Thursday, 31 May 2018

Perseverance of the saints.

"It will not do to tell us that this doctrine of perseverance, is merely a piece of Calvinism. Nothing is easier than to get up a prejudice against a truth, by giving it a bad name. Men deal with doctrines they do not like, much as Nero did when he persecuted the early Christians. They dress them up in a hideous garment and then hold them up to scorn and run them down. The perseverance of the saints is often treated in this manner. People stave it off by some sneering remark about Calvinism, or by some apocryphal old wives' fable about Oliver Cromwell's deathbed, and think they have settled the question. Surely it would be more becoming to enquire whether perseverance was not taught in the Bible 1400 years before Calvin was born. The question to be decided is not whether the doctrine is Calvinistic, but whether it is Scriptural. The words of Bishop Horsley deserve to be widely known."

"Take especial care," he says, "before you aim your shafts at Calvinism, that you know what is Calvinism and what is not;- that in the mass of doctrine which it is of late become the fashion to abuse under the name Calvinism, you can distinguish with certainty, between that part of it which is nothing better than Calvinism, and that which belongs to our common Christianity and the general faith of the reformed Churches;- lest, when you mean only to fall foul of Calvinism you should unwarily attack something more sacred and of a higher origin."

Pages 10-11 "Never Perish" by Bishop J.C. Ryle (1816-1900)

Wednesday, 30 May 2018

The 'dreaded' TULIP in as few words as possible!!

Why do so many Christians find Calvinism (aka doctrines of grace) so offensive? It can't be worldlings, for they would also find Arminianism to be offensive! 

T (Total Depravity)
A quick five minute scan through the daily newspapers, TV news and the internet media will confirm the truth of this doctrine!

U (Unconditional Election)
This doctrine allows the Almighty God in Christ to choose whom He will! Not because He saw anything good in the chosen, but just that it pleased Him by His own sovereign grace to do so. (Is this too hard to understand?).

L (Limited Atonement)
This is the one that really angers many believers; that Christ didn't die for every man, woman, and child in the world. A quick perusal through God's Book will confirm this most hated truth; Pharaoh, Nebuchadnezzar, Haman, Judas and the unrepentant thief are some examples to prove this fact. 

I (Irresistible Grace)
That we cannot resist the Almighty's grace, dare we think otherwise! I can't flatter myself to think that I have the power to do so! Can a true believer resist God? "For Who maketh thee to differ from another? and what hast thou that thou didst not receive?" 1 Corinthians 4.7. The Father and the Son don't manifest themselves to us in this present age, no this is the work of God's gracious Holy Spirit who came down to the earth after the Son's ascension, John 14.16, 26.

P (Perseverance of the Saints)
That God will enable the elect to persevere to the end through His almighty power. Yes, we may, stumble and fall a great many times along the road to eternity, but God through His gracious Holy Spirit will enable His elect to enter those "many mansions" in "the Father's house" John 14.2. Will not God "confirm you to the end, that ye may be blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ," 1 Corinthians 1.8?

What is the point of writing an extended treatise on the subject? I could write a thousand pages on it, and it wouldn't convince a dyed in the wool Arminian! Simply put, people will believe what they want to believe. Ever remember, God's Word is a revelation! Revelation, and what we learn from the study of God's Book, are two entirely different things: the former being from God, the latter from our own human reasoning.
In a nutshell, Calvinism gives God all the glory, and Arminianism strips the all glory from Him.
Arminian's contend that Calvinism limits the Atonement, yet they freely aver many are not saved! Granted, they will say "ah! but by their own 'free-will'!" But, how can we come to God by our own 'free will'? As unbelievers, were we not once all dead men walking?  1 Corinthians 2.14 and Romans 8.7 should dispel this false notion, plus the general tenor of Scripture. 

As a student of prophecy, fulfilled and unfulfilled, it became very clear to me that any prophetic event cannot possibly happen by chance, otherwise how would a yet unfulfilled event come to pass? How could God orchestrate the fulfillment of His written word, down to the last microdot if He were to be reliant on the will of us "grasshoppers" (Isaiah 40.22) down here? It truly baffles me how intelligent believers cannot see the truth of pre-destination and election.
There are some who would call themselves "Biblicist's"; they aver that they are neither Calvinist's nor Arminian, but the plain truth is that there is no middle position; do we have half, or a quarter 'free-will'? Those Bible students who rail against the doctrines of grace are Arminian by default.

Tuesday, 29 May 2018

Shall there be evil in a city, and the LORD hath not done it?

Shall a trumpet be blown in a city, and the people not be afraid? shall there be evil in a city, and the LORD hath not done it? Surely the LORD God will do nothing, but he revealeth His secret unto His servants the prophets. Amos 3.6-7.

This is the explanation of the preceding similes: God is the Author of all the calamities which come upon you, and which are foretold by His prophets. The evil of sin is from ourselves; the evil of trouble is from God, whoever be the instruments. His secret-viz., His purpose hidden from all, until it is revealed to His prophets (cf. Genesis 18.17). In a wider sense, God's will is revealed to all who love God, which it is not to the world (Ps. 25.14; John 15.15; 17.25, 26). unto His servants-who being servants cannot but obey the Lord in setting forth His purpose (viz., that of judgment against Israel) (Jer. 20.9; Ezek. 9.11). Therefore the fault which the ungodly find with them is groundless (1 Kings 18.17. It aggravates Israel's sin, that God is not about to inflict judgment without having fully warned the people, if haply they might repent.

Page 792, Jameson, Fausset & Brown COMMENTARY ON THE WHOLE BIBLE.

