Sunday, 21 July 2019

Medical advice only half right?

Further to my last post, the following is an excerpt from the New York Times March 16th 2003.

DR. Lisa Sanders, M.D. writes:

"A decade ago, I stood alongside my 99 fellow freshmen as we were welcomed into the ranks of medicine in a 'white coat ceremony.' Here, on our first day of med school, we were presented with the short white coats that proclaimed us part of the mystery and the discipline of medicine. During that ceremony, the dean said something that was repeated throughout my education: half of what we teach you here is wrong-unfortunately, we don't know which half. At the time it was hard to believe. Within those walls, in the anatomy lab, in the lecture hall, you feel that you are being shown the secrets of how the body is put together, how it lives, how it works, how it dies. It has the feel of authority and certainty. Like math, it has a feeling of inevitability. But now, as a practicing doctor and teacher of residents, I relive that dean's aphorism daily. Medicine is, and always has been, an evolving discipline. And this necessarily means that what we know about medicine is constantly changing; that medicine is forever putting forth, and simultaneously upending assumptions. This is particularly true at this moment. Virtually all of our medical therapeutic options are being questioned, evaluated and re-evaluated by researchers across the globe."

Dr. Sanders admits that some top professors in medical school acknowledge that "half" of what they teach may be wrong. So in which "half" are you going to put your faith?

It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man. Psalm 118:8.


Seventy percent of doctors treating Medicare patients flunked an exam on their knowledge of prescribing for older adults (Public Citizen Newsletter, July 2002).

In 2013, of the 43,982 drug overdose deaths in the United States, 22,767 (51.8%) were related to pharmaceuticals ("Prescription Drug Overdose in the United States: Fact  Sheet.", March 2, 2015).

Doctors with the worst malpractice records keep treating patients: Among the nearly 100,000 doctors who made payments to resolve malpractice claims from 2001 to 2011, roughly 800 were responsible for all the dollars paid and their total payouts averaged about $5.2 million per doctor. Yet fewer than one in five faced any sort of licensure action by their state medical boards ("Thousands of doctors practicing despite errors, misconduct." USA Today, August 20, 2013).

The cost of drug-related injuries and deaths in the U.S. are estimated at $136 billion annually, with ADRs (Adverse Drug Reactions) occurring for about 5-20% of hospital patients (Modern Pharmaceutical Industry: A Primer, 2010).

And I am sure things are no better this side of the pond!

Medical doctors and science: have they gone beyond their remit?

Medical doctors and science: have they gone beyond their remit?

I truly believe so!

Does the Bible speak well of doctors (physicians)? In the Old Testament they were only able to embalm a dead body (Gen.50:2) and they couldn't even heal good king Asa's feet (2 Chron.16:12). In the New Testament they are mentioned some six times (Matt.9:12, Mark 2:17, 5:26, Luke 4:23, 5:31, 8:43) and this in an entirely negative context, as contrasted with the Saviour's healing mission; "healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people." Matt.4:23. His success rate was nothing short of  one hundred percent! In Col.4:14, Luke is mentioned as "the beloved physician", but this commendation was not said for his abilities as a doctor (in the natural, his ability would be the same as the rest), only that he was a constant and faithful companion of Paul's on his missionary journeys. Luke would have been addressed as "the beloved shoemaker" if that were his occupation.
"And a woman having an issue of blood twelve years, which had spent all her living upon physicians, neither could be healed of any." Luke 8:43. Is it any different today? Does it not appear something of a lottery whether or not men and women gain any brief respite from their ailments from their visits to doctors surgeries? But, when the woman "touched the border of His garment: immediately her issue of blood stanched." Luke 8:44, such was the power of the Physician! People feel they have to do something, for example; it is a fact that people die when they do have chemotherapy, they also die if they don't, and vice versa. Those that have undergone chemotherapy who receive the "all clear" will never know whether or not they would have survived without this 'treatment', yet no doubt they will believe their 'survival' or remission, rather, was entirely due to the course of action they undertook. Every man, woman, and child that has ever lived, and will yet live, has a precise appointment with death that cannot be circumvented. The time appointed and the circumstances thereof are fixed in God's eternal counsels; "declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure." Isaiah 46:10. "It is appointed unto men once to die" (Heb.9:27a), on this verse Dr Gill writes;
"Not a moral, or what is commonly called a spiritual death, nor an eternal one, but a corporeal one; which does not arise from the constitution of nature, but from the sin of man, and God's decree on account of it, by which it is fixed that men shall die, and how long they shall live, and when they shall die; so that they cannot die sooner nor later; all things antecedent to death, which lead on to it, and issue in it, are appointed by God, and so death is itself, with all its circumstances; men's days can neither be lengthened or shortened either by Christ himself, or others: and this statute and appointment of God concerns men, not angels, and reaches to all men, wicked and righteous.."*

