Friday, 27 July 2018

Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones 1899-1981 Misunderstood and Misquoted by the Pentecostals?

I hadn't previously read any of Dr Lloyd-Jones work until very recently, and that but a small (40 page), but excellent booklet entitled CONVERSIONS PSYCHOLOGICAL AND SPIRITUAL. I came across this book by 'chance' in a charity shop. I had hitherto been wary of this reformed and Protestant teacher, for the Pentecostals seemed to claim him as one of their own, much due to his teaching on the Baptism with the Holy Spirit, for in later life he taught it as a separate experience from conversion. But it isn't quite as clear cut as the charismatics, would have us think; don't they ever "muddy the waters"! Read this quote from the good doctor (he was a medical doctor);

"I think it quite without scriptural warrant to say all these gifts ended with the apostles or the apostolic era. I believe there have been undoubted miracles since then. At the same time most of the claimed miracles by the Pentecostalists and others certainly do not belong to that category and can be explained psychologically or in other ways. I am also of the opinion that most if not all, of the people claiming to speak in tongues at the present time are certainly under a psychological rather than a spiritual influence. But again I would not dare to say "tongues" are impossible at the present time."
(Emphasis's mine).  
Letter to Dr. Gerald Golden. Sept. 1969.

Puts an entirely different slant on things, doesn't it? It is the sine qua non of Pentecostal charismatic theology; talking, praying, and singing in tongues! In fact, I go would go further; many within Pentecostalism believe and teach that talking in tongues is a confirmation that you have been baptised in the Holy Spirit.  And I speak from experience, for I used to fellowship in two charismatic outfits.  It soon became obvious to me that the "tongues" I heard breached all known Scriptural parameters. What is more, you are made to feel a second class Christian if you don't participate! At no point did I ever feel urged to try to talk in tongues, although one lady in particular tried to encourage my wife to do so. Let us also qualify the doctor's statement "I believe there have been undoubted miracles since then." I would go further; I consider it a "miracle" that a single blade of grass can grow from a 'dead' seed!
Most certainly, we cannot limit God, for He is upholding all things by the word of His power; Heb. 1.3. Not some things! (my emphasis).

Dr. Lloyd-Jones claimed that those who held to a single baptism in the Spirit were 'quenching the Spirit', and toward the end of his life he urged his listeners to actively seek an experience of the Holy Spirit. On his exposition of Eph. 6.10-13 (1976), he says;

"Do you know anything of this fire? If you do not, confess it to God and acknowledge it. Repent, and ask Him to send the Spirit and His love into you until you are melted and moved, until you are filled with His love divine, and know His love to you,and rejoice in it as His child, and look forward to the hope of the coming glory. 'Quench not the Spirit', but rather 'be filled with the Spirit' and 'rejoice in Christ Jesus'. Lloyd-Jones 1976 p 275.

Lloyd-Jones retired 'early' from his position at Westminster Chapel in 1968, following a major operation. He spoke of his belief that God had stopped him from preaching, because he didn't personally know enough about "joy in the Holy Spirit", (before this set-back, he was preaching through Romans, and his next sermon was to be based on Romans 14.17; "...and joy in the Holy Ghost."! 
(A condensed summary from his Wikipedia page:-well worth reading).

Indeed, one can imagine, if all this be true (and I see no reason why not), how such an experience could shake such an one to re-evaluate his theology! But, notwithstanding we should remain anchored to What is written, Luke 10.26. Lloyd-Jones, one would assume, been previously what is commonly known as a "Calvinist cessationist", and his 'experience', no doubt had a profound effect on him. Certainly, there is not one Scripture that says "and from this point on the miraculous gifts have now ceased", but it is very clear to me, and the great majority of reformed believers/theologians that the these gifts did indeed cease. It is beyond the scope of this present article to expound thereon, all I will say on this is, why did Paul say; Trophimus have I left at Miletum sick. 2 Tim. 4.20? What happened?
All of the images I have personally seen of the good doctor, portray him (to me at least) as a dour, stern, severe, cold and hard nosed Calvinist! Yet, this was very far from the truth as his daughter and son in law (Sir Fred and Lady Catherwood) testify in MARTYN LLOYD-JONES The Man and His Books (1982).

As for myself.
I remember my conversion from being a nominal believer to really believing. I was listening to a sermon by an Anglican Bishop in 2001 by the name of Mike Hill in a summer camp in late August 2001 in Gorsley, Gloucestershire. It was only what some may describe as a standard sermon on the Lord Jesus dying on the cross to save people, along with a metaphorical teaching of a certain woman who forgave a man for killing her only son and took him in for her own. Something happened! I was completely overcome with tears, my hair (I have a full head of hair!) became soaking wet, and my shirt needed wringing out, and this was taking place about half way through his sermon! I remember looking around, and I became aware that I appeared to be the only one in this state, also it was nigh on impossible to remain composed, but I managed somehow to do so. After Bishop Hill's talk was over, I approached him to ask him about all of this, but remember him being aloof and cold, he just uttered a few short words, which I cannot recollect and turned away abruptly and carried on talking to the pastor of the chapel, who also seemed very distant and unconcerned. I just felt I had to talk to someone knowledgeable about what was going on. I really did feel that I had been ran over by a bus, and there was no-one to help! I was confused why these two 'men of God' were so dismissive toward me. The evening went on, and afterwards my wife and I went to pick up our daughter from the children's camp, then we went to our tent. I couldn't sleep the whole evening and just wouldn't stop sweating, (it wasn't that warm!) I couldn't explain what had happened, and was starting to worry if there was something wrong with me. We were at the camp another two evenings, and I started to get back to 'normal', for life goes on, as they say. But, I was a changed man, nothing dramatic happened, but slowly and surely I started to develop a hunger for reading and studying the Bible, for I had the clear revelation; if this is true, nothing else really matters (Phil. 3.8).

Even though, it would appear that I was a believer before I had the above mentioned experience, I would only say that until that evening I hadn't been born of the Spirit, John 3.8, I wasn't born again, John 3.3, the Spirit that quickeneth, John 6.63, had not yet convicted me, John 16.8. When a man preaches God's word verbatim quoting from Scripture, be he a true saint, or a false professor, the Lord Jesus said; My sheep hear My voice, John 10.27. This is why I believe the Lord told His disciples to let those casting out devils...and who would do a miracle in My name, to continue in their efforts; Mark 9.38-39, & Luke 9.49-50, though His disciples said of such; he followeth not us.
Regarding conversions, without the Holy Spirit converting a person, it is impossible for anyone to truly believe; 1 Cor. 2.14, John 3.5-8, Eph. 2.1, Col. 2.13 etc. Nevertheless, we ought always to pray to God for the help and guidance of His Holy Spirit, Eph. 5.18, as we navigate our way through this world.

Now back to the good doctor. I was having an on-line conversation about Arthur W. Pink regarding one of my recent book reviews. The gentleman said "Pink was cold, unloving and other such attributes which come out in his writings-you really ought to read Dr. Lloyd- Jones instead, as warmth flows from his pen." To which I replied; "That's funny, I don't know what Lloyd-Jones would think about that, for he said of A.W. Pink; talking to one young minister, "Don't waste your time reading Barth and Brunner. You will get nothing from them to aid you with preaching, read Pink."!
Pink, Arthur Walkington, Biographical Dictionary of Evangelicals, Timothy Larson (ed). p 166.

The writings of A.W. Pink have been a great blessing to me.

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