It behoves us as believers to at least try and understand the weight of these verses. Some years back on the mainland when in a small group Bible study, I became aware that some (mainly women) had a propensity for avoiding certain theological study, almost ignoring verses of Scripture that they didn't like! Some tend to make a god in their own image as it were; dwelling on their favorite verses in regard to the Saviour, and the sweet Psalms. It is almost as if they think Jesus is a new improved God, completely detached from the Old Testament, as if He came out of absolutely nowhere; a "Johnny come lately" God! There is "no new thing under the sun"; for this was the heresy of Marcion!
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today, and forever." Hebrews 13.8. He is the God of the Old Testament as well as the New Testament.
"And He said unto them, these are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms concerning Me." Luke 24.44 (my emphasis). "Jesus said unto them, verily, verily, I say unto you, before Abraham was, I am." John 8.58.

"I form the light, and create darkness; I make peace, and create evil, I the LORD do all these things." Isaiah 45.7.
"Out of the mouth of the Most High proceedeth not evil and good?" Lamentations 3.38.

Are these verses palatable? It matters not what we think of them, but "hath God said them"?

Sunday, 27 May 2018

Twinkle, twinkle little star, how I WONDER what you are!

Jane Taylor the 19th century English nursery rhyme writer who penned the immortal words "Twinkle, twinkle little star how I wonder what you are", was indeed asking a most profound question! A question most serious theologians have given scant regard to. But could it be otherwise, if they have been deceived by the Copernican heliocentric theory? For they thought our sun to be a star (some 900,000 times bigger than our earth!) and if this be true, as they sincerely believed/believe; then if the sun be a star as our great men of science teach, (which it isn't, if we would only believe God's written word!) then it follows that all the stars visible in the night sky are great fiery balls of fire, light years apart!, with variations of size and brightness as depicted in 1 Corinthians 15.41-42. Of the "celestial bodies" there is the "glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon." Indeed, we can observe this for ourselves! It is said there is "another glory of the stars: for one star differeth from another star in glory." Again we can observe that some stars are brighter than others, though not to the same degree as between the sun and moon. The apostle says regarding the comparison of the celestial bodies with the terrestrial, "So also is the resurrection of the dead." Those who are Christ's at His Coming "shall shine as the brightness of the the stars for ever and ever." Daniel 12.3. Or as the incarnate Lord said "Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father." Matthew 13.43. The Lord said of the resurrected saints, "For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven." Matthew 22.30.

Trying to connect the dots as it were, there does seem to be an inextricable relationship between mankind, angels, and the stars. And I am trying to find out exactly what the truth is without leaving the confines of God's word. For in the resurrection, the risen saints "will be as the angels in heaven", yet superior, for we will be judging them (not the elect angels-why would they need judgment?) There is an invisible domain in the angelic realm as it were; they can see us, for our Lord tells us regarding "these little ones" (were not we all, once such?) "in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father" Matthew 18.10. but we cannot see them (stars apart)! I believe that Satan is currently acting alone, that all the fallen angels are currently incarcerated; 2 Peter 2.4, Jude 1.6. In a soon coming Day, however there will be an outburst of demonic activity when this infernal "legion" will be released upon the earth: read the whole of Revelation 9, where the "bottomless pit" is "opened"! and "four angels which are bound" are "loosed"! This chapter is perhaps the least understood in the whole Bible! reading it almost send "shivers down one's spine!" It opens thus; "And the fifth angel sounded and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth." A star is obviously not 900,000 (or thereabouts!) times bigger than our earth!

Hebrews 1.14 informs us that angels are "ministering spirits, sent forth to do service for the sake of them that shall inherit salvation"; that is for all those names that are in God's "book of life"*. The hosts of these invisible agents must therefore be currently active in ways that we cannot perceive, doing God's will in upholding all things, but especially for the benefit of the heirs of salvation. Psalms 34.7 & 91.11 shed much light on this; "The angel of the LORD encampeth round about them that fear Him, and delivereth them. For He shall give His angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways." The unfallen angels are therefore watching over the heirs of salvation, they are called the "watchers" Daniel 4.13, 17 & 23. All without exception, would agree that they are watching from above, for they are the unfallen angels who are the "ministering spirits", but exactly where are they watching from? This I believe is the grand question we should ask ourselves; are they the observable stars in the night sky, or at least, were some of the stars their "habitation" from which they "left"; Jude 1.6? (those that we can now barely see?).

* It is interesting that the expression "book of life" is found eight times in the KJV 1611 Bible, and that only in the New Testament; eight being the number of resurrection. Who but those who will "inherit salvation" be in that book?

God is NOT the author of sin!

There are many believers who will not grasp the truth as it is in Christ. "The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which  are revealed belong unto us and our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law." Deuteronomy 29.29. (emphasis mine).

What are these "secret things"? If we knew these "secret things" would we not be as God?

Adam and Eve were in a most blessed environment! they were in the "garden of Eden", which of us have been in such a sphere? "And the LORD God commanded the man saying , Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die." Genesis 2.16-17. (emphasis mine).

It is a fact is it not, that God created Satan? read Ezekiel 28.15. Satan through his enormous pride did indeed fall, for "iniquity was found in thee." The prophet confirms this in verse 17; "Thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty." (my emphasis). Satan is the "day star" in Isaiah 14.12 (RV) Lucifer (AV). God put our first parents in the garden; Calvinists and Arminian's are at least agreed on this! But, the grand question is; who is the author of sin? God or Satan? Satan's apostasy was before man, and God allowed Satan to enter into the garden, as he did also grant him permission to "smite" Job in Job 2.6-7. Why then would God do this? But then, who can say to Him "What doest thou?" Daniel 4.35. Nevertheless, of the "tree of the knowledge of good and evil." God expressly commanded Adam and Eve to "not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die." Genesis 2.17 (my emphasis).

