He is Himself the Fountain of peace. Perfect tranquility reigns in His whole Being. He is never ruffled in the smallest measure, never perturbed by anything, either from within or without Himself. How could He be? Nothing can possibly take Him by surprise, for Known unto God are all His works from the beginning of the world (Acts 15.18). Nothing can ever disappoint Him, for of Him, and through Him, and to Him, are all things (Rom. 11.36). Nothing can to the slightest degree disturb His perfect equanimity, for He is the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning (James 1.17). Consequently perfect serenity ever fills Him: that is one component element of His essential glory. Ineffable peace is one of the jewels in the diadem of Deity.
Mr Pink goes on to say....
Numerous sermons have been preached upon the God of love and the God of all grace, but where shall we find any on the God of peace, except it be as the reconciled God? Yet only once in all the Scriptures is He specifically designated the God of love, and only once the God of all grace, yet five times over He is addressed or referred to as the God of peace. As such, a perpetual calm characterises His whole Being: He is infinitely blessed in Himself.
Pages 122-123 Arthur W. Pink's STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES (June 1944)
We are told by the Saviour in His Sermon on the Mount Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which in heaven is perfect. Matt. 5.48. A lofty goal?! but how few seem to strive for it! It seems to me, at any rate, that the internet is now awash with Christians slagging off one another because they don't agree with each other on points of doctrine.
Certainly we should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. Jude 3, I am all for this.
I write against the pre-tribulation rapture because I don't see it taught anywhere in God's Book, it is an invention of man. Often I leave comments on other blogs and sites, and have got involved in lengthy debates, but as far as I can recollect, I have never once got involved in vitriolic exchanges, slagging others off with insults! I also write about pre-destination/election and other doctrines, and do so with as much grace as God provides. When in these 'conflicts' (for that is what they can become!) it generally happens that when one with an opposing belief cannot successfully argue their position from Scripture, that they will turn to name calling or just ignore you. I was recently involved in a debate with a fellow blogger who would call himself a Biblicist, that is neither a Calvinist or Arminian; not that such a position exists! And when I said that I see the 5 points of the doctrines of grace (aka Calvinism) clearly taught in God's word, I was accused of being "blasphemous"!
But this I confess unto thee, that after the way which they call heresy, so worship I the God of my fathers, believing all things which are written in the law and the prophets. Acts 24.14.
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