Friday, 27 November 2020

The UK Government's Advice Emanates from the Pit!

 We hardly need seek out alternative media for updates as to what is going on today? We need look no further than the 'mainstream' BBC News to get all the info!

Covid: Don't hug elderly relatives at Christmas warns Chris Whitty.

Families have been warned against hugging and kissing elderly relatives at Christmas "if you want them to survive to be hugged again".

People "just have to have sense", said the UK government's chief medical adviser, Prof Chris Whitty. No, Mr Whitty, it is you that needs "to have sense"!

Both my parents have long since passed away, but would I have listened to Whitty's advice (or should I say command)? No, I would obviously totally and utterly reject it, for it is all based on "science falsely so called" 1 Timothy 6:20, as it appears nearly everything is today! But, wait a minute! surely with this satanic world government inflicted covid assassination going on, this is the time that elderly folk need visits, reassurance, and hugging etc., for it may be their last Christmas even if times were 'normal'? How much longer would they "survive to be hugged again" anyway?? 

Whitty's boss, Matt Hancock (UK health secretary) has already said "we will vaccinate hope into the people!" this on the 'positive' news on the vaccine front, and no doubt when the miracle vaccines (in all their multitudinous forms) are rolled out upon the population, it will be 'safe' to hug again. But, the question is, will many of the elderly be left to hug, and, more to the point, what will the vaccine have done to its recipients?

The popular government slogan (Protect the NHS) is but a synonym for PROTECT BIG GOVERNMENT, we don't care about the people! yet, many of the deceived masses think otherwise. 

Whitty has been referred to by those familiar with him as a private person who refuses to discuss his personal life. (Wikipedia).

What is he hiding? The mind boggles! 

Whitty's full title is Professor Chris Whitty CB FRCP FFPH FMedSci Hon FRCPCH Hon FFPM.

Quite a mouthful! I'm sure you agree? And no doubt, a knighthood and or peerage await him in due course!

What does God's word have to say about Whitty's long list of accreditations?

Let me not, I pray you, respect any man's person: Neither let me give flattering titles unto any man. For I know not to give flattering titles; Else would my maker soon take me away. Job 32:21-22.

I am sure Whitty's titles won't impress God on judgment Day! 

Sadly, I do personally know some people that are following his satanic advice.

Thursday, 19 November 2020

Where on Earth is Jerusalem? A Study on Ezekiel 5:5 & 38:12.

Ezekiel 5:5:

On this verse the Reformed Bible commentators Jamieson Fausset and Brown write:

5. Explanation of the symbols: Jerusalem - not the mere city, but the people of Israel generally, of which it was the center and representative.  in...midst - Jerusalem is regarded in God's point of view as center of the whole earth, designed to radiate the true light over the nations in all directions. Cf. Margin ("navel"), ch. 38:12; Psalm 48:2; Jeremiah 3:17. No center in the ancient heathen world could have been selected more fitted than Canaan to be a vantage-ground, whence the people of God might have acted with success upon the heathenism of the world.

 It lay midway between the oldest and most civilized states, Egypt and Ethiopia on one side, and Babylon, Nineveh, and India on the other, and afterwards Persia, Greece, and Rome. The Phoenician mariners were close by, through whom they might have transmitted the true religion to the remotest lands; and  all around the Ishmaelites, the great inland  traders in South Asia and North Africa. Israel was thus placed, not for its own selfish good, but to be the spiritual benefactor of the whole world. Cf. Psalm 67 throughout. Failing in this, and falling into idolatry, its guilt was far worse than that of the heathen; not that Israel literally  went beyond the heathen in abominable idolatries. But "corruptio optimi pessima" ; the perversion of that which in itself is the best is worse than the perversion of that which is less perfect: is in fact the worst of all kinds of perversion. Therefore their punishment was the severest. So the position of the Christian professing Church now, if it be not a light to the heathen world, its condemnation will be sorer than theirs. (Matt. 5:13, 11-21-24; Heb. 10:28-29).

Ezekiel 38:12:

12. midst of the land -lit., "the navel" of the land (Judg. 9:37, Margin). So, in ch. 5:5, Israel is said to be set "in the midst of the nations"; not physically, but morally, a central position for being a blessing to the world: so (as the favored or "beloved city," Rev. 20:9) an object of envy. GROTIUS translates, "In the height of the land" (and so vs. 8), "the mountains of Israel," Israel being morally elevated above the rest of the world.

 (It will be noted that some words in the above JFB commentary are Americanised, this because my copy was published by Zondervan, an American publishing house).

Dr. John Gill another Reformed exegete writing on the position of Jerusalem in relation to the surrounding lands from Ezekiel 5:5 & 38:12.

