Thursday, 13 August 2020

Arthur W. Pink On The Shape Of The Earth.

The world renowned Reformed Bible exegete A.W. Pink on the shape of the Earth (page 46) from his "classic" 784 page exposition of Hebrews, entitled AN EXPOSITION OF HEBREWS (Wilder Publications).

Of the shape of the earth, Mr. Pink writes:

The popular delusion of the day, namely, that the earth revolves on its axis, and that the heavenly bodies are stationary, only appearing to our sight to move, as the banks and trees seem to be doing to one seated in a rowing boat-or sailing ship. This theory was first advanced (so far as the writer is aware) by Grecian heathen philosophers, echoed by Copernicus in the fifteenth century, and re-echoed by "science falsely so-called" (see 1 Timothy 6:20) today. Alas, that so many of God's servants and people have accepted it. Such a conceit cannot be harmonized with "a foundation"  (Heb. 1:10) so often predicated of the earth; which, necessarily, implies its fixity! Nor can such a theory be squared with the repeated statements of Holy Writ that the "sun moves" (Joshua 10:12), etc. The writer is well aware that this paragraph may evoke a pitying smile from some. But that will not move him. Let God be true and every man a liar. We are content to believe what He has said. Paul was willing to be a fool for Christ's sake (1 Cor. 4:10), and we are willing to be thought a fool for the Scripture's sake.

I did read, and study Pink's Exposition of Hebrews some 10-12 years ago, and have referred to it on many occasions since, but when by 'chance' I revisited page 46 a couple of days ago, it took me back! for back then, I too, was among those whom offered a "pitying smile", thankfully no more! 

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