Is it not clear then, why we have been subjected to this test? The "elect angels" (1 Timothy 5.21) know nothing of redemption other than the "spectacle" (Gk. theatre) that they see going on down here below, See 1 Corinthians 4.9. God in Christ "gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto Himself a people for His own possession, zealous of good works." Titus 2.14. Without redemption, would we be anything other than automatons? Of the gospel, it is written "the angels desire to look into." 1 Peter 1.12? Why do they "desire to look into these things"?
Can we not but wonder at their astonishment that the Creator became incarnate only to die on that cross? God "saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began." 2 Timothy 1.9 (my emphasis). Clearly God had a predetermined plan, otherwise known as predestination and election, not only did He know what would come to pass (foreknowledge), He is the author of all that has happened, is happening, and will happen. Yet He is NOT the author of sin, for "God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all." 1 John 1.5. "All things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose." Romans 8.28 (emphasis mine). Are not these "all things" every thing, bad as well as good? Though man is a free agent to do what he will, it is God's unseen hand which orchestrates all events; even "The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord, as the rivers of water: He turneth it whithersoever He will." Proverbs 21.1. Man is a responsible creature with a God given conscience, more so the believer, so it is incumbent on us to live according to the Law of Christ, walking by the two great commandments, Matthew 22.38-40, on this Peter said "make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye will never fall." 2 Peter 1.10.
In the garden of Eden, it was the arch deceiver Satan who "beguiled" the woman (Genesis 3.6, 1 Timothy 2.14. Eve gave the fruit to Adam and "he did eat" Genesis 3.6. Adam and Eve only had to obey God's command and all would be well. But it was Satan who tempted man to sin against His maker. Did not God have a right to put that tree there? This was surely telling the federal head of our race Who it was that owned the place, was it not?
God created Satan "perfect", so why or how did he apostatise? Certainly he "was full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty" Ezekiel 28.14; it is written that God's ways are "past finding out!" Romans 11.33.
But, even to think that God was caught unawares by Satan's apostasy; could He then be called the omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient One? Some may speculate that even without the serpent's presence in the garden, Adam and Eve may still have sinned (though they may have took longer to do so!) James 1.14 says "every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed." They may have kept looking at that fruit until it drove them to distraction, finally to cave in! But this is speculation, for what was predetermined by God actually happened. His plan came to pass.

Some treat the crucifixion as an afterthought, almost as if the devil got the better of the Almighty, and God put 'plan b' into place by sending His Son to die on the cross to save us! But the Scriptures reveal otherwise, that "the Lamb was slain from the foundation of the world" Revelation 13.8, and as 2 Timothy 1.9 puts it "before the world began." God is outside of time, but He predestinated the events to the tiniest minutiae that led to the cross some 4000 years ago, or did all these events happen by chance? Think on these things! The Lord Jesus even "chose a devil" John 6.70 to do the wicked deed, yet Judas did what he did, of his own volition! How do we explain these things? Do we have a plumb line to fathom them? Yet "it is written".

"God calleth His own sheep by name" John 10.3, He is calling them out one by one, "My sheep hear My voice" John 10.27, they will come. But why do they come? "No man can come to Me, except My Father which hath sent Me draw him" John 6.44 (my emphasis). The Gospel call is universal, for He "commandeth all men everywhere to repent" Acts 17.30 (my emphasis). But only the elect (My sheep) hear His voice (John 10.16 & 27).
Arminians will use Acts 7.51 to support 'free will', but this verse is merely telling us that the "stiff necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears" resisted the testimony of the preached word of God, that is to the external work of the Holy Spirit. "My Spirit shall not always strive with man" Genesis 6.3. 1 Peter 3.18-20 shows us that it was the Spirit of Christ in Noah that "strove" with the antediluvians when the patriarch preached to them.

I believe in what is known as Reformed Calvinistic theology; which upholds the "doctrines of grace" aka "TULIP" and pre-destination/election, because I see them very clearly taught in the Scripture of Truth, not because I am a follower of any man, only THE Man!

Saturday, 26 May 2018

Defining moments and theology

I believe we all have what we may call "defining moments" in life; when we hit a brick wall as it were, and realise that we are going nowhere.  This happened to me around 1998-99, for until then I would watch the soaps religiously, especially Coronation Street, which, from memory, was then broadcast on Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings from 7.30-8.00 pm. And if I knew there was any possibility of missing a show, I would pre-set the VHS video recorder (remember them!); so that I wouldn't miss anything, for often the last episode would leave you in a state of suspension, and you just had to know what happened next!
But, one day it suddenly dawned upon me (without any external influence-God apart!) that what I was watching was all make believe, and I asked myself some really serious questions as to why I was watching fiction that originated in the mind of a man that was perhaps no better than me, I was just filling my head up with junk!
I then pulled the plug on "The Street" and have never watched it since, praise God. Subsequently, I started to ask questions about life and attend the local Baptist Church, where I started my journey in pursuit of the truth. To cut a long story short, since that defining moment there have been many ups and downs, and it wasn't long before I realised that the minister of this Baptist Church wasn't teaching the truth, for he had no problem with evolution, and as for the Revelation; "don't go there!" So whilst still spasmodically attending this Church, I was searching beyond this false minister.

Slowly, but surely I began to gravitate toward eschatology, for I seriously started to believe that the Creator God in Christ, the Lord Jesus Christ, our Saviour would 'soon' return to this earth at "any moment"! Eschatology then somewhat began to consume me, I became totally absorbed with the rapture! I purchased and read every book I could find on the subject! Over the years after applying myself to much study of God's written word I came to the conclusion that certain events  had to happen before the Lord's Return, and researched the Plymouth Brethren Movement that gave rise to pre-tribulationism under J.N.Darby, C.I. Scofield and others via the auspices of  Margaret MacDonald, and Edward Irving. This novel doctrine came to the surface circa 1830,and was previously unheard of in some 1800 years of NT Church history, but it has now spread like wildfire to the point that it is now the predominant belief!

