Tuesday, 17 September 2019


I really cannot understand all the recent furore regarding Prime Minister Boris Johnson's actions shutting down parliament and whatever else he chooses to do regarding this stalemate on the people's vote to leave the EU back in 2016.
Johnson is Prime Minister! Let us look up what that little word "prime" actually means, shall we? Here goes!

"Of the first importance; demanding the fullest consideration: of the greatest relevance or significance." Dictionary.com (or any good dictionary) if words have any plain meaning, anymore!

As this man (or any other prime minister in times past, should he/she have done) has chosen to be bold enough to use the powers conferred upon him by the electorate, why then all the ongoing fuss about his so-called 'abuse' of said powers given to him? How then can a so-called 'supreme' court or any other court, or for that matter, or even Her Majesty the queen interfere on this? Johnson is the PRIME minister at this critical juncture of our history! For a court to overrule PM Johnson's decisions is to undermine the democratically elected position that he finds himself to be in! Granted, Johnson himself wasn't voted into power, per se, but the whole process which put him into this position as Prime Minister was entirely democratic!

Whatever is the point of having a prime minister elected by the people if he is under subjection to an unelected so-called 'supreme' court that no-one elected in the first place? A no brainer, no??

There is a "lot of water to pass under the bridge" before all hallows eve (Halloween) on October 31st 2019, when we as a 'united' nation are supposed to fully exit the European Union. Who knows what could happen before then (and after)? I know One who does know-the Almighty! There could be assassinations, and upheavals of all sorts, but rest assured, every minute detail recorded in the Scripture of truth will come to pass. The EU (Roman Empire) at the time of Christ's First Advent (ten toes) will be in full conformity as to all its workings prophesied in the future time of His Second Advent.

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