything Dr Gill says, but who decides what is "a comfortable subsistence"? And where does it say anywhere in Scripture that ministers should live of the Gospel?
Granted, 1 Cor.9:14 says exactly that! Even so hath the Lord ordained that they which preach the Gospel should live of the Gospel. (my emphasis). The apostle then goes on to say four verses later, What is my reward then? Verily that when I preach the Gospel, I may make the Gospel of Christ without charge, that I abuse not my power in the Gospel. Without charge! What, then was his reward? The following verses clearly teach that it was to gain them that are under the law (Jews), and them that are without law (Gentiles), that is to the saving of their souls!
In the context of those who labour in word and doctrine, the Scripture says the labourer is worthy of his reward. 1 Tim.5:17-18. But, again what is the reward? On the theme we are following, Luke 10:7 should settle the matter; And in the same house remain, eating and drinking such things as they give: for the labourer is worthy of his hire. Those that received the Gospel gladly to the saving of their souls, would provide food, raiment, and other necessities to the Gospel foot soldiers.
We should ever remember that in the apostolic times the New Testament Church met in peoples houses! (Acts 8:3, Romans 16:5, 1 Cor.16:19, Col.4:15, Phile.1:2 etc).
How did we get to where we are today? Doubtless, the pagan Roman Church had a big hand to play in it all, developing an organised institution, of which its influence has remained in the Reformed Churches to our day. The Bible in no uncertain terms says the love of money is the root of all evil, 1 Tim.6:10, not some, or most,but all evil. Money became the vehicle at every level that would bring worldliness, covetousness, and the desire to be rich among professing Christian teachers. They sell their books, DVDs and other materials to what end? Is it to the glory of God, or for their own fame and fortune? Let us be assured that the One who searches the minds and hearts, Rev.2:23 will know! And who can stand when He appears? For He is like a refiners fire and like fullers' soap. Mal.3:10.
What would Paul and the rest of the apostles make of it all? little wonder he said in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 Tim.3:1. If anyone is listening; cancel those direct debits, legacies and the like to your local church and other ministries! (especially if it is solicited), and don't press that DONATE button! Let them trust in God alone, for He will provide; Will He provide meat for His people? Ps.78:10. Think on these things.
*Dr Gill assumes that because the Lord Jesus commanded them (the apostles) that they should take nothing for their scrip, no bread, no money in their purse, Mark 6:8, that this subsequently means that any man preaching the Gospel of Christ is entitled to a salary! Rather, I would say He did so, for He knew that there would be households en-route that would provide for them, so they had no need to take anything, and also the weight of the baggage would have seriously encumbered them in the hot, dusty Judean climate.
For we walk by faith, not by sight. 2 Cor.5:7.
What exactly is the way of Balaam? The Bible said that he loved the wages of unrighteousness, 2 Pet.2:15. Surely, no man, would knowingly sell his soul to the devil and forfeit his eternal salvation? The Lord Jesus asked what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? Matt.16:26. Reading the context of this verse, it is clear that he would give the whole world if he could.
The Bible says the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, 1 Tim.6:10, covetousness is idolatry. Col.3:5. What is idolatry? it is the worship of idols, or false gods, which is why the Lord said No man can serve two masters: for he will either hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. Matt.6:24. What a dark place to be in, a professing believer in God in Christ and yet all the while despising Him!
Money in and of itself is not evil; a very good servant, but a wicked master. It is not only the rich and famous prosperity Word Faith gospel peddlers and the American mega-churches that are guilty of the love of money, for many smaller ministries have the customary DONATE button on their homepages, and I am very sure they will receive gladly what is sent! Now, I am clueless as to how much on-line giving is going on, but is it right for any Christian to solicit financial gain? The Saviour said freely ye have received, freely give, Matt.10:8. In the context, the Lord told His disciples not to take any money with them, for the workman is worthy of his meat. (food RV). Matt.10:10. The households who received the Gospel gladly would provide His disciples with food and whatever else they needed to go on with their mission. How 'far' we have come from those days! In our day with the hierarchical denominational church structure fully dependent upon the unbiblical tithe and the 'free-will' offering bags, direct debits, legacies, and what is it all for? How many insincere ministers there are in organised religion! they enter Bible colleges and train up in the way so they think, knowing they will receive remuneration, manse, and various privileges that come with the job. On the back page of the weekly newsletter in the Baptist Union Church I used to attend was Malachi 3:10a in bold print; Bring ye the whole tithe into the storehouse, the 'storehouse' being the church! Of course when Malachi was written the tithe was an Old Testament institution, it was required of Israel to bring in tithes to the Levitical priests; When ye take of the children of Israel the tithes which I have given you from them for your inheritance, Num.18:26. The temple was still standing, and the Levites had no inheritance apart from God who required the Israelite's to provide for them. The LORD said to Aaron, I am thy part and thine inheritance among the children of Israel. And behold, I have given the children of Levi all the tenth in Israel for an inheritance, for their service which they serve, even the service of the tabernacle of the congregation. Num.18:20-21.
