Further to my last couple of posts; in an unbelieving world it is nigh on impossible to communicate the Truth as it is in Christ.
Of late, HM Government have conferred on the devilish NHS an almost godlike status! The clarion daily call is "Protect the NHS" and "Save lives", these are the current buzz words that emanate daily from 10 Downing Street.
I say the NHS (National Hit Service) is doing the diametric opposite, it is killing people! Yet the population are so dumbed down they can't see the wood for the trees! "Trust me, I'm a doctor!"
Don't trust any of them, they really don't know what is in any drug or vaccination they daily dish out to those poor souls in hospital wards and nursing homes up and down the length and breadth of our nation, do they? (or any other nation upon God's earth). Who is behind this? The pharmaceutical behemoths! The very people we have to rely upon to produce a vaccination that will 'save' us! God help us all! Initially, when the vaccination is rolled out, it will be optional; in time mandatory. Different strains of the vaccination will be administered to varying age-groups, the health 'professionals' will 'know', for every vaccination will be by postal appointment! so beware-you have been warned! The NHS is as all would agree, a massive government organisation with some 1.5 million employees in England alone! They all have many and varied interconnected roles, surgeons, doctors, nurses, managers, purchasers, health workers and the rest, yet hardly any of them, if any, can see the big picture going on. Yet some in the corridors of power must do, a select small group, they do know the truth.
One would have to be a total ignoramus not to know of the powerful ongoing and militant "global warming", "carbon footprint", "save the planet", and "over population" green agenda that is underpinning all HM Government's 'plans' along with the WHO and the Gates Foundation in these evil days. They "follow the science!" Yes "science falsely so called" 1 Timothy 6:20. We are in times of great deception that the Lord said would come upon us; "Take heed that no man deceive you" Matthew 24:4 (my emphasis).
Relatives and friends have been ordered to "STAY SAFE" & "STAY AT HOME" in this satanic situation unfolding before our very eyes; the so-called "useless-eaters" in hospitals and 'care' homes are being mowed down like flies! How do they know (or care, even?) if their elderly parents are being murdered (I say wittingly) by the so-called 'health professionals'? Ignorance/deception will "cut no ice" with God. We have been told for many a year that the NHS is at "breaking point", and that the current situation with the exponentially increasing "baby boomers" coming into retirement age that the welfare state/NHS will collapse under its own weight, have we not? Well, are we not currently witnessing the Government's 'solution' to all of this, unfolding before us? Coronavirus, so-called is a tool of the devil to bring about the "new normal" or rather the New World Order, and he is currently "going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it." (Job 1:7) creating confusion in every seat of power throughout God's earth!
The National Health Service was born in 1948, the same year of the rebirth of Israel! A coincidence? no-God doesn't play dice! The United Kingdom was instrumental in bringing about the modern nation of Israel via the Balfour Declaration, and the God fearing men behind this major prophetical event knew that Israel had to be established back in its own land (in unbelief) before Christ would return to destroy the Antichrist. Israel is "the apple of His eye" Deuteronomy 32:10, what of the NHS? from what source did this wicked organisation flow from? The NHS was the brainchild of the Marxist Socialist Aneurin Bevan of Cardiff, an atheist and therefore a very ungodly man! I ask, can anything good come from a poisoned source? If you want to know the biblical answer to this, please read James 3:11-12. As events are currently unfolding, we are seeing the rotten fruit of the NHS, the 'service' that negates any personal responsibility toward ourselves and our neighbour as the Scriptures would have us do. We have, over this last seventy years been brainwashed to accept that the NHS is beneficial for our well being, a "force for good" and that will "look after all from the cradle to the grave", such is the devilish deception! Who, bar the Creator God in Christ has such an ultimate mandate?
To any with just a little biblical discernment, it is not too difficult to answer this, is it not?
When the Lord comes back and sets His millennial government up from the new Jerusalem, there will be no NHS, nor any such ungodly organisation-praise His holy name!
The Gospel of Christ offers true freedom, the world under its present god (Satan) offers oppression and despotism! The National Health Service is destroying people, not saving them! All the 'science' and 'progress' so-called: where are we today? Truly, "there is no new thing under the sun"! The NHS is witchcraft and sorcery dressed in a modern garb! Ever remember, the Greek word for sorcery is pharmakiea from whence we get pharmacy, pharmaceutical, pharmacologist; the truth is 'hidden' in plain sight!
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