The point I am making is that after becoming a believer, I naturally wanted to know how and when the Lord would return, sounds logical I hope; for what true believer wouldn't? But my theology had become so lop-sided as it were, for I had studied eschatology to the detriment of all of the other great Bible doctrines!
I love this quote from Charles Spurgeon, from memory it goes something like this.

"If you were to take the most beautiful face in the whole world and increase her nose by one inch in length, would that face still be beautiful? Beauty, then I take it is proportion, so it is with the Scriptures."

Spurgeon was making this point in regard to the Plymouth Brethren movement, most especially the Darbyites who were known as the "Exclusives".

Many today, most especially the militant Pre-tribulation rapture teachers and preachers seem to be "one trick pony's", all their teachings are heavily interlaced with the rapture!

Friday, 25 May 2018

All men have not faith: 2 Thessalonians 3.2

Further on from yesterdays little treatise on 1 Timothy 2.4, it occurred to me earlier this morning, that perhaps 2 Thessalonians 3.2 is a much better example to illustrate the fact that the "all" in 1 Timothy 2.4 cannot possibly mean that God "desires" every man "to be saved" as the NASB and ESV render it. For we know that many men in fact DO have faith! So the "all" in 2 Thessalonians 3.2, likewise cannot mean every man, or not?

Otherwise we are all in real trouble! Let us "rightly divide the word of truth".

Thursday, 24 May 2018

1 Timothy 2.4; a universal salvation Scripture?

"For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth." 1 Timothy 2.4.

To qualify what the little word "all" means in this universal sounding verse should not be too difficult. Clearly the apostle cannot be meaning that every man will be saved, for any with a little knowledge of Scripture would know that cannot possibly be true. If it were true, every man from that point on would "be saved", for God is all powerful, and "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." Matthew 6.10. Have all men without exception been saved since those inspired words were uttered? Has everyone repented and believed on the precious blood of Jesus? Well, even an Arminian would know that not to be the case! Is not unbelief and wickedness ever increasing the world over? Has our own once well favoured land become more Christian or less, in recent years? Such a notion that the "all" in the verse under consideration means every man, would render God not to be omnipotent, which would be contrary to the plain teaching of Scripture, for His will be done! The Saviour taught extensively about "everlasting punishment" in the Gospels, He even questioned if He would "find faith on the earth" when He returns! Luke 18.8. He said "Narrow, is the way which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it." Matthew 7.14.
So what does the "all" mean? It obviously means (read the context) that all men from Gentile nations from the four corners of the earth will be among the elect, along with the Jews. For Paul said "supplications, prayers, made for all men; for kings, and for all that are in authority..." He is asking believers, in the first place, to pray for those who rule so "that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty." (in other words, so they will leave us alone!). But, what do we see going on today? Christians are being increasingly marginalised, and so we will be until the Antichrist himself arrives.

The Bible is a Judeo Christian book, the "all men" must therefore mean all God's elect from the Jews and the Gentiles. All men will be saved, that is many from all the nations on God's earth, obviously  not every man. Some of the 'easy read' translations read God "desires all men to be saved" NASB/ESV.  This is further evidence of the truth, for how could an omnipotent God not have what He "desires"; is God all powerful or not? Let us remember,"the powers that be are ordained of God." Romans 13.1, God raised up Pharaoh and Nebuchadnezzar, if they could have, would they have had their every desire fulfilled? Then why not the Almighty?

I do wish believers would refrain from using such verses as a proof text to support their attacks on pre-destination, election and reprobation.

Of the Jews, Paul said;

"who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us: and they please not God, and are contrary to all men." 1 Thessalonians 2.15.

Does the "all men" in this verse mean EVERY man in the world including those Jews Paul was talking about? Likewise, was EVERY person in the world" taxed in Luke 2.1? Clearly not! But, "all" those under Caesar's jurisdiction were. When I was selling second hand cars I would say all these cars are mine (all in my compound), I didn't mean every single car in the world! Let us start "rightly dividing the word of truth" 2 Timothy 2.15?

Monday, 21 May 2018

Do infants who die before the so-called age of responsibility go to heaven?

Is it not dangerous to base theology on one Bible verse alone? Sadly many today seem to do just this.

I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me.
2 Samuel 12.23.

Many teach that upon David learning of his infant child's death (which was a judgment from God for David's sin), that when he said "I shall go to him" that his dead child would be with him in heaven. But is this so? It is written "in Adam all die." 1 Corinthians 15.22 (my emphasis). 

On the doctrine of imputation, A.W. Pink writes thus;

"The doctrine of imputation is as bitterly hated as those of unconditional election and eternal punishment. Those who teach it are accused of representing God as dealing unjustly. What do the Scriptures say about it? As we have seen, Romans 5 declares that death has come upon all men because all sinned in Adam (v 12), that "through the offence of one many be dead" (15), that "the judgment was  by one to condemnation" (16), that "by one man's offence death reigned" (17), that "by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation" (18), that "by one man's disobedience many were made sinners" (19). "In Adam all die" (1 Cor 15.22). God deals with men on the principle of imputation. The sins of the fathers implicate the children (Exodus 20.5). The curse of Canaan fell on all his posterity (Gen 9.25). The Egyptians perished for Pharaoh's obduracy. Achan's whole family died for his crime (Joshua 7.24). All Israel suffered for David's sin (II Sam. 24.15-17). The leprosy visited upon Gehazi passed to all his seed forever (II Kings 5.27). The blood of all the prophets was exacted of the members of Christ's generation (Luke 11.50)."