Is it not a sad and sorry sight to behold, when you see very old and frail people making regular visits to their Medical Doctor's (MD) in the vain hope that they will somehow come up with a course of medication/drugs to cure them, or an "elixir of youth" as it were, to reverse their aging process? for that is what they are really looking for, otherwise why visit physicians? Much is made these days of "progress" in the field of medical science and technology, yet, where is it? Is man any nearer to "cracking cancer" today than he was 100 years ago? Cancer, along with all other forms of diseases will daily claim their victims until the grand consummation. The pharmaceutical giants (or should we say the corporate sorcerers?) continue to rake in the money from governments worldwide, getting ever richer on the promise of a false dawn that will never appear. In Matt.9:12 the Lord said to the Pharisees "They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick.", and who isn't sick? all outside of Christ are sick, yet they know it not! (Isaiah 1:5-6). None would apply to the Physician, unless "the Father which hath sent Me draw him." John 6:44. and it is here, on this pivotal point that the great controversy on salvation in the Church of Christ ever rumbles on-why choose him? why not her? why me? and on it goes! but, on this, here I digress.

I recollect reading an article in the New York Times some years back that had a profound effect on me (March 16th 2003) as written by Dr Lisa Sanders MD (she was one of the 99 freshmen present in the white coat ceremony); the freshmen as they were inducted into medical college were told by the dean, "We know that half of what we teach you here will be wrong, but unfortunately we don't know which half!"

"There is no new thing under the sun." as the preacher of old said.

It should be remembered that drugs are mentioned in the Bible, 'masked' as it were, by the English word sorcery, which comes from the Greek word pharmakeia, from which the word pharmacy originated, from whence people obtain their so-called 'medications'! (see Gal.5:20 (witchcraft), Rev.9:21 & 18:23). Witchcraft and sorcery are words that evoke images of old hags with pointed hats mixing herbs, spices, dead rats, and what have you, in a great boiling cauldron casting curses as they go! And is it any different in today's 'sanitised' pharmaceutical world? for the same results are produced-mind altering drugs! People without faith, and to a lesser extent those with little faith are heavily reliant upon drugs. It is reported that "Scotland has the highest number of drug related deaths in Europe and the numbers are continuing to rise at an alarming speed." (BBC News 17/07/19). It is not just illegal drugs that is the cause of these deaths and suffering, the report highlights prescription drugs as being a significant factor. This report makes depressing reading; David Liddell, of the Scottish Drugs Forum;
"We estimate around half of those on methadone (heroin substitute)** are on too low a dose, so what is happening for individuals is they are then forced to top up on street drugs. Thats fuelling the poly-drug use problem that we have and leading to deaths as a result."

I have witnessed unbelieving elderly relatives who right up to the very last cling to the vain and sad hope that their MD's would somehow defeat death on their behalf, but alas, as always, their hopes were in vain, for "it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment" Heb.9:27.
The particular relatives in question, my wife and I would on many occasions witness the Truth to them, yet I believe it was to no avail. Let us remember that the Gospel of Christ has the effect of hardening hearts as well as softening them: "For we are unto God a sweet savour of Christ, in them that are saved, and in them that perish: to the one we are the savour of death unto death;and to the other the savour of life unto life. And who is sufficient for these things?" 2 Cor.2:15-16. (my emphasis). Some words never escape your memory; I recollect a Pentecostal preacher saying "how can you get through to a fence-post?" True-we can't! it is only God's Holy Spirit alone that can do it. Only God's Holy Spirit can savingly lead a sick (even 'healthy' sinners are sick!) sinner to the great salvation through the blood of the Master Physician. The Physician Himself said "They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance." Mark 2:17. The AV is correct on "the physician, for the RV changed it to "a physician". As if any old physician could do what He does! All others "are all physicians of no value." as Job exclaimed! (Job 13:4). The word physician is only mentioned Eleven times in the AV, and the one other place it occurs that I haven't mentioned is in Jeremiah 8:22, where Dr Gill observes correctly that "Christ is the alone physician". Yes, prophets in the Old Testament pointed sinners to the coming Redeemer in the-one Church of Christ in all dispensations.

