To any with the least modicum of biblical understanding, is it not clear that the Bible teaches true Christians are but "sheep"; how utterly absurd then is the notion that sheep can rule over baying wolves ready to eat us up alive? - what madness! If the world is full of wolves (and it is!) how can they submit to Christ's written word? Christians who would be politicians will only ever compromise with the world, and who knows what their last state will be? they are doomed to failure, instead of learning politics such so-called Christians would be better advised to study God's Book! The wolves will only submit to Him as defeated foes (Philippians 3:10) when He returns as conquering King to destroy the world system (Daniel 2:34-35). It is said of the writings of the Old Testament that "whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning.." Romans 15:4; this is the truth; is it then wrong to apply this verse to the mistakes of the last 500 years since the Reformation began? The Bible says that we are "one blood" Acts 17:26 (Genesis 3:20) so the Christian should learn to be in "the world" but not "of the world" John 17:15-18. We learn that only by trying to "live godly in Christ Jesus shall we suffer persecution." 2 Timothy 3:12! "Can two walk together except they be agreed?" Amos 3:3, the Christian cannot enter the political realm. It is evident that we who profess faith in Christ as Lord cannot walk without His guidance, is it not? Calvin,and all who would erect a Christian government on the earth cannot do so!
God's elect will be instrumental in the soon coming millennial reign (Luke 19:15). He alone it is who will tell his saints "have authority over ten cities" Luke 19:17! "The earth is the Lord's, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein." Psalm 24:1, O! how little believed is this verse!
Let us take a brief recourse through the book of James at this juncture; if "pure" and "undefiled" and "unspotted" James 1:27 mean anything to the Christian in our day, can we have intercourse with the worlds pleasures, politics, and peoples without becoming defiled? Because of our new birth we have been taken out of the world, and according to other Scriptures, we are preserved from it by God. How then can we vote for people that support ungodliness, i.e. same sex marriage, sodomy, abortion, and the rest? I haven't voted in any election, of any kind in the last 15 years or more, for I could see the issues back then, I care not one whit about the expansion of airport runways, motorways, rail infrastructure improvements, housing, and the rest of it when the "first principles" Hebrews 5:12, that underpin society are cast aside as "filthy rags" Isaiah 64:6.
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