Adam being the federal head of the entire human race, through his disobedience, sin entered the world, and because of his sin, death is the lot of  all his descendants. David said:

Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.
Psalm 51.5 (my emphasis).

When David said "I shall go to him", he was merely saying that he would go to sheol (his grave), because that was the abode of the Old Testament righteous and unrighteous dead.

It is, no doubt a very emotive subject, but are babies born sinners or no?
I can well understand why some hate what is known as Calvinistic theology, but as ever, "what saith the Scripture?"

Sunday, 20 May 2018

Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near. Isaiah 55.6 KJV.

The image above is of an old stone sundial, erected I believe circa mid 18th century, it has engraved upon it the message of salvation, the gospel call in Isaiah 55.6, the remainder of the verse is on the left side, and had a lovely brass sundial on the right side (which sadly vandals removed sometime in the late 1990s). On the reverse side is engraved the second portion of 2 Corinthians 6.2; Behold, now is the accepted time; behold now is the day of salvation.

In my teens, and throughout my early adult life I would occasionally stop and read the inscriptions on this silent witness wondering what they meant, (approx. 6' in height) and  often tentatively bend the protruding sundial! The messages inscribed upon it were too deep for me to comprehend, as I was brought up in a household with absolutely zero Christian influence. Many of us are subjected to these gentle nudges, persuasions, or whatever we choose to call them and I believe Hebrews 3.15 gives us much light here; "Today if ye will hear his voice, Harden not your hearts, as in the provocation." I have shuddered many times in recent years, almost breaking out in a cold sweat when I consider it wasn't until about 2001-2 that I finally began to wake up! O to realise how close to the lake of fire I was!
In this Cotswold town where this silent witness still 'speaks' are a great many chapels, churches with towering spires, meeting houses and such like. When I last lived in the district (2013) the population was some 25,000, but consider how much less it would have been when these aforementioned structures were built? Church attendance was very healthy in the so-called post Reformation period leading up to the pre-technology age (1940? on) that we now live in, for in those days people had very few distractions or diversions (fun!) as we do today. Now we have not only 24 hour a day satellite television, laptops, handheld devices of every sort, gaming applications, novels, and whatever else, and this within our own four walls! what of beyond those walls; the cinemas, shopping malls, theatres, casinos, wine bars, pubs, night clubs and what have you? The Church was the big communal part in the period of time under discussion, for the distractions in that era were practically non-existent, most especially in the rural communities. In the village that I lived in it was said that in the non-conformist Baptist Church there, (they all were, before the downgrade controversy) when Charles Spurgeon visited to preach; that standing room was denied to those flocking within to hear the great London preacher; some 3,000 or more were in the two tiered chapel, with many outside to hear his thundering voice! In the same church building today, you would scarcely see more than a handful attend on a Sunday service! The 'simple' rural folk that lived in Spurgeon's  time in that village, that lived in that time shall we say lived from hand to mouth. Today? no! they now live in the second most prosperous area in the UK outside of London and the South East, with houses and cars to match! Worldly prosperity chokes the gospel message, why do we want to know about the suffering Saviour when we are full to the brim with all the 'comforts' that the world provides us with? What can God give us that we don't have? The welfare state will even look after the 'have-not's' from the cradle to the grave! Does not this wicked system take personal responsibility away from us all?

Is it not a fact that these silent witnesses are everywhere in every village, town and city up and down the length and breadth of the UK? Are they less effective than vocal witness? at least they quote Scripture verbatim! unlike much of the drivel that emanates from our faltering lips! Isaiah 55.6 was the first verse I memorized, so I believe, I wonder why? It had a profound effect, thank God.

Dr Charles Stanley, Eternal Security: Can You Be Sure?

Election is demonstrable only by its effects on human behaviour. The so-called "free grace theology" maintains that good works are not  a necessary proof of faith in Christ. In fact, this viewpoint goes on to say that those who insist on visible works do not truly believe in justification by faith. With regard to perseverance, one popular preacher writes thus:

"God's love for His people is of such magnitude that even those who walk away from the faith have not the slightest chance of slipping from His hand...(he goes on to say).. We are not saved because  we have an enduring faith. We are saved because at a moment in time we expressed faith in our enduring Lord."

Charles Stanley, from the chapter  "For Those Who Stop Believing," in Eternal Security: Can You Be Sure? (Nashville: Nelson, 1991) pages 74,80. These are not isolated statements: Dr Stanley says "Even if a believer for all practical purposes becomes an unbeliever, his salvation is not in jeopardy" (p 93); "believers who lose or abandon their faith will retain their salvation, for God remains faithful".

What are we to make of this absurd nonsense? What would the apostle Paul say about this teaching? He told the Thessalonians "Therefore brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle." 2 Thessalonians 2.15. Paul followed the teaching of our Lord as expressed by His words in Matthew 7.16-20. "Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord." Hebrews 12.14.

What do we believe, the Gospel of grace as taught by Paul, or Dr Stanley's 'free grace'?

But...then Dr Stanley is a Dispensationalist, that is we are not under law, but under grace! Their theology teaches that OT Israel were saved by the blood of bulls and goats up to the cross of Christ, and that the NT Church alone will be saved by the Atonement! Yet this IS the Redeemer the OT saints were looking for! the seed of the woman in Genesis 3.15!
"For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ." John 1.17, but, Who gave the law to Moses? According to Dr Stanley, God would have in His Kingdom a bunch of rebels! "...nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God." 1 Corinthians 6.10-11. My emphasis (note the past tense?)
"Wherefore the rather brethren give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if you do these things ye shall never fall." 2 Peter 1.10.

What, but "evil fruit" (Matthew 7.17) can come from Dr Stanley's teaching?