What then is the remit that physicians in our day operate within?
They would tell you that there is none-for boundaries (in their view) are being constantly extended.
In my opinion, they can do no more than embalming, setting broken bones, stitching and healing wounds, applying soothing ointments, treating severe burns, amputations, and very basic surgery. These things, and no doubt some more, they can do with a high rate of success, but when compared to the Physician their best efforts are as abysmal as trying to kill an elephant with a child's toy water pistol!
There was a time in our nation when Christian Physicians were allowed to point their patients in the direction of the Master Physician, but alas, no more, if they were to do so today, they will find themselves struck off the medical register.

Each Christian has to make up his own mind as to how far he should go with man's devices. As Christians grow in faith they will learn to seek God's will on how to deal with matters pertaining to health and well-being through prayer. Each of us has the personal responsibility to use medical help according to our understanding and our faith-not someone else's. And God's word tells us "whatsoever is not of faith is sin." Rom.14:23.

*Dr Gill goes on to write about two notable exceptions, Enoch and Elijah, yet, if these saints are the "two witnesses" in Rev.11 then even these two saints will be appointed to die before being resurrected (see Rev.11:7-11).
The Scripture also teaches that there will be those saints who will not taste death, for at the Lord's Second Coming "we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them (those who were dead in Christ-v.16) in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.." 1 Thess.4:17. Those alive at His Coming will be "changed" see 1 Cor.15:51-52.

**Back in 1979-80 I was prescribed methadone to help me with my heroin addiction. By rights I should have sunk further into the abyss, but thanks be to God in Christ for His saving grace He pulled me out of it, though at the time I knew it not.

Thursday, 11 July 2019

Would I do evil if I knew that I could get away with it? and the Holiness Movement.

The eyes of the LORD are in every place, Beholding the evil and the good. (AV)

The eyes of the LORD are in every place, Keeping watch upon the evil and the good. (RV)

Proverbs 15:3.

Shortly after leaving school, I said to an electrician after observing his marked attention to detail; "Why make all the effort to be so tidy? the wires can't be seen-they are hidden under the floor boards!" To which he replied; "Nothing is hidden from the Lord!" His reply somewhat perplexed me, and I didn't ask him to clarify what he meant; I kept quiet for he was a much older man (yes-youngsters did respect their elders back then!), and just took him to be some kind of religious nut case!

Being honest with myself (a good place to start!) even as a true believer, if I thought I could get away scot-free (that is free from eternal punishment from God), would I consciously commit a sin today? I struggle with this, for I believe that I would, wouldn't we all? no judgment, and yet the promise of eternal bliss! but how can I sin? for Jesus said "if you love Me, keep My commandments" John 14:15! To consciously sin is to trample "under foot the Son of God, and count the blood of the covenant unholy thing." Heb.10:29. God's word says there is a judgment coming on this world! So much for the *Wesleyan holiness movement; which teaches that a man can be perfectly holy this side of the first resurrection! How be so? in bodies ravaged with sin about to perish! But, really, my question is not a real one, for it is hypothetical, and such questions are useless. Regardless, even "man at his best state is altogether vanity." Psalm 39:5, for sin is part of our fallen nature, we cannot escape from it, it is the warp and woof of our very being; it permeates our entire structure. David said it all; "I was shapen in iniqity in sin did my mother conceive me." Psalm 51:15. Sin is natural to us, is not a single sinful thought a sin? (no matter how little it is?) and who bar the Holy One hasn't had a single sinful thought? Is not Romans 7 the experience of the true believer? 