Now, turkeys don't vote for Christmas, and the ministers, pastors, reverends etc that are reliant upon their congregation for their upkeep are hardly going to enlighten them! It is all about give, give, give and giving today! How the Scriptures have been twisted for financial gain! I have heard some say "the workman is worthy of his wages", but the Scripture doesn't say that; rather, the workman is worthy of his meat, Matt.10:10, and from what was written earlier, we can see how that verse has been wrested from its rightful context to be given an entirely different meaning. Why should there be any need for a full time minister? Paul was a tent maker (Acts 18:3), Peter and Andrew were fishermen (Matt.4:18-20) as were James and John (Luke 5:10), Matthew was a tax collector (Matt.9:9), though not for much longer! he was no doubt the wealthiest. Not all the apostles occupations are known, but no doubt they all worked, most probably as fishermen (1 Tim.5:8, 1 Thess.4:11 etc).
The godly Anglican Bishop Ryle of Liverpool said of the whole of Matt.10;
"This chapter is one of peculiar solemnity. Here is the record of the first ordination which ever took place in the Church of Christ. The Lord Jesus chooses and sends forth the twelve apostles...We are taught in the first place, that all ministers are not necessarily good men. (italics in the original)...He includes in the list of His apostles one who was a traitor!" (Judas Iscariot).
From Expository Thoughts on Matthew.
Ryle doesn't address Matt.10:10 in particular, but the noted Bible expositor Dr John Gill does.Of the expression the workman is worthy of his meat, he writes;
"which seems to be a proverbial expression, and by which Christ intimates, that they were workmen, or labourers in his vineyard, and they, discharging their duty aright, were entitled to food and raiment, and all the necessities of life: this to have was their due; and it was but a piece of justice to give it to them, and on which they might depend. So that this whole context is so far from militating against a minister's maintenance by the people, that it most strongly establishes it; for if the apostles were not to take any money or provisions with them* to support themselves with, it clearly follows, that it was the will of Christ, that they should live by the Gospel, upon those to whom they preached, as the following words show: and though they were not to make gain of the Gospel, or preach it for filthy lucre's sake; yet they might expect a comfortable subsistence, at the charge of the people, to whom they ministered, and which was their duty to provide for them."
Now, I don't argue against everything Dr Gill says, but who decides what is "a comfortable subsistence"? And where does it say anywhere in Scripture that ministers should live of the Gospel?
Granted, 1 Cor.9:14 says exactly that! Even so hath the Lord ordained that they which preach the Gospel should live of the Gospel. (my emphasis). The apostle then goes on to say four verses later, What is my reward then? Verily that when I preach the Gospel, I may make the Gospel of Christ without charge, that I abuse not my power in the Gospel. Without charge! What, then was his reward? The following verses clearly teach that it was to gain them that are under the law (Jews), and them that are without law (Gentiles), that is to the saving of their souls!
In the context of those who labour in word and doctrine, the Scripture says the labourer is worthy of his reward. 1 Tim.5:17-18. But, again what is the reward? On the theme we are following, Luke 10:7 should settle the matter; And in the same house remain, eating and drinking such things as they give: for the labourer is worthy of his hire. Those that received the Gospel gladly to the saving of their souls, would provide food, raiment, and other necessities to the Gospel foot soldiers.
We should ever remember that in the apostolic times the New Testament Church met in peoples houses! (Acts 8:3, Romans 16:5, 1 Cor.16:19, Col.4:15, Phile.1:2 etc).
How did we get to where we are today? Doubtless, the pagan Roman Church had a big hand to play in it all, developing an organised institution, of which its influence has remained in the Reformed Churches to our day. The Bible in no uncertain terms says the love of money is the root of all evil, 1 Tim.6:10, not some, or most,but all evil. Money became the vehicle at every level that would bring worldliness, covetousness, and the desire to be rich among professing Christian teachers. They sell their books, DVDs and other materials to what end? Is it to the glory of God, or for their own fame and fortune? Let us be assured that the One who searches the minds and hearts, Rev.2:23 will know! And who can stand when He appears? For He is like a refiners fire and like fullers' soap. Mal.3:10.
What would Paul and the rest of the apostles make of it all? little wonder he said in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 Tim.3:1. If anyone is listening; cancel those direct debits, legacies and the like to your local church and other ministries! (especially if it is solicited), and don't press that DONATE button! Let them trust in God alone, for He will provide; Will He provide meat for His people? Ps.78:10. Think on these things.
*Dr Gill assumes that because the Lord Jesus commanded them (the apostles) that they should take nothing for their scrip, no bread, no money in their purse, Mark 6:8, that this subsequently means that any man preaching the Gospel of Christ is entitled to a salary! Rather, I would say He did so, for He knew that there would be households en-route that would provide for them, so they had no need to take anything, and also the weight of the baggage would have seriously encumbered them in the hot, dusty Judean climate.
For we walk by faith, not by sight. 2 Cor.5:7.
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