Friday, 18 May 2018

Dr John Gill's Exposition of the Bible on Genesis 1.1 and 1.14-19.

Dr Gill describes the earth as a "terraqueous globe" in Genesis 1.1. He also speaks of the heavens as being in a "chaotic state". Is this not eisegesis? for it certainly isn't exegesis! How can any come to such a conclusion unless one has been deceived by the false heliocentric theory? Furthermore, Dr Gill's 'exposition' of the creation account in chapters 1.14-19 has much extra-biblical material, including reference to Sir Isaac Newton (and others) and his vast distances between the various heavenly bodies, and quotes Newton as saying that the sun is some 900,000 times bigger than the earth! (I assume Dr Gill believed all this?). Is it any wonder that the foundation stone of Scripture has come under such vicious attack when our best exegetes stray off from God's word and promote the wild theories of men in its place?

On the fourth day of creation (Genesis 1.14-19) Dr Gill writes;
"it seems rather, that the body of fire and light produced on the first day was now distributed and formed into several luminous bodies of sun, moon, and stars..." Am I reading this right? he is saying that the sun was created on the first day! and God declares it was created on the fourth day.
Dr Gill continues; "And the evening and the morning were the fourth day. Made by the rotation of the earth on its own axis, in the space of twenty four hours..."

I have lifted the above quotes from Gill's "Exposition on the Bible" from for I am not in possession of any printed copy as  I am in the case of Matthew Henry, Matthew Poole, Jameson Fausset and Brown, and Halley's (whom I commented on their expositions on the Genesis verses here in question on March 4th), but I can only believe them to be Gill's words, as they are in general agreement with the other aforesaid expositors.

I still can't quite fathom out why all the mainstream creation ministries are so blinded to the fact that the vast distances required for the unbiblical heliocentric theory to work are a direct corollary for the vast ages of evolution! Creation Ministries International blocked me from further commenting on their website, (for trying to get believers to trust on God's word alone!) but then, maybe they don't want to investigate the truth because they so enjoy their 'hard won' current ecumenical status? Perhaps just teaching creation is bad enough, but as for the flat earth...don't go there!?
As a homeschooling family, we used CMI's, AIG's, materials to educate our daughter (born out of wedlock in 1995! when I was in complete darkness) how times have changed!? The heliocentric theory which came into being through Copernicus, Galileo, the Roman Catholic Church, and the help of the Hegelian Dialect is directly responsible for all the false science that is currently taught in schools, colleges and universities today. The popes, then are responsible for all the false science around today! now THAT sounds right, doesn't it? would any true Protestant say "nay"?

Thursday, 17 May 2018

Now The End Begins (NTEB)

Is Every 'Friend' of Israel, a Friend of God?

Dispensationalist Theology is "another gospel"  Galatians 1.6.

There is an American evangelical, fundamentalist Christian website with an ever increasing following (judging by the many who comment there) ran by a certain Geoffrey Grider who holds to Dispensational theology, we may say a Hyper Dispensationalist. I quote from an article on his website under the heading "BIBLE BELIEVER: PASTOR ROBERT JEFFRESS NOT ASHAMED OF JESUS AT US EMBASSY OPENING, DRAWS FIRE FROM MORMON MITT ROMNEY" 15/05/2018;

"Salvation for the past 2000 years is found only in the redemptive work  and shed blood  of Jesus on the cross at Calvary..."  (my emphasis).

What then of the previous 4000 years? This is but one branch of rotten fruit that emanates from errant Dispensational theology (capitalised because it has taken on a name for itself-a branch of false Christianity). Acts 4.12 declares "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved." The Saviour Himself said "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." John 14.6.
I hardly need to mention the fact that out of all branches of Bible theology, salvation should be somewhere near the top. Nay! rather at the highest peak of the mountain of Bible theology-right at the TOP of the pinnacle! So lets get it right.

Is it true, what Dispensationalists assert, that a man can be saved by the keeping of the law; by the animal sacrifices of the blood of bulls and goats? On this, God's word says, "For it is impossible that the blood of bulls and goats should take away sins." Hebrews 10.4 (RV).
What were the Old Testament saints; old Simeon and the prophetess Anna looking for in Luke chapter 2, were they not looking for the crucified Saviour? Simeon was "looking for the consolation of Israel....And it was revealed to him by the Holy Ghost that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord's Christ." Luke 2.25-26. He goes on to say, "Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace...For mine eyes have seen thy salvation." vs 29-30. Likewise, with Anna who "spake of Him to all them that looked for redemption in Jerusalem." Luke 2.38. The same with John the Baptist, he too was looking for the Redeemer; "crying in the wilderness, prepare ye the way of the Lord" Matthew 3.2, see Luke 7.9, where the Baptist said "Art thou He that should come? or look we for another?" Simeon asked to "depart in peace" after he had seen the 8 day old Seed of the woman, (Genesis 3.15 first prophecy of the Messiah), and there on the same day at the temple, Anna was described as being "of a great age" Luke 2.36. The thrust of the scriptures quoted above leads us to believe Simeon and Anna departed long before the crucifixion, and we know that Herod beheaded the Baptist. Yet these eminent saints along with all the Old Testament saints were saved only by believing on Israel's Coming Messiah!

Peter, the apostle says "Concerning  which salvation the prophets have inquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you: searching what time or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did point unto, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glories that should follow them." 1 Peter 1.10-11.

