Thursday, 27 August 2020

A.W. Pink's Exposition of Hebrews Continued (Hebrews 2:10).

Consider now the appropriateness of this title or appellation of Deity. The varied manner in which God refers to Himself in the Scriptures, the different titles He there assumes are not regulated by caprice, but are ordered by infinite wisdom; and we lose much if we fail to attentively weigh each one. As illustrations of this principle consider the following. In Romans 15:5, He is spoken of as "The God of patience and hope": this, in keeping with the subject of the four preceding verses. In 2 Corinthians 4:6, He is presented thus: "God who commanded the light to shine out of darkness hath shined in our hearts," which is in beautiful keeping with the theme of the five preceding verses. In Hebrews 13:20, it is "The God of peace" that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus. Why? Because His holy wrath had been placated at the cross. So in Hebrews 2:10 the apostle would silence the proud and wicked reasoning of the Jews by reminding them that they were replying against the Sovereign Supreme. For Him are all things and by Him are all things: His glory is the end of everything, His will the law of the universe; therefore to quarrel with His method of bringing many sons unto glory was insubordination and blasphemy of the worst kind.*
 And what are the practical bearings upon us of this title of God? First, an acknowledgement of God in this character is due from us and required by Him. To believe and affirm that "For Him are all things, and by Him are all things" is simply owning that He is God-high above all, supreme over all, directing all. Anything short of this is, really, atheism*. Second, contentment is the sure result to a heart which really lays hold of and rests upon this truth. If I really believe that "all things" are for God's glory and by His invincible and perfect will, then I shall receive submissively, yea, thankfully, whatsoever He ordains and sends me. The language of such an one must be , "It is the Lord: let Him do what seemeth Him good" (1 Sam. 3:18). Third, confidence and praise will be the outcome. God only does that which "becomes" Him; therefore whatsoever He does must be right and best. Those who truly recognize this "know that all things work together for good to them that love God" (8:28)*. True it is that our short-sighted and sin-darkened vision is often unable to see why God does certain things, yet we may be fully assured that He always has a wise and holy reason.
 "For it became Him." More immediately, the opening "for" gives a reason for what has been advanced at the close of verse 9. Should it be reverently inquired why God's "grace" chose such a way for the redeeming of His elect, here is the ready answer: it "became Him" so to do. The Greek term signifies the answerableness or agreement of one thing to another. Thus, "speak thou the things that become sound doctrine" (Titus 2:1), i.e., that are agreeable thereto. So, too, the Greek term implies the comeliness of a thing. Thus, "which become women professing godliness." (1 Tim. 2:10). The adorning of Christian women with good works is a comely thing, yea, it is the beauty and glory of their profession. In like manner the grace of God which gave Christ to taste death for His people , answered to the love of His heart and agreed with the holiness of His nature.* Such an appointment was suited to God's character, consonant with His attributes, agreeable to His perfections. Never did anything more exhibit, and never will anything more redound to the glory of God than making His Son lower than the angels in order to taste death for His people. A wide field of thought is here before us. Let us, briefly, enter into a few details.
 "It became" God's wisdom. His wisdom is evidenced in all His works, but nowhere so perspicuously or conspicuously as at Calvary. The cross was the masterpiece of Omniscience.* It was there that God exhibited the solution to a problem which no finite intelligence could ever have solved, namely, how justice and mercy might be harmonized. How was it possible for righteousness to uphold the claims of the law and yet for grace to be extended to its transgressors? It seemed impossible. These were the things which the angels desired to look into, but so profound were their depths they had no line with which to fathom them. But the cross supplies the solution.

*The bold type is not in the original; for emphasis only.

Is it any wonder that many professing Christians (and I am not talking of new believers!) in this sad and ever increasingly apostate age, rail against such "strong meat" (Heb. 5:12) as written above?
As time moves on, it becomes increasingly difficult to understand how mature 'teachers' never seem to learn, they would have us believe that the Great Arbiter is subject to the caprice of mans 'free will', they do stop short of actually saying this, but their teachings deny it! Rather than directly attack sound Biblical doctrine it is ever 'open season' on Calvin, and the Reformers/Reformation! Granted, there are those who are schooled in the Reformed tradition that have apostatized throughout history, and will continue to do so, nevertheless, the Truth stands, regardless.