The Jews generally understand this of the natural situation of Jerusalem. Jarchi interprets it as the middle of the world; as if it was mathematically placed in the centre of the earth.

Dr. Gill quotes from another Jewish writer; "Kimchi thinks the land of Israel itself is meant; which is in the midst of the world, and so the navel of it.

Of the physical location of Jerusalem, JFB write "not physically, but morally", now, certainly I would agree with them that Israel had a great moral responsibility! for it is written of them, "Israelites; to whom pertaineth the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the law, and the service of God, and the promises." Romans 9:4, but what warrant do they have for saying "not physically"? Even the Jewish sages believed that Jerusalem was the centre of the world, and you can bet your "bottom dollar" that all the Old Testament prophets, New Testament writers, and disciples, without exception, thought no differently.

I am no cartographer, but even those skilled at the art have started from a false premise. On a globe, looking from above we see what is generally believed to be the "north pole" and all the northern lands surrounding it. There is also what is believed to be a "magnetic north pole" which is some degrees off.
On a traditional "flat earth" map, the same applies, the "north" is at the centre of the map where the "pole" on the globe is situated, the only difference being that the lines of longitude don't converge onto the "south pole" but spread outwards toward Antarctica which surrounds the inhabited earth. As a result the lands on the flat earth map are distorted to how they are represented on the globe, which is what  you would expect. The Bible (let me remind the reader - the Creator's written word) says expressly that there are "four corners of the earth" Isaiah 11:10, Revelation 7:1, these "four corners" can be none other than what we are accustomed to know as "the four points of the compass" that is north, south, east and west. For God "sitteth above the circle of the earth." Isaiah 40:22 (RV), and to the best of my knowledge a circle has no corners,(much less a globe) unless you divide it into "four corners", resulting in all four compass points emanating from Jerusalem! This is "the city of the great King" Psalm 48:2, from whence "the light of the glorious gospel of Christ" shall shine in all directions in that glorious millennial morning when "out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem." Isaiah 2:3. The north 'pole' is therefore not in the middle of the Earth, for there is no north pole! In the middle of the Earth (Heb. navel) sits Jerusalem as the prophet Ezekiel plainly declares.

"Beautiful in elevation, the joy of the whole earth, Is mount Zion, on the sides of the north, the city of the great King." Psalm 48:2, mark; on the sides of the north, and so it is. This is the place where "the new Jerusalem which cometh down out of heaven" Revelation 3:12, 21:2 will be visibly seen in all its glory throughout the coming millennial reign by the earth dwellers; high up above, much, I suppose, like we see the sun in the present hour. This is the city that the "father of faith" Abraham looked for (Hebrews 11:10, 12:22, 13:14), the city that the "church of the firstborn" will enter after "the first resurrection" Revelation 20:5-6. It is only after the millennium has run its course, in "the new Heavens and the new Earth" when the heavenly city will find in the new Earth a place suitable for the habitation of its glory. North, south, east and west all emanate from Zion, and it can be no place other from whence the devil took the Saviour up to "an exceeding high mountain, and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world" Matthew 4:8, Luke 4:5.

Friday, 6 November 2020

The Truth is Hidden in Plain Sight!

 "I can see the trees, but I can't see the wood!"

Have a look at your English £20 note (if you're in the UK!), you will see an image of Adam Smith (1723-1790), Smith was a Scottish moral philosopher and economist. A life long bachelor, he was influenced by the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle, and subsequently his writings went on to influence men such as Karl Marx! Smith wrote what came to be known as two "classic works"; The Theory of Moral Sentiments (1759) and An inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (1776). The latter was abbreviated to The Wealth of Nations in which he introduced his theory of absolute advantage. Clearly Smith was no Christian, and in some of his works he referred to the Great Architect of the Universe a term used by freemasons, but to the best of my knowledge wasn't one himself. He became widely known as "The Father of Economics".

We move on to 1977 when the Adam Smith Institute was created, the Institute "formed the primary intellectual force behind privatisation of state owned industries during the premiership of Margaret Thatcher and alongside the Centre for Policy Studies and of Economic Affairs advanced a neoliberal approach toward public policy on privatisation, taxation, education and healthcare. A number of the policies presented by the organisation were adopted by the administrations of John Major and Tony Blair and members of the ASI have also advised non-United Kingdom governments." (Wikipedia, bold type mine). "Think tank Transparify, which is funded by the Open Society Foundations, ranked ASI as one of the least transparent think tanks in the United Kingdom in relation to funding." (Wikipedia). The last quoted source goes on to write of ASI; "as highly opaque", one of a handful of think tanks that refuse to reveal even the identities of their donors." And that "The university of Bath, details the institute's funding by the tobacco industry. The Guardian report that the institute received three percent of its funding from the tobacco industry in 2013."

