Curse ye Meroz, said the angel of the LORD,
Curse ye bitterly the inhabitants thereof;
Because they came not to the help of the LORD,
To the help of the LORD against the mighty.
Blessed above women shall Jael
The wife of Heber the Kenite be,
Blessed shall she be above women in the tent.
Judges 5:23-24.
Notice here the "curse" of Meroz and the "blessing" of Jael; they contain lessons for all time. No place can now be identified as Meroz. That is unnecessary; but when its people were called to help towards God's cause they refused! It was a negative rather than a positive sin. Some now who are unconverted boast and delight in neutrality. It gives less trouble and they call it their religion. They are not atheists, but like Meroz, they do nothing. They do not want to know the Truth; arguing, that "as one says one thing and another another, how are they to know what is right?" instead of taking the trouble to find out from Scripture. It is a despicable thing to say "I don't join anyone;" so remember the curse of Meroz. You must either love or hate Christ, for not to love is to hate. Ponder on 1 Cor. xvi. 22, "If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ let him be accursed when the Lord cometh!" The curse of Meroz lies on such, and it stretches on to the coming of the Lord and to Eternity!
Among Christians too, are some who confuse earnestness with fanaticism; but read Christ's words to the Laodiceans . Does He like lukewarmness? Why do you go on without making sure what is right? Being a resolute follower of Christ is not being a fanatic. Each one should ask himself whether he is with God's people or with the world. The people of Meroz were not in earnest. They only begged to be let alone; but if these truths are from God, they do concern one and all. Some are like Meroz as regards work for the Lord while there is much around waiting to be done. All God's servants are called to serve now. Have you a work for God every day like you have in earthly things? You know what your work in life is; so you should your work for God. All are called to do something and not be idle. There is a curse on spiritual inactivity which brings spiritual disease. The soul gets dulled and all interest in Divine things dies out. So be earnest and active; not neutral and selfish. You must be either with Christ or against Him.
Jael was not like Meroz, yet not perfect. She had no right to tell a lie but she was right to kill Sisera, though she should have done it in a right way.
Studies in the Book of Judges.
By Dr C.Y. Biss.
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