Sunday, 11 November 2018

Remembrance day...for what?

This very day is "Remembrance Day", it is in honour of those that fell in the two great wars; it is yet another man-made celebration that takes one away from Christ; look at all the preparations, pageantry, ritualism, and formalism that goes into this event!

We are supposed to be thankful to those that have died in the two great wars for giving us the peace, prosperity, freedom etc, that we are now supposed to enjoy today.

Truly, if I were a born-again soldier that fell in the first world war, and I could be shown today's 'Great' Britain  and what I had died for, I should now be well and truly grieved!

Lets have a look at some of these things...abolishing the death penalty,legalizing sodomy, abortion, same-sex marriage, no fault divorce/adultery, LGBT rights and 'freedom' to assign to yourself your own sex, and making nearly everything under the sun to be a 'hate crime'! (and much of this has been signed onto the statute book by our so-called 'Christian' monarch, the defender of the Faith!). Is this freedom as Emma Silk so proudly says? I quote her from BBC online:

"I want to honour the memory of my grandfather - what he did for our freedom," says Emma Silk, grand daughter of Harold Victor Silk, who lost his left arm in battle the day before Armistice Day.

Now, I have read of other accounts, that I am sure could be multiplied without number on this vein; that speak of men dying, and fighting for our 'freedom', yet, where are we today? Those who would preach God's word in the open places and streets can now be prosecuted under the name of "hate speech"! What freedom is this? I see Islamism and secularism expanding in the 'market place' as it were, and Christianity being marginalized at an ever increasing rate!

Did not our Saviour say, the truth shall make you free. John 8:32? Is this not the full Gospel?

It should make any true believer in Christ think on these things, especially when practically ALL the nations are celebrating this 'peace' event? That is all who are part of the 'globalist' agenda, bringing the nations under Antichrist! The BBC posted this headline today; "Armistice Day: Macron (president of France) urges world leaders to reject nationalism." In other words, reject God in Christ, for was it not He Who gave us the nations?! Read Genesis 10!

Lets not remember the dead, leave them to God, for it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment. Hebrews 9:27.

However, let us remember, and never forget the One who was dead: and behold, I am alive forevermore, Amen: and I have the keys of hell and of death. Revelation 1:18. 


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