Is Every 'Friend' of Israel, a Friend of God?
Dispensationalist Theology is "another gospel" Galatians 1.6.
There is an American evangelical, fundamentalist Christian website with an ever increasing following (judging by the many who comment there) ran by a certain Geoffrey Grider who holds to Dispensational theology, we may say a Hyper Dispensationalist. I quote from an article on his website under the heading "BIBLE BELIEVER: PASTOR ROBERT JEFFRESS NOT ASHAMED OF JESUS AT US EMBASSY OPENING, DRAWS FIRE FROM MORMON MITT ROMNEY" 15/05/2018;
"Salvation for the past 2000 years is found only in the redemptive work and shed blood of Jesus on the cross at Calvary..." (my emphasis).
What then of the previous 4000 years? This is but one branch of rotten fruit that emanates from errant Dispensational theology (capitalised because it has taken on a name for itself-a branch of false Christianity). Acts 4.12 declares "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved." The Saviour Himself said "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." John 14.6.
I hardly need to mention the fact that out of all branches of Bible theology, salvation should be somewhere near the top. Nay! rather at the highest peak of the mountain of Bible theology-right at the TOP of the pinnacle! So lets get it right.
Is it true, what Dispensationalists assert, that a man can be saved by the keeping of the law; by the animal sacrifices of the blood of bulls and goats? On this, God's word says, "For it is impossible that the blood of bulls and goats should take away sins." Hebrews 10.4 (RV).
What were the Old Testament saints; old Simeon and the prophetess Anna looking for in Luke chapter 2, were they not looking for the crucified Saviour? Simeon was "looking for the consolation of Israel....And it was revealed to him by the Holy Ghost that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord's Christ." Luke 2.25-26. He goes on to say, "Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace...For mine eyes have seen thy salvation." vs 29-30. Likewise, with Anna who "spake of Him to all them that looked for redemption in Jerusalem." Luke 2.38. The same with John the Baptist, he too was looking for the Redeemer; "crying in the wilderness, prepare ye the way of the Lord" Matthew 3.2, see Luke 7.9, where the Baptist said "Art thou He that should come? or look we for another?" Simeon asked to "depart in peace" after he had seen the 8 day old Seed of the woman, (Genesis 3.15 first prophecy of the Messiah), and there on the same day at the temple, Anna was described as being "of a great age" Luke 2.36. The thrust of the scriptures quoted above leads us to believe Simeon and Anna departed long before the crucifixion, and we know that Herod beheaded the Baptist. Yet these eminent saints along with all the Old Testament saints were saved only by believing on Israel's Coming Messiah!
Peter, the apostle says "Concerning which salvation the prophets have inquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you: searching what time or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did point unto, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glories that should follow them." 1 Peter 1.10-11.
It should be very clear to any unprejudiced Christian mind that hasn't been blinded by false pre-tribulation Dispensational theology that God has been calling out of the world " (Greek Ekklesia) a people for His name " (Acts 15.14-17) from the time of Abel right through to the last saved sinner at the end of the soon coming millennial reign of Christ. All false theology is bad, but the particularly bad aspect of Dispensationalism is that it drives a wedge between law and grace, when as believers, we are under the law of Christ (Galatians 6.2), and saved by His free sovereign grace alone. The Saviour did not "destroy the law or the prophets" He came to "fulfill" them. Matthew 5.17. Such errant theology only leads to a very low view of the law; ultimately antinomianism. Also it teaches that the New Testament saints have a prior deliverance to the Lord's Second Coming, that is through a pre-tribulation rapture some seven years or more, before the "time of Jacob's trouble" Jeremiah 30.7. "Jacob's trouble" is an OT term for the coming great tribulation period of which the end times NT Church will have to go through, that is the last three and a half years of this present age, when the coming Antichrist will be doing his very worst, this period is described in Matthew 24, also in Daniel and the Revelation (times, time and half a time & "a thousand two hundred and threescore days").
I believe the Bible clearly and unequivocally teaches that the so-called rapture and the Second Coming are but one and the very same event. The Second Coming of Christ will be post tribulational.
Dispensational theology is a relatively new teaching (circa 1830) and in its earlier years was known as Darbyism (after J.N.Darby) subsequently it spread like wildfire (quite literally!) throughout the USA and beyond, being energised by the Scofield Reference Bible. It should be a matter of great concern to all true believers that false Dispensational theology will be the cause of much end times Christian deception. Apart from an any moment rapture and a seven year tribulation period, the theologians that teach this false theology are in little agreement on many of the manifest errors that flow from it.
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