Saturday, 27 February 2021

The Creed. The Wisdom of A.W.Pink (1886-1952).

There are two great basic truths which run through Scripture, and are enforced on every page: that God is sovereign, and that man is a responsible creature; and it is only as the balance of truth is preserved between these two that we are delivered from error. The Divine sovereignty should not be pressed to the exclusion of human responsibility, nor must human responsibility be so stressed that God's sovereignty is either ignored or denied. The danger here is no fancied one, as the history of Christendom painfully exhibits. A careful study of the Word, and an honest appropriation of all it contains, is our only safeguard.

We are creatures prone to go to extremes: like the pendulum of a clock in motion, we swing from one side to the other. Nowhere has this tendency been more sadly exemplified than in the teachings of theologians concerning the security of the Christian. On the one hand, there have been those who affirmed, Once saved, always saved; on the other hand, many have insisted that a man may be saved today, but lost tomorrow. And both sides have appealed to the Bible in support of their conflicting contentions! Very unwise and unguarded statements have been made by both parties. Some Calvinists have boldly declared that if a sinner has received Christ as his Saviour, no matter what he does afterward, no matter what his subsequent life may be, he cannot perish. Some Arminians have openly denied the efficacy of the finished Work of Christ, and affirmed that when a sinner repents and believes in Christ he is merely put in a salvable state, on probation, and that his own good works and faithfulness will prove the deciding factor as to whether he should spend eternity in Heaven or Hell. 

Endless volumes have been written on the subject, but neither side has satisfied the other; and the writer for one, is not at all surprised at this. Party-spirit has run too high, sectarian prejudice has been too strong. Only too often the aim of the contestants has been to silence their opponents, rather than to arrive at the truth. The method followed has frequently been altogether unworthy of the "children of light". One class of passages of Scripture has been pressed into service, while another class of passages has been either  ignored or explained away. Is it not a fact that if some Calvinists were honest they would have to acknowledge there are some passages in the Bible which they wish were not there at all? And if some Arminians were equally honest, would they not have to confess that there are passages in Holy Writ which they are quite unable to fit into the creed to which they are committed? Sad, sad indeed, is this. There is nothing in the Word of God of which any Christian needs be afraid, and if there is a single verse in it which conflicts with his creed, so much the worse for his creed.

Now the subject of the Christian's security, like every other truth of Scripture, has two sides to it: into it there enters both God's sovereignty and human responsibility. It is failure to recognize and reckon upon this which has wrought such havoc and created so much confusion. More than once has the writer heard a renowned Bible-teacher  of orthodox reputation say, "I do not believe in the perseverance of the saints, but I do believe in the preservation of the Saviour." But that is to ignore an important part of the truth. The New Testament has much to say on the perseverance of the saints, and to deny or ignore it is not only to dishonour God, but to damage souls.

There have been those who boldly insisted that, if God has eternally elected a certain man to be saved, that man will be saved, no matter what he does or does not do. Not so does the Word of God teach. Scripture says, God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation, through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth." 2 Thess. 2:13, and if a man does not "believe the truth" he will never be saved. The Lord Jesus declared, "Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish" Luke 13:3; therefore, if a sinner, does not "repent", he will not be saved. In like manner, there are those who have said, If a man is a real Christian, no matter how he may live in the future, no matter how far or how long he may backslide, no matter what sins he may commit, he is sure of heaven. Put in such a way, this teaching has wrought untold harm, and, at the risk of our own orthodoxy being suspected, we here enter a solemn and vigorous protest against it.

The writer has met many people who profess to be Christians, but whose daily lives differ in nothing from thousands of non-professors all around them. They are rarely, if ever, found at the prayer-meeting, they have no family worship, they seldom read the Scriptures, they will not talk with you about the things of God, their walk is thoroughly worldly; and yet they are quite sure they are bound for heaven! Inquire into the grounds of their confidence, and they will tell you that so many years ago they accepted Christ as their Saviour, and "once saved always saved" is their comfort. There are thousands of such people on earth today, who are nevertheless, on the Broad Road, that leadeth to destruction, treading it with a false peace in their hearts and a vain profession on their lips.


Monday, 1 February 2021

The Great Reset, A Brief Analysis.

