Sunday, 18 March 2018

Building your "house upon the sand" Matthew 7.26.

There is a literal interpretation of these God breathed words.

Reading the BBC news earlier today, I came across a story entitled "Hemsby cliff-top homes in precarious position." The photos are very graphic, and you can see a whole line of cliff-top properties about to disappear into the sea.
I quote the BBC verbatim "The cliffs at Hemsby are made of sand which has suffered erosion over many years..." The story goes on to describe the varying plights of the occupiers of these properties.

This coastal erosion is not an overnight phenomenon, and I am sure that the residents living there were well aware of the risks of living in that location, especially those who have settled there in recent years, at no doubt a discount rental or purchase price.

The builders that erected these properties were also no doubt knowledgeable of the foundations they were building upon, but nevertheless, a few hundred yards of cliff-top sand dropping into the sea was yet a 'great' many years hence! People are attracted to sea-views, I know because I have one myself-thankfully, up here in Lewis, we are on rocks, not sand!

As the Scripture says, it is "a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand." The Rock is Christ, and whomever will trust in Him alone is like the man "which built his house upon a rock." Matthew 7.24.

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