From BBC News 10th November 2019:
Russian professor admits murder after woman's arms found in bag.
A well known Russian historian has confessed to murdering his lover - a former student - his lawyer says, after he was found in a river with a backpack containing a woman's arms.
Oleg Sokolov, 63, was drunk and fell into the river as he tried to dispose of body parts, local media said.
Police then found the decapitated body of Anastasia Yeshchenko, 24, at his home.
Prof Sokolov is a Napoleon expert who has received France's Legion d'Honneur."
The article goes on to say:
"The historian has written several books on Napoleon and also acted as a historical consultant on several films. He and Ms Yeshchenko had co-authored several works.
Both he and Ms Yeshchenko studied French history and enjoyed wearing period costumes, with Prof Sokolov dressing up as Napoleon.
Students described him as both a talented lecturer who spoke French and did impressions of Napoleon and as a "freak" who called his lover"Josephine" and asked to be addressed as "Sire" AFP reported.
He was also a member of France's Institute of Social Science, Economics and Politics (Issep), which on Saturday said it had removed him from his position on its scientific committee.
"We learn with horror...the atrocious crime of which Oleg Sokolov is guilty," it said in a statement.
"We could never imagine that he could commit such an odious act," the statement added.
I have emphasised the last couple of sentences because this is the way the worldling reasons. They say "We could never imagine..." this is because the Russian professor had awards and accreditation's heaped upon him by secular institutions, he was revered in his field of expertise. However, the true Christian knows full and well, that given the right circumstances, every unregenerate man and woman despite their learning, is capable of "such an odious act", and indeed far worse!
Prof. Sokolov practically worshipped the despotic Napoleon, imitating him in any way he knew how-he was practically possessed as it were by Napoleon's spirit! he knew well the barbarities, atrocities, call them what you will, that Napoleon committed, and was capable of committing, is it any wonder that an intelligent man of the world who worshipped such a 'hero', would go on to commit such a wicked act? he was to all intents and purposes, living out Napoleon's life in the present day.
Eschatological students have long viewed Napoleon as a prototype of the coming "man of sin" 2 Thessalonians 2:3, the "Antichrist" 1 John 2:18; little wonder that a man immersing himself into the character of Napoleon went on to commit such an evil act, isn't it? and this to one who shared his passion.
The Bible is clear on the fact of man's totally depraved nature, left to himself, without the restraining hand of God, who knows what he is capable of?
Now, if Prof Sokolov had imitated Christ (1 Corinthians 11:1) instead of a type of the coming Antichrist....
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