Friday, 8 November 2019

Vote For None Of The Above!

Can the true Christian put the X to any name in the ballot box in our day?

Further to my last couple of postings on the Brexit saga and politics in general, many professing Christians who lack a correct theological understanding of where they are in regard to the millennium, will err in their views on politics in this democratic age. The next age will be theocratic, the elect saints will be allocated their various positions of authority in the nations, ruling under the headship of Christ. The elect will know what is required of them to rule in righteousness and truth for they will have learned His laws and precepts in this age, having written His "laws into their hearts, and in their minds." Hebrews 8:10, 10:16, and this will apply likewise to unconverted Israel upon His return.
In my various discussions (in person) with Christians upon the topic of the millennium, I often get the reply "leave that to the theologians-let us just get on with doing good!" They have a zeal, but not according to knowledge, they carry on with their social gospel (which is no gospel at all) believing that somehow they will convert the world to Christ with their feverish activities-ignorant to the fact it is possible to do the wrong thing-such it was with the Pharisees! They think by their good works, people will see the love of Christ in them, and will want what they have-such futile thinking! the Lord of glory said to His disciples; "ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake" even "brother shall deliver up the brother to death..." Matthew 10:22 & 21. For crying out loud-they crucified our Lord! and "He went about doing good" Acts 10:38!!! I don't say we shouldn't do good works, for the Lord's brother said "faith without works is dead" James 2:20*. If we are Christians (both true and false professors alike) it will manifest itself to the unbelieving world by the way we interact with it; through our speech, and general behaviour. But what are good  works exactly? is it not primarily to preach the true Gospel? i.e. to tell whomever to "repent and believe" Mark 1:15? But, how much of this is done today-don't we all fail miserably here? the whole world seems (to me, at any rate), glued to their mobile devices, walking, sitting and driving-such busy lives they lead!
The works that the Christian should do are basically wrapped up in the two great commandments (Matthew 22:38-40 the Decalogue) and being obedient to the law of the land (Romans 13:1-4) apart from when it conflicts with God's commandments, and have we not now entered the age where civil laws are increasingly at variance with God's?

We are not at present in the millennium, for Christ is little thought of in our day! ungodliness is ever in the ascendancy, Antichrist must needs come first in order for Christ to "destroy him with the brightness of His Coming." 2 Thessalonians 2:8. The Lord's Day is yet to come when "the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea." Habakkuk 2:14, Isaiah 11:9. These verses alone should dispel the post-millennial myth and confirm Christ's pre-millennial return to the earth, also rendering the amillennial theory false as well! For every word in the prophetical Scriptures shall be minutely fulfilled to the last jot and tittle.

*In James's letter, the reference to orphans and widows (James 1:27) were certainly singled out for especial help, but this was an age before big government, social welfare programmes, NHS, and so on. Everyone in our day is provided for from cradle to the grave (in the western nations at least!).
The welfare state has taken away personal responsibility from the people-such was the aim of the Marxist socialist Anuerin Bevan who was the mastermind behind the NHS!

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