On Hebrews 5:12, Pink writes;

  "His (the apostle's) reproof was with the object of emphasizing the sad state into which their inertia had brought them. Their condition was to be deplored from three considerations. First, they had been converted long enough to be of help to others. Second, instead of being useful, they were useless, needing to be grounded afresh in the ABC's of the Truth of God. Third, so far from having the capacity to masticate strong food, their condition called for that which was suited only to a stunted babyhood."

We don't live in a theological age today, there are distractions aplenty, those who name Christ as Lord betray their words by what they say, and how they live. I was in conversation with a professing believer who told me that he has no problem with evolution, that "it can be reconciled with Scripture"! He went on to say "anyway, I have accepted Jesus", to which I answered "yes, all well and good, but, has He accepted you?"

Tuesday, 25 August 2020

A.W. Pink's Exposition Of Hebrews Continued (Hebrew 2:10).

 "For it became Him, for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons unto glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings" (verse 10). This gives the third part of the apostle's reply to the objection which he is here rebutting, and a most arresting statement it is: he now takes still higher ground, advancing that which should indeed bow our hearts in worship. The word "became" means suited to, in accord with, the character of God. It was consonant with the Divine attributes that the Son should, for a season be "made lower than the angels" in order to "taste death" for His people. It was not only according to God's eternal purpose, but it was also suited to all His wondrous perfections. Never was God more Godlike than when, in the Person of Jesus, He was crucified for our sins.
 "For it became Him, for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons unto glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings." There are five things in this verse claiming our reverent and diligent attention. First, the particular character in which God is here viewed; as the One "for whom are all things and by whom are all things." Second, the manner in which it "became" the Most High to bring many sons unto glory by giving up His beloved Son to the awful death of the cross. Third, the particular character in which the Son Himself is here viewed; as "The Captain of our salvation." Fourth, in what sense He was, or could be, "made perfect through sufferings." Fifth, the result of this Divine appointment: the actual conducting of many sons "unto glory."
 First, then the special character in which God is here viewed. "For it became Him, for whom are all things, and by whom are all things." This expression sets forth the high sovereignty of God in the most unqualified and absolute manner: "all things" without exception, that is, all creatures, all events. "For whom are all things" affirms that the Most High God is the final cause of everything: "The Lord hath made all things for Himself" (Pro. 16:4), i.e., to fulfill His own designs, to accomplish His own purpose, to redound to His own glory. So again we read in Revelation 4:11, "Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for Thou hast created all things, and for Thy pleasure they are and were created." This blessed, basic, yet stupendous truth is to be received with unquestioning and unmurmuring faith. He who maketh the wrath of man to praise Him (Psalm 76:10) will not only vindicate His broken law in the punishment of the wicked, but His justice and holiness shall be magnified by their destruction. Hell itself will redound to His glory.
 "And by whom are all things." Every creature that exists, every event which happens, is by God's own appointment and agency. Nothing comes to pass or can do so without the will of God. Satan could not tempt Peter without Christ's permission; the demons could not enter the swine till He gave them leave; not a sparrow falls to the ground apart from His decree. This is only another way of saying that God actually governs the world which He has made. True, there is much, very much in His government which we cannot understand, for how can the finite comprehend the infinite? He Himself tells us that His ways are "past finding out," yet His own infallible word declares,
 "For of Him, and through Him, and to Him are all things: to whom be glory forever" (Rom. 11:36). "For whom are all things, and by whom are all things."  Nothing so stirs up the enmity of the carnal mind and evidences the ignorance, the sin, and the high-handed rebellion of fallen man as the response which he makes when this great fact and solemn truth is pressed upon him. People at once complain, if this be so, then we are mere puppets; irresponsible creatures. Or worse, they will blasphemously argue, if this be true, then God, and not ourselves, is to be charged with our wickedness. To such sottish revilings, only one reply is forthcoming; "Nay but, O man who art thou that  repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to Him that formed it, why hast Thou made me thus?" (Rom. 9:20).