The Great Reset is an oft used term in certain quarters (illuminati's, Bilderbergers, call them what you will) to describe the New World Order after the covid 19 dust is now starting to settle; I believe the uncertainty will persist to around 2024. By then most will be so worn down, brainwashed and reset to accept once cherished freedoms of the pre covid 19 era will never return. The UK government is now spending money at a rate that is clearly unsustainable, the coffers will run dry, then what? Furlough schemes and other 'business support' measures of every type will have hitherto 'rescued' the people, but at what price? Remember, this is all planned (as far back as the 17th-18th centuries), but more recently, back in 2012 the 'enlightened' World Bank president Jim Yong Kim said:

"A 4- degree warmer world can, and must be avoided - we  need to hold warming below 2 degrees ... Lack of action on climate change threatens to to make the world our children inherit a completely different world than we are living in today. Climate change is one of the single biggest challenges facing development, and we need to assume the moral responsibility to take action on behalf of future generations, especially the poorest." (They 'care' about them-I'm sure!)

In recent years we have had a great many 'global' conferences with climate change/'global' warming being very top of the agenda. Davos which hosts the World Economic Forum, an annual meeting of 'global' political and business elites since the 1970s under Satan's guidance (though they know it not: Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning) have been plotting how to bring about the New World Order, a "sustainable" future as they call it. Have the elite money men been visiting Davos for the scenery, or planning the Great Reset; which is it!? Many of these elite think the world population should presently be no more than 250-500 million, contrast those figures with the present world population of approximately seven billion! Such is their 'utopia', mass depopulation-'global' genocide!

When the planned covid 19 eventually wreaks total financial havoc upon the nations, they will turn to the lenders of last resort, the International Monetary Fund, which is itself dependent upon the World Bank. And with the aim of extinguishing personal and business debt, poverty etc., all the nations will be subject to draconian terms and conditions which I believe will so restrict personal movement; no more foreign holidays, people driving from north to south and east to west, even in their own countries, and of course, personal property rights will disappear! The mythical 'carbon footprint' must be eliminated at all costs, and Now! Remember we are constantly told that we live on a finite 'planet' that cannot support the continued population growth; a damnable lie! for God said Be fruitful and multiply. Every measure; vaccines, abortion controls, prescription drugs and many others will do their nefarious work. By the time the present vaccination madness fallout ends around 2024, the nations will be enforcing the new dystopian and permanent measures upon their people; The New World Order completed! This may be the very time when we see the prophesied ten kingdoms finally rise to prominence (ten horns: Daniel 7:7,20,24, Revelation 12:3, 13:1,17:3, 17:7, 17:12, 17:16). The ten horns answer to the feet that were of iron and clay Daniel 2:34, upon whom Christ the Rock will grind him to powder. Matthew 21:44. This coming immediately after Revelation 17-18 which prophesies of a literal rebuilt city of Babylon, which will be the great city and metropolis of Antichrist's kingdom. This literal city will literally rise out of this planned pandemic, be assured of this. Many struggle with a literal interpretation, but God hath said it. The builders left off to build the city Genesis 11:8, and they will return to finish it. 

We don't need to be 'brain of Britain' to see that the four UK governments and throughout the world have totally nobbled the tourist, aviation, and hospitality industry, but kept manufacturing industry* and the transport hub alive to keep the supermarkets stocked, do we? I believe there will be a massive population cull in the next few months and years ahead; the pharmaceutical giants and scientists will not be held accountable for the coming mass slaughter (this side of the Lord's Return); governments have already granted them immunity against prosecution! We have already been told in advance that new strains of the mythical covid 19 virus can mutate at any time! Scientists and their backers can fool the masses at all times, hence the well known expression "blinded by science" The Bible calls it science falsely so called 1 Timothy 6:20. It is of note that in the wider context from v17-19 the inspired apostle warns against them that are rich in this world! But, of these that were highminded, they didn't trust in God but in their riches, and instead of Laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come they did the exact opposite! The wealthy bankers financed and used the false science to their own destruction! Truly they be blind leaders of the blind, both shall fall into the ditch. Matthew 15:14. This 'pandemic' has been compared with the great wars, so the scientists and their backers won't be culpable for this mass slaughter, having already been granted indemnity by the government. 

The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender. Proverbs 22:7.

Apart from the elite super rich, everyone else is poor! And it will be found that the nations will be servant to the lender! THE BANKERS!

But have no fear; For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? Matthew 16:26.

*Without industry, manufacturing, and trade, the future Babylon couldn't come to pass. There is talk of electric airplanes, but it is interesting that only ships are mentioned in Revelation 18. Truly we are in an age of great deception; the Lord warned against deception many times, especially in His Olivet Discourse immediately prior to His Return. I know not how many years we are from this but I have a feeling it will be within the next 20-30 years. It took approximately 20 years to build the modern city of Dubai (I visited in 2002), but the money behind the Babylon rebuild will make Dubai look like small change!