Sunday, 30 December 2018

Share the Gospel? A few thoughts...

Share the Gospel?

I received an e-mail from the ecumenical Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) on 28th December with the heading saying "Help Share The Gospel All Donations Matched-Now Through December 31st!"

Yes - today it is all about donations and financial chicanery!

But, is such phraseology as "share the Gospel" even biblical? Search for this phrase in the King James Version, and you will not find it written once. The closest perhaps is 1 Thess.2:8, where it reads So being affectionately desirous of you, we were willing to have imparted unto you, not the Gospel of God only, but also our own souls, because ye were dear unto us. Some lesser, much later English versions have "share the Gospel" rather than having it imparted unto you. And this but once in the entire New Testament! But, surely, to have imparted unto you, means to have first had it preached unto you?

When this hitherto once great nation of ours was more biblically literate in the dim and distant past (i.e the post Reformation period of the puritans), Christians would not have talked about "sharing the Gospel", the clarion call would have been to PREACH THE GOSPEL! declare it LOUDLY and PROCLAIM it! this very phrase is used, (plus its various derivative forms such as preaching the Gospel, preached the Gospel, etc) some 41 times in the King James Version of the New Testament. Furthermore, it is written that God now commandeth all men everywhere to repent. Acts 17:30. There is an urgency in all of this, for a man's life is even a vapour, Jam.4:14. The Lord said compel them to come in, Luk.14:23, and behold, now is the day of salvation, 2 Cor.6:2. Hell has enlarged herself and opened her mouth without measure, Is.5:14, hell fire is increasing in intensity, the flames are being fanned, yet people in this day and age talk of "sharing the Gospel!" as if they were sharing a bag of sweets! The sense of urgency in our gratuitous age of plenty has been all but silenced and stifled. Even the poorest among us seem to have everything; so why do we need God; and if we do become Christians, don't we have to give, donate, tithe and the like to the charlatans such as CBN and the rest?

Friday, 28 December 2018

The Pleiades

According to accepted secular astronomy the Pleiades are the "seven sisters". The "seven sisters" are reckoned to be "an open star cluster containing middle aged, hot B-type stars located in the constellation of Taurus. It is among the nearest star clusters to Earth, and is the cluster most obvious to the naked eye in the night sky. (source Wikipedia).

What are we to make of this? The Bible says that the Pleiades (Job 38:31) are the The seven stars (RV, margin), and as noted above, secular science/astronomy based on heliocentricism, use this term to describe an entirely different group of celestial bodies. They impose the view that the Pleiades are altogether a different group of heavenly bodies to what the Bible teaches them to be.

There are seven stars orbiting above the Earth, however, according to Wikipedia and accepted secular astronomy there are eight planets, including 'planet' Earth! (which is not a planet). Left to Scripture alone, we know the Earth is stationary, that is it doesn't move (geocentric). But, are the seven planets, as we have hitherto understood them to be, actually planets at all? What exactly is a planet? It is said in the margin of 2 Kings 23:5 (the only mention of "planets" in the entire Bible) that the planets are indeed the twelve signs, that is what most know to be the zodiac, of which the monthly prognosticators give forth their predictions! It would seem that confusion prevails if the Christian tries to understand biblical cosmology through secular astronomical wisdom, it cannot be done. The Pleiades, then as the Bible speaks, would have us know that what the secular astronomers consider to be the eight (seven) planets are in reality seven stars that orbit above the earth under the roof of the firmament. As for the other stars, that is the Comets, meteors, and asteroids, I believe that, these also, come under the category of stars. Smaller and less frequently sighted stars, such as Halley's 'comet' for example, come into view every seventy or so years; such is their elongated orbit.

So the celestial bodies given the names of Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, are according to God's word, stars that are in constant motion, perhaps there may be a case for categorizing them under the heading of wandering stars, Jude 1:13? But, I understand they have a fixed orbit. The other stars known as comets, meteors, and asteroids, would certainly come under this heading because they have a more 'random' celestial path.

Man ever tries to reverse God's order and change what is written in His word, but a day is fast approaching when a greater than king Ahusuerus is coming, when what is written in the King's name, and sealed with the King's ring, may no man reverse. Esther 8:8.

Monday, 17 December 2018

Hyper-spiritually sensitive?

This very morning my wife brought back this photo of Mitre Peak, Milford Sound, NZ, which belonged to her late parents, they did visit the place. It had a prominent position on their living room wall. I must have seen it many times, and to me it just looked like a nice landscape portrait. When she brought the picture in from the car, she inadvertently left it the 'wrong' way round on the hall floor, and intended to have it hung up somewhere. I came down the corridor and exclaimed "that's Baphomet!!!". She wondered what on earth I was on about at first, then she could clearly see it. Needless to say, we will get rid of it!

My late father in law was a Freemason, and I do wonder if he knew there was more to this image?

Do you see Baphomet?

Thursday, 13 December 2018

Radical Islam.

Driving my car today on my little journey into Stornoway I 'chanced' upon a BBC news report on the recent shooting in Strasbourg that has left four dead and many others injured; one apparently brain dead, and six others more than seriously injured.
The reporter, whose name was a certain Hugh Scofield, kept referring to "radical Islam"; he was insistent upon emphasizing throughout his short narrative, that this latest terror attack of whom its instigator shouted "Allah Akbar" whilst he was perpetrating his wicked act, that the perpetrator thereof had been radicalized: The inference being that Islam is absolutely fine, just as long as you don't obey the more radical precepts of its doctrine!  However, the grand question is; what is it in Islam that gives rise to said radicalization ? Why is it that men like scofield and the wider media aren't prepared to dig a little beneath the surface and find the truth? Those that perpetrate such wicked acts as the one just described are being absolutely faithful to the Koran; otherwise, why would they carry out such atrocities in the name of their god?

We all well know by now, that after such terror attacks, the standard practice for the imams, Muslim councils, and other so-called 'non-radicalized' Muslims is to publicly condemn these attacks, but, do they privately? Taqiya permits Muslims to lie through their teeth! so how can you trust what any of them say? I do not say that there aren't nominal Muslims out there, who call themselves such, because they were born to Muslim parents, that would do such things, but, what of those who take their 'faith' seriously?

Because of the sixth Commandment; Thou shalt not kill, Ex.20:13, many Christians will not take up arms, and does the Bible anywhere, in any place, permit any to tell lies? Absolutely not! Thou shalt not bear false witness, Ex.20:16, all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. Rev.21:8. And remember, of the holy city, new Jerusalem, Rev.21:2, it is written that there shall in no wise enter into it, anything that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie. Rev.21:27a.