Friday, 18 May 2018

Dr John Gill's Exposition of the Bible on Genesis 1.1 and 1.14-19.

Dr Gill describes the earth as a "terraqueous globe" in Genesis 1.1. He also speaks of the heavens as being in a "chaotic state". Is this not eisegesis? for it certainly isn't exegesis! How can any come to such a conclusion unless one has been deceived by the false heliocentric theory? Furthermore, Dr Gill's 'exposition' of the creation account in chapters 1.14-19 has much extra-biblical material, including reference to Sir Isaac Newton (and others) and his vast distances between the various heavenly bodies, and quotes Newton as saying that the sun is some 900,000 times bigger than the earth! (I assume Dr Gill believed all this?). Is it any wonder that the foundation stone of Scripture has come under such vicious attack when our best exegetes stray off from God's word and promote the wild theories of men in its place?

On the fourth day of creation (Genesis 1.14-19) Dr Gill writes;
"it seems rather, that the body of fire and light produced on the first day was now distributed and formed into several luminous bodies of sun, moon, and stars..." Am I reading this right? he is saying that the sun was created on the first day! and God declares it was created on the fourth day.
Dr Gill continues; "And the evening and the morning were the fourth day. Made by the rotation of the earth on its own axis, in the space of twenty four hours..."

I have lifted the above quotes from Gill's "Exposition on the Bible" from for I am not in possession of any printed copy as  I am in the case of Matthew Henry, Matthew Poole, Jameson Fausset and Brown, and Halley's (whom I commented on their expositions on the Genesis verses here in question on March 4th), but I can only believe them to be Gill's words, as they are in general agreement with the other aforesaid expositors.

I still can't quite fathom out why all the mainstream creation ministries are so blinded to the fact that the vast distances required for the unbiblical heliocentric theory to work are a direct corollary for the vast ages of evolution! Creation Ministries International blocked me from further commenting on their website, (for trying to get believers to trust on God's word alone!) but then, maybe they don't want to investigate the truth because they so enjoy their 'hard won' current ecumenical status? Perhaps just teaching creation is bad enough, but as for the flat earth...don't go there!?
As a homeschooling family, we used CMI's, AIG's, materials to educate our daughter (born out of wedlock in 1995! when I was in complete darkness) how times have changed!? The heliocentric theory which came into being through Copernicus, Galileo, the Roman Catholic Church, and the help of the Hegelian Dialect is directly responsible for all the false science that is currently taught in schools, colleges and universities today. The popes, then are responsible for all the false science around today! now THAT sounds right, doesn't it? would any true Protestant say "nay"?

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