Friday, 27 November 2020

The UK Government's Advice Emanates from the Pit!

 We hardly need seek out alternative media for updates as to what is going on today? We need look no further than the 'mainstream' BBC News to get all the info!

Covid: Don't hug elderly relatives at Christmas warns Chris Whitty.

Families have been warned against hugging and kissing elderly relatives at Christmas "if you want them to survive to be hugged again".

People "just have to have sense", said the UK government's chief medical adviser, Prof Chris Whitty. No, Mr Whitty, it is you that needs "to have sense"!

Both my parents have long since passed away, but would I have listened to Whitty's advice (or should I say command)? No, I would obviously totally and utterly reject it, for it is all based on "science falsely so called" 1 Timothy 6:20, as it appears nearly everything is today! But, wait a minute! surely with this satanic world government inflicted covid assassination going on, this is the time that elderly folk need visits, reassurance, and hugging etc., for it may be their last Christmas even if times were 'normal'? How much longer would they "survive to be hugged again" anyway?? 

Whitty's boss, Matt Hancock (UK health secretary) has already said "we will vaccinate hope into the people!" this on the 'positive' news on the vaccine front, and no doubt when the miracle vaccines (in all their multitudinous forms) are rolled out upon the population, it will be 'safe' to hug again. But, the question is, will many of the elderly be left to hug, and, more to the point, what will the vaccine have done to its recipients?

The popular government slogan (Protect the NHS) is but a synonym for PROTECT BIG GOVERNMENT, we don't care about the people! yet, many of the deceived masses think otherwise. 

Whitty has been referred to by those familiar with him as a private person who refuses to discuss his personal life. (Wikipedia).

What is he hiding? The mind boggles! 

Whitty's full title is Professor Chris Whitty CB FRCP FFPH FMedSci Hon FRCPCH Hon FFPM.

Quite a mouthful! I'm sure you agree? And no doubt, a knighthood and or peerage await him in due course!

What does God's word have to say about Whitty's long list of accreditations?

Let me not, I pray you, respect any man's person: Neither let me give flattering titles unto any man. For I know not to give flattering titles; Else would my maker soon take me away. Job 32:21-22.

I am sure Whitty's titles won't impress God on judgment Day! 

Sadly, I do personally know some people that are following his satanic advice.

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