Those who put Calvin up as a straw man will continually attack Biblical theology, and accuse such as stand by it as "fatalists" or being "puppets" as Pink says. This is totally unwarranted, for any true believer, once he or she has been convicted by the "Spirit of Truth"(John 14:17) will only want to start "walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord." (Luke 1:6).  "And this is love, that we walk after His commandments. This is the commandment, That as ye have heard from the beginning, ye should walk in it." (2 John 1:6). In other words, walk circumspectly as God in Christ would have His people do; according to His commandments. Furthermore, Peter tells his "brethren" that they should "give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things ye shall never fall." (2 Pet. 1:10).

A.W. Pink's Exposition Of Hebrews 2:9

That He by the grace of God should taste death for every man. (Hebrews 2:9 b).

 "That He by the grace of God should taste death for every man." The opening words of this clause set forth the efficient cause which moved the Godhead in sending forth the Son to submit to such unparalleled humiliation: it was the free favour of God. It was not because that the ends of Divine government required mercy should be shown to its rebels, still less because that they had any claim upon Him. There is nothing whatever outside God Himself which moves Him to do anything: "He worketh all things after the counsel of His own will." (Eph. 1:11). It was solely by the grace and good pleasure of God, and not by the violence of man or Satan, that the Lord Jesus was brought to the cross to die. The appointment of that costly sacrifice must be traced back to nothing but the sovereign benignity of God.
 "For every man." This rendering is quite misleading. "Anthropos," the Greek word for "man" is not in the verse at all. Thus, one of the principle texts relied upon by Arminians in their unscriptural contention for a general atonement vanishes into thin air. The Revised Version places the word "man" in italics to show that it is not found in the original. The Greek is "panta" and signifies "every one," that is, "every one" of those who form the subjects of the whole passage-every one of "the heirs of salvation" (Heb. 1:14), every one of the "sons" (Heb. 2:10), every one of the "brethren" (Heb. 2:11). We may say that this is the view of the passage taken by Drs. Gouge and J. Brown, by Saphir, and a host of others who might be mentioned. Theologically it is demanded by the "tasted death for every one," i.e., substitutionally, in the room of, that they might not. Hence, every one for whom He tasted death shall themselves never do (see John 8:52), and this is true only of the people of God. 
 What we have just said above is confirmed by many Scriptures. "For the transgression of My people was He stricken" said God (Isa. 53:8), and all mankind are not His "people." "I lay down My life for the sheep," said the Son (John 10:10), but every man is not of Christ's sheep (John 10:26). Christ makes intercession on behalf of those for whom He died (Rom. 8:34), but He prays not for the world (see John 17:9). Those for whom He died are redeemed (Rev. 5:9), and from redemption neccessarily follows forgiveness of sins (Col. 1:14), but all have not their sins forgiven.

Page 68 AN EXPOSITION OF HEBREWS (Wilder Publications).

No doubt those of an Arminian (free will mindset) will rail at the above, nevertheless it is Scriptural, that is it agrees with what the Scripture says. It cannot be gainsaid, unless one wants to deny what is plainly written. There are those who would deny Absolute predestination/election (such call us "Calvinists") nor will they affirm they are Arminians, they would simply call themselves "Biblicists"; but this will not do (as if neither of the aforementioned wouldn't assign such a term to their own theology!).
I often wonder why otherwise intelligent believers attack so-called Reformed Calvinistic theology with the ferocity that they do. They would do well to read the works of great Reformed teachers, Calvin, Zanchius, Edwards, Owen, Spurgeon, Newton, Ryle, Saphir, Pink, and a whole host of others beside. But then, I suppose if one hates stamp collecting, they are hardly going to buy books about the subject, are they?  I am sure there is a better analogy, but you get the gist?

Thursday, 13 August 2020

Arthur W. Pink On The Shape Of The Earth.

The world renowned Reformed Bible exegete A.W. Pink on the shape of the Earth (page 46) from his "classic" 784 page exposition of Hebrews, entitled AN EXPOSITION OF HEBREWS (Wilder Publications).

