There is a paradox which I have recently discovered, but I am not too dismayed for I am assured that His ways are "past finding out" Job 9.10, Romans 11.33.
I believe the literal six-day creation account in the Genesis narrative (without any gap between the first two verses), but I had hitherto countenanced the strange notion that time didn't exist before the fall. For if we think about it; the clock didn't start ticking, so to speak, until the very moment that our first parents "took of the fruit"; it was only then that they would consequently begin to age and eventually go on to die. Time has no meaning in eternity, because the past, present, and future will co-exist contemporaneously in a fixed state of eternal blessedness for the elect, and the diametric opposite for the non-elect. Time, I had always believed to be a parenthesis, and I still do, as such, but I can't begin to understand how to reconcile the dilemma, if indeed there is one!
Indeed "day" and "night" and "evening and morning" are mentioned throughout the Genesis account many times before the fall of Adam, and "year" only once in verse 14. So, clearly time existed before the fall of man, but what meaning does time really have in eternity, for the two surely cannot co-exist, or can they?
One can say "Ah! but God knows the end from the beginning!" and so true that is, for as a believer in biblical pre-destination, I can certainly say that He knew the fall would take place* not many 'hours' after He first created man, and had therefore set up the system of time to regulate our lives thereafter until "the fullness of times" Ephesians 1.10. It is almost as if God stepped out of eternity into time to do His work of creation, for the Scripture says "God blessed the seventh day...because that in it He had rested from all His work which God created and made." Genesis 2.3.
Ecclesiastes 3.11 says God "hath set eternity in their heart" (RV margin), so although we are at present (at least those now alive in "the day of salvation" 2 Corinthians 6.2) creatures confined to time, we are in fact eternal beings. Even unbelievers believe that they will never die, (they are correct there!), yes many may say that this life is all there is but, what is their true expectation? (remember, "every man a liar" Romans 3.4?).
So, after "the fullness of times" when the millennial reign has ended,God will create a "new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness" 2 Peter 3.13, Isaiah 65.17. There will then be no sun or moon to regulate time for us for the Scripture says we will have "no need of the sun, neither of the moon" Revelation 21.23.
It is interesting to note that what Revelation 21.23 asserts, perfectly agrees with Genesis 1.3, when God said "let there be light: and there was light." For "there was light" four days before the sun was created! We can observe on a cloudless day that it remains light for sometimes as long as an hour after the sun has set! So, the sun and moon will not be needed in eternity, for "the Lamb is the light thereof" Revelation 21.23.
The sun and the moon are parenthetical, as will be time. They had a beginning and will have an end.
But eternity, it is forever!
Praise God in Christ.
*It is very important to understand that God is not the author of sin, yet in His decretive and secretive eternal counsels He ordained all events to come to pass as they did (Deuteronomy 29.29). Adam and Eve were in the garden, secure with the knowledge that all would be well if they obeyed the Divine fiat regarding the fruit "of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil" for He commanded "thou shalt not eat of it" Genesis 2.17.
Redemption in Christ Jesus, the Son of God is the grand thrust of Holy Writ, therefore is it any wonder that the angels "desire to look into" these things? 1 Peter 1.12, for they know nothing of redemption. Without God in Christ's grand scheme of redemption, would we be anything other than automatons? Think on these things!
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