"Righteousness exhalteth a nation." Prov. 14:34. All the apocalyptic weather scenarios that we are witnessing taking place across the 'globe' would stop at a stroke if the nations repented and sought the Lord, but the pre-millennial believer knows this will never happen for it is contrary to God's written word. The Gospel of Christ is only a "witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come." Matt. 24:14.
Antichristianism will increase exponentially until Satan's "man of sin" arrives on the scene, and it will only be after the Lord's direct intervention to destroy him (2 Thess. 2:8) that the millennial reign of Christ will be inaugurated. Just how bad things will get before then, no-one but God Himself knows (Deut. 29:29), but we are told much from Holy Writ, for it will be a time like no other; "Alas! for that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time of Jacob's trouble, but he shall be saved out of it." Jer. 30:7. This "shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation.." Dan. 12:1. The Lord Jesus said of it "then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be." Matt. 24:21. Things were bad, very bad, before God in Christ judged the world with the great flood, and condemned Sodom and Gomorrah, but we are told the coming tribulation will far exceed these judgments!
We can see liberties being lost everyplace; we are told to remain 2m apart, not to visit other households, university/college inductees are under virtual house arrest, we must wear masks when in enclosed public places, can't have a glass of wine with your meal after 6:00 in a restaurant etc. And the so-called "second wave" has only just begun! What awaits us around the corner? I believe society, and our current way of going about things will be totally transformed (reset) by the time we get to next spring, and there will be no going back! Having said this, I believe that the eagerly awaited remedy, the vaccination! when it is unveiled and unrolled upon the population will be a means to allow those who receive it to enjoy greater freedoms. Initially, this vaccination will be optional, but as the take up increases, at some point in the future (a year or two down the road?) it will become mandatory for all. How will they enforce it upon us? No doubt some who initially opposed it will just fall at the first hurdle, others will be sent reminder after reminder, and when no response is forthcoming, they will be issued with a writ ordering them to attend the vaccination clinic. And if that doesn't do it they will send the mobile "vaccination hit squad" to your house with the police in attendance! Sound unfeasible all this? Lets not forget, the NHS is the UK's largest employer, so the staff will take it up, the 'small' number who initially object, soon will change their minds upon threat of losing their incomes and benefits! Ever be mindful that the various Chief Medical Officers and Scientific Officers in the UK will be constantly blathering on about how safe the vaccine is, that it has passed all trials etc., and that you are selfish and endangering others by not taking it! (but, how could one by not taking it harm one that has? isn't one 'protected'?). When we have seen events unfold as they have, the aforementioned doesn't appear at all unrealistic, does it? Perhaps if I had written it a year ago, it would have done!
I have long been an 'anti vaxxer' as they are called. Why would any true believer take them when he should know that God is "upholding all things by the word of His power." Heb. 1:3? "In Him all things hold together." Col. 1:17 (RV). People laud Edward Jenner as a force for good, that his smallpox vaccinations saved many lives; did they? Did God need his help? Ever remember, Jenner was a freemason, rising to master mason in 1802! Rather, how many did his vaccinations kill? Many (not even professing Christians) are saying about the present so-called 'pandemic' "why don't we just get on with our lives as before, and let it rip!" to this I heartily agree, for look at the damage to peoples lives, livelihoods, mental health and relationships that is taking place! and all in the name of "saving lives"!! People have always died of many and varied causes, the seasonal flu being just one.
How would we know what the big pharmaceutical companies are putting into the coronavirus vaccinations in any case? Just because a vial says such and such is in it, how would the vaccinator know? They are only carrying out orders to vaccinate. It is bad enough that the Greek word for sorcery is pharmakiea from which we get the English word pharmacy/pharmaceutical from! Would you put your trust in a sorcerer? Think on this! The fact that the wicked World Health Organization and the technology guru Bill Gates (their biggest sponsor) are working together on the coronavirus vaccinations should set the alarm bells ringing. These people have essentially only one aim, and that is to reduce the worlds population. It is a fact that the Bible teaches there will come a day when the "Mark of the Beast" system will be up and running (Rev. 13:16-18). But this can only happen when the Antichrist reveals himself, and that at the mid point of Daniel's seventieth week (Matt. 24:15). How then can a vaccination taken some years, months or weeks before Antichrist "causeth all...to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: that no man might buy or sell.." have any effect upon one that has received the Coronavirus (or any other) vaccination? Now, I freely confess that I know very little about so-called cutting edge microtechnology, but I happened upon an article about "bio-sensors", and it said that these are so miniscule that they can be injected into a human, to create what is known in certain circles as a "trans-human". The bio-sensors can be activated at any time to make the 'human' that they reside in to do the will of the one who can activate them. How so? this is done through the much publicized 5g network when fully rolled out. They could have one marching around like a zombie!
Sound like the stuff of science fiction?
Why COVID 19? The truth is always hidden in plain sight as the saying goes.
Certificate Of Vaccination Identification Artificial Intelligence (A the 1st letter, and I the 9th letter of the alphabet).
Naturally the WHO deny this! This manufactured 'pandemic' was planned...period.
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