The Scripture says; "Be not wise in thine own eyes: Fear the LORD and depart from evil. It shall be health to thy navel, and marrow to thy bones." Proverbs 3:7-8.
It is the fear of the LORD that makes one depart from evil, for the true believer's conscience is pricked at every 'little' sin, even 'little' sinful thoughts . Isn't it this fear of the Lord that restrains the true believer? The fact is he knows that All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. 2 Tim. 3:16. So, when a true believer knows that the eyes of the Lord are in every place, he knows that God is keeping a close watch on him-what greater incentive can there be not to sin? Righteousness is imputed to the true believer, not imparted as the Romanists would have us believe, it is a legal transaction, God in Christ "purchased with His own blood" (Acts 20:28) His elect. There is no baptismal regeneration; regeneration is God's work alone, His people being "quickened by the Spirit." (1 Pet.3:18). Yet, for all this wonderful work of God's gracious Spirit, while remaining in the flesh there remains two natures in the "born again" believer; hence the admonition in Rom.12:2; "Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind." Sanctification is a life-long process! we are never perfected in the flesh only at the first resurrection, until then we are to "grow in grace" (2 Pet.3:18) and Peter should know! In this life "the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that you would." (Gal.5:17) see Romans 7:23, better still, read the whole chapter.

Of the holiness movement, to say as Robert Pearsall Smith does, that he is "as a dead miser in the presence of a bag of gold" when tempted with sin. B.W. Newton (1807-1899) writes in his Thoughts on Scriptural Subjects (Respecting Sinlessness):

"The writer has drawn no clear distinction between the temptation of Him in whom no sin was, and the temptation of those in whom sin is. Yet, without the the recognition of this distinction between the Holy One and ourselves, it is impossible that any right conclusion can be arrived at on the question
we are considering."
Newton in the preface to his treatise writes of this "modern doctrine" as he called it back then (1871):
"To oppose any who seem desirous of aiding the progress of God's people in the way of holiness, is a painful duty. Yet it is a duty, if in such efforts any deflection from God's revealed Truth be traceable. The Spirit of holiness is also the Spirit of Truth. He cannot swerve from that which He has Himself spoken. The Scripture is His testimony; consequently, the authority of Scripture, and the authority of the Holy Ghost, are co-equal. Every divergence, therefore, from the testimony of the Holy Ghost, must be anxiously withstood.

 In recent history the Pentecostal Holiness movement was given something of a "shot in the arm" by Dr. Martyn Lloyd Jones (MLJ), for he taught (in his later life) that the so-called spiritual gifts had not ceased, and that the baptism of the Holy Spirit was a distinct experience from conversion, and that you should seek this baptism!* I had always been wary of MLJ for this reason and therefore never read any of his work apart from a small pamphlet. Upon reading an excellent treatise by Paul Fahy (Understanding Ministries) on "Modern Antinomianism" (2nd July 2019) I discovered exactly where MLJ was in error. MLJ did not understand the two conflicting natures that exist in the regenerate man, he gave licence to one naturism and fuelled the Pentecostal error.

*See my post on MLJ; 28th July 2018.

Friday, 5 July 2019

Hath God said?

Then spake Joshua to the LORD in the day when the LORD delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel,
Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon; and thou moon, in the valley of Ajalon.
And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, Until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies.
Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day. And there was no day like that before it or after it, that the LORD hearkened unto the voice of a man: for the Lord fought for Israel.

Joshua 10:12-14 KJV.

Did the sun and the moon stand still in the above narrative, or did the earth stop spinning and stand still-which is it?

Lets read what Dr John Gill writes on these verses:

"How this is to be reconciled to the Copernican system, or that with this, I shall not inquire."

Well, I do inquire! the theories of men have put obstacles in the way of believing exactly* what God has said. Is it so difficult to believe that God could make the sun and the moon stop in their tracks? for He put them up there on the fourth day (or should I say down there?), Genesis 1:14-16, though some of the Bible commentators here mentioned tell us that the sun was always there on the first day, but the veil was lifted off it on the fourth day, or words to this effect.

Matthew's Henry & Poole, and Jamieson, Fausset & Brown's Bible commentaries on these verses offer some very strained interpretations, due to their believing the heliocentric theory that the earth is spinning around the sun. Also their earth is infinitely smaller than the sun, whereas it is the reverse that is true!
Now, if God stopped the earth from spinning and kept the inhabitants of the earth from flying off into space by His great power, I would believe it, but the only problem with this thesis, is that there are some seventy odd verses in the Bible that speak of the motion of the sun and moon, but you will search its sacred pages in vain to find even one minute suggestion anywhere, that the earth moves!
Dr Edward Young in his "Studies in Genesis One" (Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co.) writes on page 95:

 "It should be noted, however, that the work of the fourth day is not a creatio ex nihilo, but simply a making of the heavenly bodies. The material from which the sun, moon and stars were made was created, i.e., brought into existence, at the absolute beginning**. On the fourth day God made of this primary material the sun and moon and stars, so that we may correctly assert that the creation of these heavenly bodies was completed on this day. In similar vein we may also say that on the third day the creation of our globe was completed, although the primal material of the globe was first brought into existence at the absolute beginning. If we were to employ the language of day four with respect to the first work of day three we might then say that although the earth (i.e., in its original form) was created in the beginning, nevertheless, on day three God made the earth."

