Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial among you, which cometh upon you to prove you, as though a strange thing happened unto you. 1 Peter 4:12 (RV).
I have pondered much upon this verse in recent days, in view of all that is going on around us. Not that too many of us have physically endured a "fiery trial", nevertheless, we do feel the effects of such a "trial". "A strange thing" is happening among us all; we are all told to maintain a "social distance" from all comers, that we cannot hug anyone (out of our household), or even shake hands with a stranger! Who, a few short months ago would have thought we would be living in such a strange environment as we now find ourselves in today? when back then, we were all basking in relative normality!
As believers we ought not think of the "trial" that is "among you" to be any "strange thing", for we have it plainly stated in God's written word that "in the last days perilous times shall come." 1 Timothy 3:1. Reading the context we know that "men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers..." So, none of these things can come upon the world without their rotten fruits producing a stench in the air that we breathe. No doubt, as bad as things are right now, they will only get progressively worse, until we embrace the "new normal" that is coming upon us all. In this "new normal" all our previous liberties will become a distant memory, we might say of such "the good old days!" fondly remembered, but ever aware they will never return.
From my understanding of Bible prophecy, I earnestly believe that there will be a period of prolonged worldly prosperity imminently coming upon us, else how could the earth dwellers be proclaiming "peace and safety" 1 Thess 5:3? (how long, I cannot say, but perhaps some 15-25 years or more before the Lord's return?). This 'prosperity' however, will be based entirely upon the new normal, that is the social reengineering project we see taking place all around us in society will be the accepted norm upon which the earth dwellers will proclaim this "peace and safety"!
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