It should be very clear to any unprejudiced Christian mind that hasn't been blinded by false pre-tribulation Dispensational theology that God has been calling out of the world " (Greek Ekklesia) a people for His name " (Acts 15.14-17) from the time of Abel right through to the last saved sinner at the end of the soon coming millennial reign of Christ. All false theology is bad, but the particularly bad aspect of Dispensationalism is that it drives a  wedge between law and grace, when as believers, we are under the law of Christ (Galatians 6.2), and saved by His free sovereign grace alone. The Saviour did not "destroy the law or the prophets" He came to "fulfill" them. Matthew 5.17. Such errant theology only leads to a very low view of the law; ultimately antinomianism. Also it teaches that the New Testament saints have a prior deliverance to the Lord's Second Coming, that is through a pre-tribulation rapture some seven years or more, before the "time of Jacob's trouble" Jeremiah 30.7. "Jacob's trouble" is an OT term for the coming great tribulation period of which the end times NT Church will have to go through, that is the last three and a half years of this present age, when the coming Antichrist will be doing his very worst, this period is described in Matthew 24, also in Daniel and the Revelation (times, time and half a time & "a thousand two hundred and threescore days").

I believe the Bible clearly and unequivocally teaches that the so-called rapture and the Second Coming are but one and the very same event. The Second Coming of Christ will be post tribulational.
Dispensational theology is a relatively new teaching (circa 1830) and in its earlier years was known as Darbyism (after J.N.Darby) subsequently it spread like wildfire (quite literally!) throughout the USA and beyond, being energised by the Scofield Reference Bible. It should be a matter of great concern to all true believers that false Dispensational theology will be the cause of much end times Christian deception. Apart from an any moment rapture and a seven year tribulation period, the theologians that teach this false theology are in little agreement on many of the manifest errors that flow from it.

Sunday, 13 May 2018

Time, what is it?

There is a paradox which I have recently discovered, but I am not too dismayed for I am assured that His ways are "past finding out" Job 9.10, Romans 11.33.
I believe the literal six-day creation account in the Genesis narrative (without any gap between the first two verses), but I had hitherto countenanced the strange notion that time didn't exist before the fall. For if we think about it; the clock didn't start ticking, so to speak, until the very moment that our first parents "took of the fruit"; it was only then that they would consequently begin to age and eventually go on to die. Time has no meaning in eternity, because the past, present, and future will co-exist contemporaneously in a fixed state of eternal blessedness for the elect, and the diametric opposite for the non-elect. Time, I had always believed to be a parenthesis, and I still do, as such, but I can't begin to understand how to reconcile the dilemma, if indeed there is one!
Indeed "day" and "night" and "evening and morning" are mentioned throughout the Genesis account many times before the fall of Adam, and "year" only once in verse 14. So, clearly time existed before the fall of man, but what meaning does time really have in eternity, for the two surely cannot co-exist, or can they?
One can say "Ah! but God knows the end from the beginning!" and so true that is, for as a believer in biblical pre-destination, I can certainly say that He knew the fall would take place* not many 'hours' after He first created man, and had therefore set up the system of time to regulate our lives thereafter until "the fullness of times" Ephesians 1.10. It is almost as if God stepped out of eternity into time to do His work of creation, for the Scripture says "God blessed the seventh day...because that in it He had rested from all His work which God created and made." Genesis 2.3.
Ecclesiastes 3.11 says God "hath set eternity in their heart" (RV margin), so although we are at present (at least those now alive in "the day of salvation" 2 Corinthians 6.2) creatures confined to time, we are in fact eternal beings. Even unbelievers believe that they will never die, (they are correct there!), yes many may say that this life is all there is but, what is their true expectation? (remember, "every man a liar" Romans 3.4?).

So, after "the fullness of times" when the millennial reign has ended,God will create a "new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness"  2 Peter 3.13, Isaiah 65.17. There will then be no sun or moon to regulate time for us for the Scripture says we will have "no need of the sun, neither of the moon" Revelation 21.23.
It is interesting to note that what Revelation 21.23 asserts, perfectly agrees with Genesis 1.3, when God said "let there be light: and there was light." For "there was light" four days before the sun was created! We can observe on a cloudless day that it remains light for sometimes as long as an hour after the sun has set! So, the sun and moon will not be needed in eternity, for "the Lamb is the light thereof" Revelation 21.23.

The sun and the moon are parenthetical, as will be time. They had a beginning and will have an end.
But eternity, it is forever!

Praise God in Christ.

*It is very important to understand that God is not the author of sin, yet in His decretive and secretive  eternal counsels He ordained all events to come to pass as they did (Deuteronomy 29.29). Adam and Eve were in the garden, secure with the knowledge that all would be well if they obeyed the Divine fiat regarding the fruit "of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil" for He commanded  "thou shalt not eat of it" Genesis 2.17.

Redemption in Christ Jesus, the Son of God is the grand thrust of Holy Writ, therefore is it any wonder that the angels "desire to look into" these things? 1 Peter 1.12, for they know nothing of redemption. Without God in Christ's grand scheme of redemption, would we be anything other than automatons? Think on these things!

Wednesday, 9 May 2018

Early Radio History and the Geocentric Earth.

I found a very interesting article yesterday on from the Electrical Experimenter November 1915 page 321 where the original article is displayed, the heading and first sentence from page 321 reads as follows:

Wireless Telephony Now From Washington To Honolulu

The most wonderful feat in wireless telephony was accomplished on the night of Sept.29 last, when the human voice was projected through the ether from Washington, D.C., to Honolulu a distance of 4,900 miles!

But, I thought we needed satellites to transmit radio waves across vast distances because of the curvature of the Earth? How did this early feat happen if radio waves can't bend?