What are we to make of this nonsense? Dr Young has contradicted what God has said! What saith the Scriptures? "And God made (ex nihilo) two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: He made the stars also....And the evening and the morning were the fourth day." Genesis 1:16-19 (my emphasis). With this sort of 'exegesis' or should I say eisegesis, is it any wonder that the book of Genesis (origins) has come under such fierce attack when God's people write in this way? Sadly, many Christians sound in the Faith would agree with Dr Young's convoluted mishmash, but more to the point, what does God think of this? And reader what do you believe?

Truly, the Roman Catholic Church kept the masses steeped in ignorance, idolatry, and superstition. Little wonder the era just before that great move of God (the Reformation) was called the "The Dark Ages"! Sadly the Copernican system stuck with us; it became the 'scientific' explanation of the heavens above, nevertheless the Saviour said "Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences must come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh!" Matthew 18:7. How many people have been caused to stumble as a direct result of the Copernican system? Many errantly think that modern science/astronomy has proved the Bible wrong! The 'vast' distances in the cosmos became the springboard for vast ages from whence sprang Darwinism (evolution). Without billions of miles (or light years) billions of years would have had no foundation in man's theorizing of how the origins of the universe came to be; evolution could not have gained a foothold. Not that there is a universe per se, only the heavens: the Bible speaks of a "third heaven" 2 Cor.12:2, so there is a heaven far above the firmament where the Almighty resides (Isaiah 66:1, Acts 7:49).

On the bright side, the above named theologians, believed and taught salvation by God's free sovereign electing grace through Christ's blood alone. Which is what I believe and teach, nevertheless, let us believe what God has said-and not twist His words? Why is it that God's word must bend to the theories of men rather than believe what is plainly written; so much so that a child of ten could understand? Likewise Dispensationalism bends "what is written" to the machinations of men, teaching two or more Second Comings of Christ, albeit one to the air and one to the earth separated by some seven years or more.

I must update and edit my online book soon "Antarctica, Does it End? Hast thou comprehended the breadth of the earth? Declare if thou knowest it all."

*Men often stumble when interpreting Scripture because of symbolic language in various places (but even here-symbols represent literal realities), but where are the difficulties in understanding the creation narrative? it is written in plain speech that a child can understand it!

**On this reasoning, we may say "Although man was created on the sixth day, he was really made in the beginning on the first day, because the primal material was all there for God to complete His work on the sixth day!"

Monday, 1 July 2019

Ephesians 6:24

Grace be with all them that love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity. Amen. (AV)
Grace be with all them that love our Lord Jesus Christ in uncorruptness. (RV)
Ephesians 6:24.

Many Christians don't tend to dwell on the apostle's sign-offs, they appear to be nothing more than a "cheerio", "cheers", or "God bless" and the like. I have also been guilty of such, for we tend to dwell on, and study what we consider to be the more 'weightier' verses, forgetting that there is much instruction in these parting salutations, for they are all inspired words.
From this verse alone it doesn't take too much straining of the grey matter as it were to understand that it is possible to love the Lord in insincerity, or corruptness.

Among the most frightening verses in the Bible are the Lord's words in Matt.7:21-23, where those whom owned Him as Lord hear those awful words, I never knew you: depart from Me, ye that work iniquity. They were never His! yet for all their 'good' works which they thought they had done in their various ministries, healing, deliverance, prophesying etc, were all in vain! Let us not think that it is only the Word of Faith charlatans He is addressing here, the parallel verses in Matt.25:41-46, contain the same scolding words to those who claimed prison visiting among their 'good' works!

I know of some Christians who have visited prisoners in their 'prisons' (hotels!) in our day, I believe just to tick that particular box off! Now, as for prison visiting back in the the bygone ages when prisons were prisons....