The unfolding of recent events leads me to believe that the UK governments will bring in a mandatory face mask ruling for all public places. Some are absolutely loving it! masks are coming in all shapes, colours, patterns, and sizes; yes they are fashion accessories even! Designer masks? Harris Tweed masks may not be afar off! As for me, not only do I find the whole thing utterly odious, masks have not been proven to offer any protection whatsoever, they will cause more harm than good. I would only use them in days long gone by spraying cars in a paint shop, for I didn't want to breathe in the toxic fumes that I could see and smell with my very own eyes and nose! As for this mythical 'virus' there is far less so-called 'scientists' (nay-witches!) don't know about it than they do know, evidenced by the fact that there is no consensus on the 'science'. So we are being told to conform when we see no danger! many scientists tell us that the coronavirus particles are so miniscule that surgical masks offer no protection, yet home made masks and even scarves are acceptable in shops!
So, as things stand, the powers that be would have us wear a mask to enter a shop to buy our food, in a soon coming day (though I do believe this to be several years hence; for certain prophetic events haven't yet been fulfilled) you will need the mark to buy your food!
And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Revelation 13:17-18.
Far be it from me to encourage rebellion by telling people not to wear masks in places where the government tells us (Romans 13:1-4) but when the constituent governments of the coming Antichrist order us to receive a mark, will you take it as you readily complied with the mask mandate? This would be the time to do as Daniel's compatriots did when they disobeyed Antichrist's forerunner (Nebuchadnezzar, the king of the world) by not worshipping the image (Daniel 5:18) as they were commanded to do so.
To those that take the mark, their eternal destiny will be eternal damnation in the "lake of fire"; very solemn.
The way this 'virus' has been utilized to re-shape our lives, quite literally overnight is nothing short of staggering. It is not difficult to see the masses sleepwalking into the mark, or name of the beast system, is it?
The LORD bringeth the counsel of the nations to nought: He maketh the thoughts of the peoples to be of none effect. Psalm 33:10.
And so it will be! Amen.
Far be it from me to encourage rebellion by telling people not to wear masks in places where the government tells us (Romans 13:1-4) but when the constituent governments of the coming Antichrist order us to receive a mark, will you take it as you readily complied with the mask mandate? This would be the time to do as Daniel's compatriots did when they disobeyed Antichrist's forerunner (Nebuchadnezzar, the king of the world) by not worshipping the image (Daniel 5:18) as they were commanded to do so.
To those that take the mark, their eternal destiny will be eternal damnation in the "lake of fire"; very solemn.
The way this 'virus' has been utilized to re-shape our lives, quite literally overnight is nothing short of staggering. It is not difficult to see the masses sleepwalking into the mark, or name of the beast system, is it?
The LORD bringeth the counsel of the nations to nought: He maketh the thoughts of the peoples to be of none effect. Psalm 33:10.
And so it will be! Amen.
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