Of the shape of the earth, Mr. Pink writes:

The popular delusion of the day, namely, that the earth revolves on its axis, and that the heavenly bodies are stationary, only appearing to our sight to move, as the banks and trees seem to be doing to one seated in a rowing boat-or sailing ship. This theory was first advanced (so far as the writer is aware) by Grecian heathen philosophers, echoed by Copernicus in the fifteenth century, and re-echoed by "science falsely so-called" (see 1 Timothy 6:20) today. Alas, that so many of God's servants and people have accepted it. Such a conceit cannot be harmonized with "a foundation"  (Heb. 1:10) so often predicated of the earth; which, necessarily, implies its fixity! Nor can such a theory be squared with the repeated statements of Holy Writ that the "sun moves" (Joshua 10:12), etc. The writer is well aware that this paragraph may evoke a pitying smile from some. But that will not move him. Let God be true and every man a liar. We are content to believe what He has said. Paul was willing to be a fool for Christ's sake (1 Cor. 4:10), and we are willing to be thought a fool for the Scripture's sake.

I did read, and study Pink's Exposition of Hebrews some 10-12 years ago, and have referred to it on many occasions since, but when by 'chance' I revisited page 46 a couple of days ago, it took me back! for back then, I too, was among those whom offered a "pitying smile", thankfully no more! 

The World; The Works Thereof Are Evil. John 7:7.

The Creator made a damning indictment against the world, the very world that He set in motion!

"I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil." John 7:7. What exactly did He mean? Any true Christian would know that the devil deceived our first parents in the garden and from thence, all went downhill. Today, the unbelieving world believes we are on an upward path toward enlightenment! yet this path will lead to eternal darkness. As it was the devil who led man astray in the beginning, it is that same devil who is in control of the present world, for he is "the god of this world" 2 Cor. 4:4. The devil, that is "the prince of this world" was "cast out" (John 12:31) when the Lord Jesus gained the victory over him at Calvary. It is written "that he hath but a short time" Rev.12:12. A "short time" for what, exactly? Satan, the devil has only "a short time" left to carry on deceiving the world; "And the great dragon was cast down, the old serpent, he that is called the Devil, and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world." Rev. 12:9 (RV. my emphasis).

I think it plain from my short summary that Satan has always been, and is now ever increasingly busy at work today in the art that he is most skilled-DECEIVING! If we would not be deceived, we must believe the Lord's plain admonitions, numerous are His warnings about deception! especially from His Olivet Discourse (Matt. 24:4, 11, 24, 26, Mark 13:5, 22, Luke 21:8 etc.). We get a picture of how big the great red dragon is from Job 1:7; "And the LORD said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it." Satan wasn't "going to and fro" in a small village, town, city, or country, no! (though, he was obviously doing all this) he was "going to and fro" the entire length and breadth of the earth! Such is his power, might, and speed! If the Bible says it once, we should sit up and take notice, but twice? doubly so! for the aforementioned verse is repeated verbatim in Job 2:2! We get some idea of the dragon's size and his great power when he took the Lord Jesus "up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth Him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them." Matt. 4:8. The parallel verse in Luke 4:5 adds that it was done "in a moment of time." What power, speed, and might! Yet many speak deridingly of him! not so "Michael the archangel" Jude 9. This is the example for the Christian to follow. The great adversary is therefore behind the "spiritual wickedness in high places" Eph. 6:12. This verse teaches that Satan is an invisible foe, for he is not "flesh and blood", he is the "spiritual wickedness" upholding "the principalities...powers...the rulers of the darkness of this world." He is leading the world into the final great conflict with it's risen Creator! He is "pulling the strings" as it were, bringing all the nations together "against the LORD and His anointed" Psalm 2:1-3. Deception is the key that Satan employs, it worked in the garden, and it is working to great effect today.