The Adam Smith Institute clearly is a very powerful organisation influencing the "corridors of power" in the UK and further afield. On its Wikipedia page the ASI president Madsen Pirie describes the activity of the organisation as "we propose things which people regard being on the edge of lunacy. The next thing you know, they're on the edge of policy." (Bold type mine). Scary stuff, reader?

The tobacco industry is a known funder of the ungodly ASI, that much we know. It is my belief that the Pharmaceutical Industry is also a major donor to the institute and that the two are in cahoots with the present UK government on the direction of "guidance", policies, and lockdowns that are happening all about us. It can be no coincidence that Sir Patrick Vallance (presently HM Govt's Chief Scientific Adviser) who stands alongside prime minister Boris Johnson presenting regular covid 19 updates with his colleague professor Chris Whitty (UK's Chief Medical Advisor), was head of research and development at the multinational pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) from 2012 to 2018, immediately prior to his role in government. Now, as mentioned elsewhere on this blog, the word pharmaceutical is derived from the Greek word for sorcery;  pharmakiea. Yes, Big Pharma is Big Sorcery! witchcraft by another name, truly, these pharmaceutical giants are doing Satan's bidding. At this juncture, be not deceived, Big Pharma is destroying lives through influenza vaccinations and anti depressant  drugs widely prescribed by your local GP. The numbers of those on antidepressants in the western world makes for truly sobering reading, and until this fake 'pandemic' hit us, I had no idea how high they were; with lockdown mania going nowhere anytime soon, I believe the figures will sky rocket.

From Adam Smith, I now turn to Barry Smith (1933-2002), the late Christian evangelist and author. Barry was very influential in my early Christian walk, I still have all his books, and would tune in to God TV whenever he would be preaching or being interviewed. He specialised on eschatology and the coming New World Order (NWO) which we are now in! and made many predictions of how events would pan out. Barry was from New Zealand, a school teacher by profession who left his employment to lecture on end time events and the lead up to the NWO and the coming one world government headed by Antichrist. He was a real personality, he could have cut it as a stand up comedian, and what an evangelist he was! But as I was growing in the Faith, I found his theology superficial; being of the Arminian persuasion and a Pentecostal Charismatic, but by no means of the hyper variety. Also his works seemed to me overly sensational, and there wasn't any real "meat on the bones" in his Bible teachings. I agree with 'Jewish' Christian writer Jacob Prasch when he wrote "Barry Smith was a first class evangelist, but a second class theologian",  nevertheless, he was no fool, he did much extrabiblical research and joined many dots together. 

I turn to page 40 of Barry Smith's The Devil's Jigsaw, and quote a short sentence:

NHS or the National Health Service comes under the umbrella of this group (ASI) as they devise ways and means to gradually ease the government out from funding national health.

This is exactly so I believe, what is going on under our very noses! They are using the 'pandemic' as a means to vaccinate, or should I say kill off large swathes of the population, with a particular emphasis on the 'vulnerable' (and they are!) groups, notably the over 60s. The vaccination they receive will be designed to hasten their demise. The truth is hidden in plain sight; remember the slogan; "Protect the NHS"? in other words "cull the useless eaters" and save the nation billions. I don't know how many will die this flu season, but I think the number could be in the millions; if this be true, just think how the nations coffers will be bolstered with all those pension and welfare benefit claimants dead? Whatever the outcome of this manufactured "second wave" be, I have no doubt that the scientists will have their defences ready. The mantra may be "the virus has mutated! we must develop a new strain to combat it!" The government's agenda is to "protect the NHS" (Marxist socialist ideology; cradle to the grave  'care' as they truly call it!).  Aneurin Bevan, a socialist Marxist, of Cardiff founded the NHS in 1948; can any good fruit come from a rotten tree? No! Marxism sends people to the grave, then to the pit.

Vaccinations are based on false science, I write more on this in my piece The Coming Trial (October 9th 2020). False science is underpinning the world governments agendas; for are they not united in their fight against "global warming" and the threat of  the 'planet's' diminishing resources due to over population?  This "Green agenda" is of the devil, but then if people believe we are living on a tiny planet in listless outer space, it is not too difficult to see their reasoning, is it not? How better to believe the Earth is as long and wide as the first heaven! "God will provide".

There is talk of covid 19 stabilising" in various places in the UK as I write, but how things soon change? When the various lockdowns come to an end and people start to try and behave somewhat normally again, the governments will use the ruse "the increased mingling of the population has led to the devilish 'r number' increasing again!"