Sunday, 29 September 2019

The Objects of The Sovereign Grace Advent Testimony (London)

The objects of the Sovereign Grace Advent Testimony (London) are:

1. To teach the nearing approach of our Lord's return. James 5:8.

2. To hold forth the Truth and to expose and resist error. Jude 3.

3. To note passing events in the light of 'The Scripture of Truth.' 2 Peter 1:19.

4. To unfold the Word of God by comparing Scripture with Scripture. Acts 17:11.

5. To encourage missionary endeavour, and all service for Truth. Acts 1:8.

6. To comfort and strengthen those who seek to stand with the Lord, apart from abounding lawlessness. 2 Timothy 2:19.

7. To call for separation from false ecumenism. 2 Corinthians 6:14-18.

 What sound Christian would disagree with the above?

Mt. Sion or Mt Zion, or both?

Until digging deeper I had hitherto believed that Mt Zion and Mt Sion were interchangeable names for the very same location, much like, for example, Elijah and Elias, Isaiah and Esaias, Jonah and Jonas etc are interchangeable names in the OT and NT for the very same men; but is this so?
We all know where Mt Zion is, don't we? but what of Mt Sion?

"Mt Sion (the same is Hermon)" Deut.4:48 (RV).

Mt Sion was called "Sirion" by the Sidonians, see Deut.3:9, so Mt Sion is really an abbreviation for Mt Sirion which was also known as Mt Hermon as the Scripture teaches. The southern slopes of Mt Sion extend to the northern boundary of Israel, and as Dr Gill says in his commentary on Deut.4:48, "Here Hermon has another name Sion, and is to be carefully distinguished from Mount Zion near Jerusalem; it lying in a different country, and being written with a different letter in the Hebrew language. (My emphasis). "Carefully distinguished"?  rightly so! why then did the revisers change the phrase Mt Sion to Mt Zion in the only two places this term is mentioned in the New Testament? (Heb.12:22 & Rev.14:1). The noun "Sion" is mentioned a total of nine times in the Authorized Version (Deut.4:48, Ps.65:1, Matt.21:5, Jn.12:15, Rom.9:33, 11:26, Heb.12:22, 1 Pet.2:6 & Rev.14:1), and apart from it's first mention in Deut.4:48, the revisers changed it to Zion. What is the justification for this? for they are two different names, and locations!

It has long been Christian tradition that the Mount where the Lord Jesus was "transfigured" (Matt.17:1-8, Mark 9:2-8, Luke 9:28-36) is Mt Tabor, however certain competent Bible expositors as Jamieson, Fausset and Brown write of the mount of transfiguration:

"A mountain-not Tabor, according to long tradition, with which the facts ill comport, but some one near the lake." (Emphasis mine).

Three apostles were with the Saviour when on the mount of transfiguration; James, John and Peter, and in the context of this event the Lord was teaching of His coming kingdom (Matt.16:28), so is it any wonder Peter was inspired to write "Behold I lay in Sion, a chief cornerstone, elect, precious.." 1 Pet.2:6? He saw the glorified Lord! Glorified in the same location as the mount contiguous with the heavenly Jerusalem! This is where the apostles "were eyewitnesses of His majesty" 2 Pet.1:16! Granted, he was citing Isaiah 28:16, where "Zion" is clearly delineated, yet Peter chose a different Hebrew name "Sion"! Similarly, John did the same in John 12:15 where the apostle cites from another OT prophet, Zechariah (quoting Zion-Zech.9:9) He writes "Fear not daughter of Sion: behold thy King cometh, sitting on an ass's colt."
Turning to Heb.12:22-23, we read that "ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and unto an innumerable hosts of angels, to the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven..." Of Mt Sion, in Heb.12:18-20, it is said "ye are not come unto the mount that might be touched, and that burned with fire, nor unto blackness, and darkness, and tempest, and the voice of words; which voice they that heard intreated that the word should not be spoken to them anymore..if so much as a beast touch the mountain, it shall be stoned, or thrust through with a dart." The elect are come to Mt Sion the heavenly city contiguous with where the Lord's glory was seen on earth, the believer puts his hope in the heavenly Sion, not the earthly Zion, for we are "strangers and pilgrims on the earth"; with Abraham we look for that heavenly city! (Heb.11:10-13).

Mount Sion then, is contiguous with the heavenly Jerusalem, as Mount Zion is to the earthly Jerusalem, they are two very different mounts. Mt Sion is associated with "the Jerusalem which is above" Gal.4:26, "the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven" Rev.3:12, 21:2, 21:10. Mt Sinai "answereth to the Jerusalem that now is" Gal.4:25, and therefore to the earthly Zion in Jerusalem.