Just another "nail in the coffin" of the heliocentric spinning globe deception! the Earth is stationary (geocentric) and certainly does not orbit the sun. The length and breadth of the Earth is the same as the length and breadth of the first heaven (what unbelievers would call the universe), if we would only believe what God's word says in Genesis 1.1; "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." In the very first verse we can see that God is telling us that the earth is the antithesis of the heaven, that is the earth is down here where we walk, and the heaven is up above our heads, where the "fowl of the air" fly! Further on in Genesis 1.14-19 we learn that God created two "lights in the firmament" that is the sun and the earth. Listen to Him! for He put the sun and the moon "in the firmament of the heaven" Above the expanse of the earth He placed "two great lights; the greater to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night."
These two "great lights" then are "in the firmament" and they were created four days after the earth. They are if you like, servants of the earth, for God put them in place for our benefit; "for signs, and for seasons, and for days and years" (Genesis 1.14), not that we should worship them as many seem to do even within the realms of modern "science falsely so called." 1 Timothy 6.20.

Tuesday, 8 May 2018

Luck, chance and fortune.

The lot is cast into the lap;
But the whole disposing thereof is of the LORD. Proverbs 16.33.

Luck is but a heathen notion, and the true Christian should never put his hope in it. I would go further and say that it should form no part of his vocabulary, other than in a purely negative sense. Of the three words under discussion "chance" is the only one mentioned in the KJV 1611 and this some seven times in connection with events that to the natural mind 'appear' to be what we may think fortuitous, but a careful study will reveal the "hand of God" behind it all, for "He is upholding all things by the word of His power" Hebrews 1.3 (not some things!).
It is simply unbelievable (or is it now?) that many Christians utter these words without really thinking about what they are saying. For God doesn't play dice. The words luck, chance and fortune will no doubt be among those uttered, of whom the Lord Jesus chided in Matthew 12.36-37 "But I say unto you, that every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day judgment. For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned." How can any give God the glory through believing in luck?

I had cause to look up a church website the other day in the town near to where I used to live in the Cotswolds, and it says on the section "About our Church"; "The services tend to be traditional in nature, bible based and we are lucky to have a beautiful pipe organ." "Lucky"???
The church building is listed and some 180 years old, and according to their homepage it  recently benefited from a lottery grant to replace some windows and a staircase (with a new stair lift). No doubt then that the leadership of this particular congregation trust in luck!
Should it not grieve any right thinking Christian that their meeting house is heavily subsidised by a lottery fund? think of all those poor, and shall we say unfortunate souls who twice weekly spend much of what they have on gambling for a 'better' future? As Christians isn't it incumbent on us to be an example of holiness to them? Some may think that I am being "over righteous about much" but do the ends justify the means? Churches up and down the length and breadth of the nation now have their raffles and various other fund raising schemes to raise money for 'good causes' but do not church raffles which appear seemingly innocuous, give a moral stamp of approval (or should I say Divine?) to the purchasing of lottery tickets and scratch cards? Does not "a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump" 1 Corinthians 5.6? Gambling, be it in whatever form has no doubt ruined many lives, I remember (some 30 years ago!) the ecstatic feeling I had when I 'won' £100 on a high stakes gaming machine only to plough the whole lot back in (and more beside!) and at the end of the evening went home flat broke feeling in the pits! But I craved that feeling of ecstasy again which comes from 'winning' and would gamble on occasions since, but thanks be to God in Christ, it didn't overwhelm me, because at that period of my life I had little spare time being much occupied in my business career.

In the words of Samuel Pike (1755) on gambling, most especially card playing:

The whole I have to say on this subject, is founded upon a plain, but too much neglected passage of sacred writ: Proverbs xvi. 33. The lot is cast into the lap; But the whole disposing thereof is of the LORD; that is, whenever a lot is cast, the entire decision or determination of it is from Jehovah Himself. He claims it as His sole prerogative. This proverb will appear to be true concerning all sorts of lots, whether civil or religious, wheresoever, howsoever, or whensoever they may be cast. For, in all cases whatsoever, when a lot is cast, and cast fairly, an event is thereby rendered casual and uncertain: and it is not within the reach of human skill or power to ascertain, foresee or determine the event; and, if it be beyond human contrivance or art to decide the affair, to whom then does it belong, or whose prerogative is it? Whoever therefore believes the universal providence of God , must of necessity acknowledge, that all events universally are under the divine direction, more especially those that are casual. And, if God is to be owned in those events that come upon us daily, unforeseen, unsuspected and undesigned by any creature; surely divine providence ought to be still more especially regarded by us, whensoever we voluntarily render an event uncertain and casual. We must therefore conclude from the above plain text, and the reasoning upon it, that we ought in no case designedly to render an event casual with respect to us, without some real dependence upon, and submission to, divine providence. With which frame of spirits lots may be cast or established upon proper occasions, without any harm or crime:* And, without some such frame of mind in casting or receiving a lot, we are really defective in our regard to Jehovah as a God of providence, even supposing the occasion  of the lot to be proper and justifiable. But, if we venture  to cast a lot upon trivial occasions, such occasions as it would be profaneness to address Jehovah in, we are then guilty of trifling with that, which ought to be treated with a serious regard to the Lord, as the supreme Decider of all events: and especially of those, whose decision we designedly put out of our own reach.

* In cases of necessity and importance, where we cannot, without falling into destructive contentions, decide a point in question, the Lord graciously permits us to refer the decision of the affair to Himself by lot, provided we do it with a proper eye to Him, as the grand arbiter and disposer. "The lot causeth contentions to cease, and parteth between the mighty." Proverbs xviii.18.

From pages 37-38 "Cases of Conscience" Pike and Hayward. Bold type in the original.

Should any not see the connection between "lots" as described in the Bible and lottery tickets, where did the word lottery come from? Not too difficult to work out, I hope! So, God decides who 'wins' the lottery? yes! though the masses are ignorant to this very plain and scriptural truth.
Some errantly think that it was by chance that Matthias was chosen in Acts 1.26!

If as Mr Pike said above of Proverbs 16.33; it is "too much neglected a passage of sacred writ" in 1755, how much more so today?