Tuesday, 24 July 2018

Are we saved because we believe, or because God CHOSE us?

This debate has raged on down through the centuries, with increasing intensity since the Reformation started in earnest; delivering the masses from pagan Roman Catholic deception, superstition, and idolatry.
Lets make sure that I have put the cart after the horse and not before it. It is true that all so-called Calvinistic believers are born Arminians; who say "It was my will that made the difference-for I chose God to save me!" Most certainly, I was an Arminian, because I believed that it was me who made a really sensible decision for Christ; why perish in hell for eternity when I can live in bliss for eternity? I mean you would have to be stark raving mad not to believe! wouldn't you?! I almost flattered myself for being so shrewd as it were in this 'decision'! But, alas I had no assurance of my salvation, in fact absolutely less than zero assurance! I had to know more; am I really saved? I was never once assured by anything a church pastor or fellow Christian said on this most important matter, I had to dig deep into God's written word to find out what He had to say about it. I kept coming across the words elect, election, foreknowledge, predestination, etc, and the fact that God has a book of life with names written in it; this being the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. Rev. 13.8. We are informed in Ephesians 1.4 that the foundation in the aforementioned Scripture has in fact a far deeper meaning, for we are told that God hath chosen us in Him from before the foundation of the world. (my emphasis). It is from Scriptures such as these that I started to understand the truth of the doctrine of election, yet at the same time became bewildered that so many seemed to deny it! I then started to look for writings on this 'mysterious' subject, which really ought not to be, for to me at any rate, it seemed to be plastered all over God's Book!

It is written of Satan and his demons that the devils also believe, and tremble. James 2.19! Scant assurance then only for believing! But, of course, believing is also a necessary requirement, God forbid that I should deny it! Nevertheless, there is something more to faith and salvation than simply uttering a few words as many do these days. Peter's exhortation; give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if you do these things, ye shall never fall. 2 Peter 1.10; this makes it very clear that there is an election, and that it is God that does the calling (John 10.16, 27); for in verse 3 we read, According as His Divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him that hath called us to glory and virtue. (my emphasis). It is God in Christ that does the calling, election, choosing, call it what you will. How can any enter into glory on our own terms? Quite why God would choose a miserable wretch like me, is beyond me, but I believe it! God has a book of life, and let us not be presumptuous because we are chosen, and therefore lets walk worthy of this calling 2 Thess. 1.11. There have been, and no doubt will continue to be Calvinists who would presume on election to the extent that they may even lead a profligate lifestyle and assume that all will be well on the last Day, ignoring the many admonishments to lead a life of holiness; Heb. 12.14, 1 Thess.4.7, Eph. 5.5, John 14.15 etc.

I hate Arminian 'free-will' theology with every bent of my body for it thoroughly strips God of His glory and right to choose His own, nevertheless, I must concede that there have been, and no doubt still are, some very godly men and women who reject what is known as Calvinistic doctrine, yet live a lifestyle that would put many Calvinists to shame!

Quite where the sovereignty of God and the 'free-will' of man meet, none can say, and I am no fatalist as some who reject my theology errantly think, for we are responsible creatures.

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