It can be established, therefore, that Mt Sion is north of Jerusalem, and I believe the heavenly city* will be visible from the earth throughout the coming 1000 year reign of Christ, we will see its glory much as we presently see the glory of the sun and the moon. The heavenly city will be some 1500 miles square and high! this almost takes one's breath away! Dispensationalists have long taught (since circa 1830) that there is a distinction between the Church and Israel, whereas the truth is they are one in Christ. The King will rule the earth from the heavenly city with His glorified saints who will be given their various cities to reign over, (see Luke 19:12-27). The "church of the firstborn" Heb.12:23; the glorified bride of Christ, that is all those purchased by His blood from Abel to the first resurrection, at His Second Coming, will be able to enter the twelve gates of this city, and thereafter, those mortals on earth saved by His everlasting grace during the millennium. From the heavenly city, I believe the saints will be able to see the expanse of the entire earth, as the Lord Jesus did in Matt.4:8 & Luke 4:5. Yes, we are not on a tiny spinning globe. The mount which Satan took the Lord Jesus up to, I believe must have been of an otherworldly nature like the heavenly mt Sion/Jerusalem-"in the heavenly places" see Ephesians 1:3,20, 2:6, 3:10.

"Beautiful for elevation, the joy of the whole earth, Is mount Zion, on the sides of the north, The city of the great King." Ps.48:2.

"Beautiful for elevation", surely the "elevation" here spoken of can only be the heavenly city in Rev.21:2? That is "Mt.Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem.." Heb.12:22. The earthly Mt. Sion is north of Jerusalem, but there is something in the words "the sides of the north" which seem to speak of great height as well as a compass point? And essentially, as has been observed, Sion and Zion seem to be nouns that are inextricably linked to the very same place, for when we "are come unto mount Sion" the resurrected glorified saint will have God's law forever written in his heart in the heavenly city where there is no temple (Rev.21:22), and "out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem." this from the earthly millennial temple to all the nations on the earth, Isa.2:3, Mic.4:2.

The true believer, as "the father of faith" Abraham ever has his sights on the heavenly city, are we not all "strangers and pilgrims on the earth" Heb.11:13? Do we feel we belong here? Perish the thought! Do you feel you belong here in this wicked world held under the sway of the devil? It is written, "Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God." Jam.4:4. As Abraham did, we should also "look for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God." Heb.11:10. We should "walk in the steps of of that faith of our father Abraham." Rom.4:12 (my emphasis). "The father of all them that believe." Rom.4:11.

*In this age of 'great knowledge' and scientific & technological 'advancement' it is passing strange that something as elementary as the shape of our earth is still up for debate, no? It can be seen with our own eyes that the sun and moon are disc-shaped, and the coming heavenly city is described as a perfect cube (Rev.21:16), essentially it is flat! is this a clue to the shape of our 'planet'?

Tuesday, 17 September 2019


I really cannot understand all the recent furore regarding Prime Minister Boris Johnson's actions shutting down parliament and whatever else he chooses to do regarding this stalemate on the people's vote to leave the EU back in 2016.
Johnson is Prime Minister! Let us look up what that little word "prime" actually means, shall we? Here goes!

"Of the first importance; demanding the fullest consideration: of the greatest relevance or significance." (or any good dictionary) if words have any plain meaning, anymore!

As this man (or any other prime minister in times past, should he/she have done) has chosen to be bold enough to use the powers conferred upon him by the electorate, why then all the ongoing fuss about his so-called 'abuse' of said powers given to him? How then can a so-called 'supreme' court or any other court, or for that matter, or even Her Majesty the queen interfere on this? Johnson is the PRIME minister at this critical juncture of our history! For a court to overrule PM Johnson's decisions is to undermine the democratically elected position that he finds himself to be in! Granted, Johnson himself wasn't voted into power, per se, but the whole process which put him into this position as Prime Minister was entirely democratic!

Whatever is the point of having a prime minister elected by the people if he is under subjection to an unelected so-called 'supreme' court that no-one elected in the first place? A no brainer, no??

There is a "lot of water to pass under the bridge" before all hallows eve (Halloween) on October 31st 2019, when we as a 'united' nation are supposed to fully exit the European Union. Who knows what could happen before then (and after)? I know One who does know-the Almighty! There could be assassinations, and upheavals of all sorts, but rest assured, every minute detail recorded in the Scripture of truth will come to pass. The EU (Roman Empire) at the time of Christ's First Advent (ten toes) will be in full conformity as to all its workings prophesied in the future time of His Second Advent.