Briefly, with the aforesaid as the ground to build upon; of the world, what of "the works thereof are evil"? what exactly are they? They must be something major, of  considerable note, not just petty crime, (or even big crime!) lying, murder, adultery, and anything else that God would not have us do. No, it must be something that far transcends these. I believe that science is the big lie, it is "science falsely so called" 1 Tim. 6:20 that the devil has used to great effect "to blind the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them." 2 Cor. 4:4. There is nothing evil about science in and of itself; empirical science is good, but what of theoretical science? What is a theory, but an assumption that may, or may not be correct? When it comes to origins, in the present day the "The Theory of Evolution" is no longer regarded as a theory, no, it is progressively touted as fact, yet it has never, and can never be observed! Evolution is diametrically opposed to clear Bible doctrine, in other words it opposes what God in Christ would have us know! Therefore, if in opposition to His truth, it must be satanic. The same goes for so-called "theistic evolution", for it adds to God's Word (or takes away from; see Rev. 22:18-19). In the ancient world the Greeks were the great philosophers who "spent their time in nothing else, but either to tell, or to hear some new thing." Acts 17:21. It was through their vain philosophizing that we came to 'know' the Earth is a globe that spins on it's axis. Copernicus (1473-1543) expanded upon Eratosthenes (300 BC) ancient theory. It would be utterly absurd to believe that the apostle Paul wasn't aware of Eratosthenes novel theory, the learned man that he was! How might have things panned out if he alluded to it? Certainly Christians wouldn't be able to cite Isaiah 40:22 in defence of the globe (if the prophet had meant a globe, he would have used a different Hebrew word, as in Isaiah 22:18), regardless, the Holy Spirit didn't inspire him to do so because the Bible plainly teaches otherwise.
Back in the "dark ages" when the popes ruled (they burned Bibles, and kept the people in bondage to superstition), the new Copernican theory prevailed over the biblical 'flat earth'. Not all (including Luther) were taken in by the novel theory, notwithstanding, it became universally accepted. The shape of the earth subsequently became of vast importance, for Copernicus put the sun at some 93,000,000 miles away from the earth, and the planets and stars at distances in billions of miles from us! These vast distances then came to be accepted as "light years" away from us (for light took that long to travel-they say, now the Earth has in "one fell swoop" become a microdot in the observable universe, instead of being the Almighty's "footstool" Matt. 5:35); so evolution arrived directly from the shape of the earth, for without vast distances (Copernicus), vast time spans (Evolution/Darwinism) would never have came to be. The reasoning should be clear to all those God has given the eyes to see; evolution prevailed over Creationism, because the world believed the lie! There are some seventy plus verses in Holy Writ that speak of the movement of the sun and moon, yet you will search the sacred narrative in vain for just one verse that remotely suggests the earth moves, revolves, or whatever (earthquakes apart!). I should add that the knowledge of the Earth's shape in and of itself has no bearing upon one's eternal salvation, for the believer is saved through God's free sovereign electing grace alone. What did the thief on the cross know about science or Bible theology? Nevertheless, we come to God "as we are" as the hymn goes, and from thence the true believer will follow the Scriptural admonishment to "grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ" 2 Pet. 3:18.

Our text says of the world that "the works thereof are evil" so, can any good come from a bad source? What of the present day world superpower that is the United States of America, would they deceive us through NASA? According to the Bible, this is exactly what we should expect: Genesis 1:14-16 teaches us that the sun and moon are independent "lights", that is the moon doesn't borrow it's light from the sun; it emits it's own light, as indeed the sun does. No one would think to land on the sun, so it is with the moon. Many ask "why the deception?" Surely this is not too hard to discern, for if  Satan is "the god of this world" (Greek. age) 2 Cor. 4:4, would he not empower those under his authority in "high places" Eph. 6:12, to lead the masses astray, just as he with his dragon's "tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven" (the angels) down to earth?  Rev. 12:4. The third part of the innumerable angelic host was cast down in a moment immediately prior to the incarnation! If the angelic host be innumerable (Heb. 12:22) likewise, it is true of mankind (Heb. 11:12, cf  Gen. 22:17).
The parallel here is not too difficult to discern; the number of humankind is uncountable by us, just as the angelic host cannot number themselves, it is the prerogative of God to number, (see Matt 10:30, Luke 12:7, 2 Sam. 24:1-3). Satan as "the god of this world" deceives the great mass of mankind; for they believe the false science, I am not saying they understand it, for it cannot be understood-it is a lie! nevertheless, they don't question it. As the Scripture says, "they received not the love of the truth" 2 Thess. 2:10 (it would be good if the reader would read the wider context of this important verse). It is written that the angels are "ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation" Heb. 1:14. If godlessness is increasing (which it is) then, a restraint is being progressively diminished as we move closer to the coming "man of sin" who will be "revealed" after the great "falling away" 2 Thess. 2:3. It seems to me that as we approach the coming apocalypse, God will be reducing the presence of His angels, the "ministering spirits" on the world scene, which also points to the archangel Michael being the restrainer. Regarding His Second Coming, the Lord asked "shall He find faith on the earth?" Luke 18:8, it seems "the faith" (RV margin) will indeed be very scarce upon His return.

