Sunday, 3 November 2019

Brexit From A Biblical Standpoint

You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave!

The United Kingdom through a democratic process called a referendum in 2016 voted to leave the European Union, yet the will of the people has not prevailed - is this not the death of democracy? Sir Robert Anderson (1841-1918) Scotland Yard commissioner and Brethren scholar said "the full and final development of democracy will be despotism". And so it will be! it has to be, for Christ will destroy the "god of this world" and his puppet - "the man of sin" the Antichrist, by "the brightness of His coming" 2 Thess.2:8. Antichrist  must needs come first in order for Christ to come and destroy him; ungodliness, therefore, in all its manifest forms (as we are witnessing today!) must increasingly abound.

How incredulous-the nation which hosts the so-called "mother of  all parliaments" cannot carry out a simple mandate-to leave the EU! Great political pressure has been brought to bear from all sides to make sure that if  we do leave, we must leave with a deal! How one-sided is this-imagine you go to buy a car, or whatever, and you are told that you can't walk away from it without doing a deal! the very essence of entering into a deal in the first place is to be able to walk away from it if the terms don't suit you. But such is the case-we have been pressured to believe that we cannot leave without a deal! For the UK to be a truly independent and sovereign union, she must leave without a deal, for is it not now obvious to all and sundry that the differences on both sides are truly irreconcilable - especially with regard to the backstop?

The Bible teaches the revived Roman empire (the fourth beast) is represented by the ten toes of Nebuchadnezzar's "great image" Dan.2:31, this image will be destroyed by Christ represented as "the stone cut out of the mountain without hands" Dan.2:45, we know that this happens at Christ's return in glory for the Scripture says "in the days of these kings (the ten toes) shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed." Dan.2:44. The demands of the resurgent beast are that all must bend to it, as England, Wales, the Scottish lowlands were occupied by the first Roman Empire which constitute the "ten toes" so it will be with the revived Roman empire, that will be in existence, in the height of its strength at the time of Christ's Second Coming in glory to destroy it. Of the final confederation of the revived Roman Empire; the"ten toes" it is said of it that it constitutes "part of iron and part of clay" Dan.2:33. Do we not presently see this in Brexit? is not the "clay" the reticent, and reluctant UK? I believe that once the dust has settled on the Brexit saga, the UK will be a major player in the reemerging Roman Empire: for it was once said of her "the sun never set on the British Empire". The emerging Roman Empire has "ten toes" not twenty seven! at some future time these "ten toes" will be clearly manifested, at least to those whom God has given the eyes to see.

Brexit didn't happen on October 31st, despite prime minister Boris Johnson saying he would "rather die in a ditch" than not leave on that date. An extension to the ongoing saga has been granted by our 'masters' in Brussels until 31st January 2020.
I believe that political chicanery will rule the eventual outcome of Brexit - a 'deal' will happen, and it will no doubt be sold as "win-win"! The nay sayers will be silenced, and the masses will be glad that the debacle has finally been 'settled', that is their unrealized and feared "worst case scenarios" of price rises, food scarcity, and whatever else is now behind them. Such is their great distrust of the Creator God of the whole earth of the Holy Bible! He alone is the Provider! "Jehovah Jireh" Gen.22:14, that is the Lord will provide.

"Can He provide flesh for His people?" Psalm 78:20.

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