False science has led the world astray from it's Creator, and will continue to do so until He returns in glory. Satan's dupes around the so-called 'globe' will continue to deceive the world with the Sci-Fi inspired Hollywood/NASA space programmes. This is done to hide God, to suppress the Truth. The micro-world (so-called sub atomic particle science) is also false, being based upon the macro, that is the non existent solar-system, where scientists surmised a mini solar-system in the particle world: particles orbiting inside an atom. Totally unproven, and always will be! Nevertheless, the world in the name of "science falsely so called" has spent billions on the Large Hadron Collider (a 17 mile long underground tunnel near Geneva) to 'split the atom' believing they can 'unlock' our origins, when all they need do is read, and believe the Bible! Truly, "hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?" 1 Cor. 1:20.

Saturday, 1 August 2020

The Case Of Abimelech Genesis 20:1-18. An Exposition.

Genesis 20 is devoted entirely to the case of Abimelech, king of Gerar.

Abraham told a half truth (which is none other than a lie) to Abimelech (father-king), indeed Sarah was his half sister, but was also his wife. In this concise account, Abimelech took Sarah. (v 2). The inference is obvious that he was going to take Sarah to be one of his wives, this being a privilege claimed by eastern sovereigns, see Genesis 12:10-20; the forerunner of this present episode in the case of Pharaoh, to whom (the then) Abram told the same half truth! But God came to Abimelech in a dream by night, and said to him, Behold, thou art but a dead man, for the woman thou hast taken; for she is a man's wife. (v 3). In the short time that Abimelech possessed Sarah, he was withheld from having his way with her because God restrained him. The heathen king claimed that he did this thing in the integrity of my heart and the innocency of my hands have I done this. (v 5). To which God replied unto him in the dream, Yea, I know that thou didst this in the integrity of thy heart; for I also withheld thee from sinning against me: therefore suffered I thee not to touch her. (v 6 - my emphasis). God then goes on to command the king to restore the man his wife...and if thou restore her not, know thou that thou shalt surely die, (v 7).

The subsequent verses reveal that Abimelech heeded God's warning, and Abraham and Sarah went on their way with many gifts from the heathen king (vs 14-16) which must have served to heap coals of fire on the patriarch's head! (Romans 12:20). Of Abraham, it is noteworthy that Moses calls Sarah his wife (v 14) and Abimelech says of the patriarch he is thy brother (v 16), and this after God clearly and unequivocally told him she is a man's wife (v 3), such is the inveterate nature of man-left to himself! As to Abimelech's integrity, this was entirely from God, for without His intervention the heathen king doubtless would have done to Sarah as he desired. Sarah was reproved (v 16) by Abimelech for going along with Abraham's deception: And of the pieces of silver received from the king, she was told it was for a covering of the eyes; that is a veil, worn by her daughter in law (Rebekah) as Genesis 24:65 reveals (first mention in Scripture of veil). If it were customary for married women in our day to wear veils the heinous crime of adultery would no doubt rapidly diminish (heinous to God, at any rate)!
Today we have a bizarre situation where practically everyone is forced to wear a mask covering the mouth and nose, and yet, the unbeliever would have us believe the Bible is a book of myths! What is going on in our day in many respects far transcends what happened in the real time Scripture narrative, yet the vast majority will not seek God!

This account only goes to prove that The kings heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of water: He turneth it whithersoever He will. Proverbs 21:1, so much for man's 'free-will'!